Tag: Veterans

Daines, Tester, Rosendale Urge President Biden to Honor Final Surviving WWII Medal Of Honor Recipient with State Funeral

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Matt Rosendale sent a letter to President Biden advocating for a state funeral to be held for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient. “These ceremonies offer our nation the opportunity to pause and reflect on the service of not only the individual, but also those who served alongside them,” the delegation wrote. “Mr. President, you hold the authority to designate a state funeral and we request that you honor the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from World War II with this distinction.” Montana’s very own Captain William W. Galt,

Daines, Tester Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Honor Montana WWII Cadet Nurses

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today reintroduced the bipartisan “U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act” to honor women who served in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps during WWII with honorary veteran status. “The women of the United States Cadet Corps left a legacy of service that makes all Montanans and Americans proud,” Daines said. “It’s time to rightfully honor them, recognize their hard work, and give them the veteran status they earned.” “We owe a debt of gratitude to the members of the Cadet Nurse Corps who provided critical health care during World War II,” said Chairman Tester. “These women stepped

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Help Connect Montana Veterans with Service Dogs

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines cosponsored a bipartisan bill today, the “Puppies Assisting Wounded Service Members,” or “PAWS Act,” to help Montana veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by providing access to service dogs.  “Montana veterans gave so much on behalf of our country in order to protect our freedoms,” Daines said. “Helping connect Montana veterans struggling with PTSD with a loving pup is a small way we can show our gratitude for their service.”   Hear from a local Montana veteran thanking Senator Daines for his work on the bipartisan legislation and more about the benefits of having

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bills to Support Montana Veterans, Military Families

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today cosponsored two bipartisan bills that would support Montana veterans and active military families. The bipartisan “Improving Housing Outcomes for Veterans Act” provides resources to veterans facing homelessness and the bipartisan “Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act” helps support jobs for military spouses. “Montana veterans and Montana military families make great sacrifices for our nation. It is one of my top priorities to ensure that the brave men and women and their families who’ve given so much to protect our freedoms receive the support and services they need,” Daines stated. Bills cosponsored by Daines: Improving Housing Outcomes for Veterans Act – This bill ensures the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is providing

Daines Cosponsors Bill to Support Montana Veterans Affected by Burn Pits

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines cosponsored legislation to help veterans who were exposed to toxins, specifically burn pits, while serving in the military. The bill, “Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act,” would lift a barrier that prevents veterans from receiving care from Department of Veterans Affairs.  “Many of Montana’s veterans suffer serious health complications after serving our country and it’s our duty to ensure they receive the care they need,” Daines said. “This bill requires the VA to take proactive steps to protect our Gulf War and post-9/11 veterans, to avoid repeating past mistakes.” The “Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act” would:  Acknowledge an

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Help Disabled Veterans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today cosponsored the “Major Richard Star Act” to allow certain disabled veterans to receive their retirement pension and disability pension at the same time.  Federal law currently restricts most veterans from receiving both payments, forcing them to choose one or the other.  This bill alleviates that concern for some 42,000 veterans nationwide. “Montana’s veterans and their families have made great sacrifices to serve our country. We need to ensure that federal laws are working to support these brave men and women, not working against them,” Daines stated. “This legislation will help retired veterans with disabilities get the support that they need. I won’t stop working to

Daines, Manchin Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Protect Military Retirees from Losing their Healthcare

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines (Mont.) and Joe Manchin (W. Va.) today introduced the bipartisan TRICARE Retiree Protection Act to ensure that America’s military retirees will not lose their healthcare as a result of new policy changes that took effect on January 1st, 2021. “Our bipartisan bill will help ensure we take care of our veterans and continue to provide quality healthcare for their service to this nation,” Daines said. “I’ll always support and protect our veterans who have served our nation and defended our freedom.” “Our servicemembers bravely fought for our nation and as they retire after

Daines Introduces Bipartisan Bills to Support Montana Veterans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced two bipartisan bills to support Montana veterans, the bipartisan “Tricare Retiree Protection Act,” which protects Montana veterans from losing their healthcare and the bipartisan “Hire Student Veterans Act,” which provides a tax credit to businesses that employ veterans currently attending school and looking for internships and other job opportunities. “My bipartisan legislation will ensure Montana veterans continue to have the healthcare they‘ve earned, as well as increase employment opportunities for student veterans,” Daines said. “I’ll always support and protect Montana veterans who have served our nation and defended our freedom.” Tricare Retiree

Daines Bills Supporting Veterans Pensions, Women Vets Signed Into Law

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today celebrated two of his bipartisan bills supporting Montana’s veterans being signed into law by President Trump. Daines’ bills, included in a broader veterans legislative package, will expand opportunities and programs for female veterans at the VA as well as help protect veterans pensions from being exploited. “I’m glad the President has signed these important bipartisan veterans priorities into law that will expand opportunities and programs for female veterans at the VA and take steps to protect veterans pensions from being exploited,” Daines said. More details on the Senator’s legislation below: Deborah Sampson Act: Empowers women veterans by

Daines Delivers Big Wins for National Defense, Troops, Veterans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines yesterday voted to support and fund several critical defense and veterans priorities.  “This critical funding ensures America maintains the best military in the world, gives our troops a much needed pay raise, provides support for Montana veterans and strengthens Montana’s defense priorities,” Daines said.    Strengthens Montana’s and the Nation’s Defense Forces: $180 million for Air Force C-130 propeller upgrades (4-blade to 8-blade) $368 million for Army’s CH-47 Chinook helicopters $923.4 million for National Guard Counter-Drug Program, which includes an increase of $100 million for the National Guard State Plans program and $20 million