Tag: Veterans

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Rick Young of Forsyth

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today honored Rick Young of Forsyth, a U.S. Marine, for his dedicated efforts to expand quality health care for all Montana veterans. Despite suffering from a serious illness himself, Rick was able to successfully advocate for area veterans to receive long-term care through the Rosebud Health Care Center (RHCC) in Forsyth. RHCC recently established a contract with the VA, which now allows for veterans to receive long-term care in Forsyth rather than having to travel a greater distance to the approved Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility in Glendive. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week

Tester, Daines lead effort to combat Native American veteran homelessness

Montana senators sponsor bill to permanently reauthorize successful tribal housing initiative (Montana) – To honor the contributions Native American veterans have made to this nation, Vice Chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee Jon Tester and Senator Steve Daines have introduced bipartisan legislation to combat veteran homelessness in Indian Country. The Senators’ bipartisan bill will make HUD-VASH funds, which provide rental assistance to homeless or at-risk homeless veterans, permanently available to Native American tribes and tribal housing authorities. “Native Americans serve in the military at the highest rate per capita of any group in the United States,” Tester said.  “This year

Daines Statement in Honor of Veterans Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement to honor America’s heroes ahead of Veterans Day: “On Veterans Day, we gather across Montana and all around America to show our respect and gratitude for those who have served our country. Veterans Day is a special day for our nation. It is a day in which we pause and thank those who have served and continue to serve.  “For decades, our enemies have tested our strength, yet we continue to demonstrate our resolve. America and the world are better places because of the courage our veterans and service members

Daines: Senate Working to Uphold Promises to Our Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today commended the unanimous passage of critical veterans’ funding legislation that addresses several of Montana veterans’ long-standing concerns. The Senate today passed the bipartisan FY 2016 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that secures important reforms to increase Montana veterans’ access to health care services and ensure that all Montana veterans are treated with the utmost care and respect.  “Today Republicans and Democrats joined together to ensure our nation’s veterans have access to the services and support they deserve,” Daines stated. “Our veterans deserve the utmost care and respect, which is why Congress must

Daines Helps Recognize November as National Native American Heritage Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines has helped introduced a Senate resolution to recognize the month of November as National Native American Heritage Month. The resolution celebrates the heritages and cultures of Native Americans and recognizes their many contributions to the United States. The resolution was unanimously passed by the Senate. “National Native American Heritage Month honors the importance of tribal self-governance, preserving indigenous languages, the United States’ commitment to strengthening the government-to-government relationship and the importance of Native Americans’ heritage to our country at large,” Daines stated. “This resolution also honors Native American veterans like the Crow Tribe Code Talkers, who played

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Pete Gardzina of Montana City

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today honored Pete Gardzina from Montana City. Pete is the current Transition Assistance Advisor for the Montana National Guard and works to help Montana veterans transition to civilian life after returning from deployment.  Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of the Week” program by calling Daines’ office at 202-224-2651 or by

Daines: Bipartisan Vote to Move Forward Veterans Funding Bill Is How Washington Should Work

Daines urges Senate Democrats to end block of critical defense funding legislation WASHINGTON, D.C. —Senator Steve Daines today applauded the bipartisan Senate vote to move forward debate on legislation to fund critical veterans’ services and noted that bipartisan cooperation on spending bills is “how Washington should work.” Daines also reaffirmed the need for Senate Democrats to end their political block on Defense Appropriations legislation, which Democrats doubled-down on earlier today by voting to block consideration of the funding bill.  “It is welcome news that Senate Democrats are joining Republican in prioritizing the needs of our nation’s veterans. These selfless men and women

Daines Honors Fort Peck Chairman Rusty Stafne in Congressional Record

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today honored A.T. “Rusty” Stafne, Chairman of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes. Chairman Stafne has completed his term as Chairman and will not be seeking re-election. Daines honored Chairman Stafne by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. The following is the statement submitted to the Congressional Record:  IN RECOGNITION OF CHAIRMAN RUSTY STAFNE MR. DAINES. Mr. President, I rise in recognition of the loyal service of A.T. “Rusty” Stafne, Chairman of the Fort

Daines Remembers World War II Veteran Charles DeCrane

Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks.  Earlier today, Senator Steve Daines took to the Senate floor in honor of Montana World War II veteran Charles DeCrane, a member of the Crow Tribe, who passed away earlier this week in Billings, Montana. Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this morning: “Today I rise in honor of Montana World War II veteran Charles DeCrane, a member of the Crow Tribe, who passed away earlier this week in Billings, Montana.  “Charlie was an incredible person – he was hardworking, he dedicated his life to

Daines Honors Montanans of the Week: Sgt. Michaela Boushey and SSG Shayne Boushey of Havre

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today honored Sgt. Michaela Boushey and SSG Shayne Boushey of Havre for their dedicated service to Montana and the nation. Sgt. Michaela Boushey has served in the Montana Army National Guard for eight years, including four years in the 112th Security and Support Detachment Aviation Unit. Her husband, SSG Shayne Boushey, has completed deployments with both the Infantry Battalion and the Military Police Company. During his deployment to Afghanistan, SSG Boushey helped saved the lives of his fellow servicemembers following a Taliban suicide bomb attack. Next week, Daines’ wife Cindy will present the Bousheys with certificates of