Tag: Veterans

Daines, Gianforte Honor Fallen Montana Hero Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte today attended a White House Ceremony that posthumously awarded Army Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins with the Medal of Honor. In conjunction with today’s ceremony, Daines and Gianforte introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate and House to rename the VA clinic in Bozeman after the fallen Montana war hero. “It was a privilege to stand with Staff Sergeant Travis Atkins’ mom, dad, and son as President Trump awarded Travis our nation’s highest distinction – the Medal of Honor,” Daines said.  “A Montana native, Travis’ extraordinary valor and sacrificial service are a

Daines, Tester, Gianforte Introduce Bill to Name Ridge in Memory of Fallen Heroes

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte reintroduced the B-47 Ridge Designation Act. The legislation honors Capt. Bill Faulconer, Lt. Fred Hixenbaugh, Lt. David Sutton and Lt. Lloyd Sawyers all tragically lost their lives in a plane crash 1962. “I am honored to once again introduce this bill to name the unnamed ridge off of Emigrant Peak “B-47 Ridge,” Daines said. “In 1962, Capt. Bill Faulconer, Lt. Fred Hixenbaugh, Lt. David Sutton and Lt. Lloyd Sawyers lost their lives while serving our country. Naming this ridge in their memory will forever remind Montanans and visitors of

Daines to VA: Our Veterans Deserve Better

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today during a hearing in the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, told leaders of the United States Department of Veterans’ Affairs that their plan for the Electronic Health Record Modernization is a recipe for disaster, and veterans deserve better.              Download video HERE  “Enterprise solutions with a 10-year timeline and a $16 billion price tag – that is a recipe for disaster. That is a recipe for not spending tax dollars wisely. But the people who are hurt most by that are our veterans,” Daines stated. The hearing was

Daines Helps Secure $355,500 to Assist Disabled Veterans in Their Homes

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced a grant of $355,500 to Action for Eastern Montana. The grant will be used to fund 12 senior companions so that dozens of disabled veterans across six Montana counties will be able to continue living independently in their own homes. “As a nation, we must honor the commitment we’ve made to our veterans,” Daines said. “This grant will allow 36 disabled Montana veterans to stay in their homes and near their friends and loved ones.” “I want to thank Senator Daines for his time and effort in helping us to get the Choose Home Grant for Action

Daines Secures $549,986 for the Missoula Veterans Treatment Court

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the 4th Judicial District Court of Montana was awarded a grant from the Department of Justice for $549,986 to enhance the Missoula Veterans Treatment Court Program. The announcement comes after Daines sent a letter supporting the grant application. “Montana is home to one of the largest veteran populations per capita,” Daines said. “Montana veterans protected and defended our freedom, and these funds will help ensure they receive the benefits they have earned and the care they deserve. I’m glad to have supported this important grant initiative.” The funding will allow the Missoula Veterans Treatment Court

Daines to Wilkie: Give Veterans the Care They Deserve

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President Donald J. Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie. “Robert Wilkie has proven he is committed to keeping the promises we’ve made to our nation’s veterans,” Daines stated. “I look forward to working with him to ensure our veterans receive the care they deserve at the Department of Veterans Affairs.”  Daines and Wilkie discussed the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center, the VA Mission Act and progress on the Southwest Montana Veterans Home. During the meeting, Daines hand-delivered a letter to Wilkie outlining two of the most

Committee Passes Daines’ Initiatives to Support Butte Veterans Home, Malta Training Center

U.S. SENATE — Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ initiative to quicken the construction of the Butte Veterans home by making sure the VA establishes a deadline for its completion and ensuring the VA properly uses the taxpayer dollars that fund the project. “Montana veterans have been waiting for too long for a veterans’ home in Butte,” said Daines. “After years of mismanagement and inefficient use of taxpayer dollars, it is time the VA put the shovel in the ground for this project.” The Committee also passed Daines’ initiative to fully fund the construction of a new

Daines Amendment to Protect States’ Rights, Allow Medical Marijuana Use for Veterans Passes

U.S. SENATE – Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ amendment that protects states’ 10th Amendment right and allows veterans’ to discuss with VA physicians the use of medical marijuana in states where it is legal. The amendment would allow for parity between VA and non-VA facilities in states like Montana, which have medical marijuana programs. It does not change current laws preventing the possession or dispensing of marijuana on VA property, but simply allows veterans to discuss all options that are legally available in their state with their VA doctor. “Veterans should not be discriminated

President Signs Montana Delegation’s Bill to Rename Three VA Facilities in Honor of Montana Veterans

Montana VA clinics to honor David Thatcher, Dr. Joe Medicine Crow, and Ben Steele U.S. SENATE — President Donald Trump signed the Montana congressional delegation’s legislation to rename three Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. This legislation, which was introduced by U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte, recognizes the commitment to duty and the personal courage of three Montana veterans by renaming VA facilities in Missoula and Billings in their honor. The Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Missoula will be renamed in honor of David J. Thatcher, the Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Billings will be renamed in honor of Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow

President to Sign Daines’ Bill to Overhaul VA, Strengthen Care for Veterans

U.S. SENATE – In the hours leading up to President Donald Trump signing the VA MISSION Act into law, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today spoke on the Senate floor to highlight the positive impact that this legislation will have on veterans’ access to critical health care services. This legislation, which Daines helped champion in the U.S. Senate, will overhaul the VA Choice Program and provide better health care for Montana’s veterans. Daines will join President Trump at the White House this afternoon for a bill signing ceremony for this essential reform. Watch video HERE. Download video HERE.   Excerpt from Prepared Remarks: