Tag: Tax

Daines, Lankford, Crapo Call to Slash Funding to Global Tax Body Supporting Anti-Growth Tax Mandates

Send Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Urging Suspension of Certain Contributions to OECD U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led Senate Finance Committee Republicans Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) to send a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee requesting the Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Bill prohibit any Part II funding or voluntary contributions to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). The OECD leads the anti-American global tax negotiations that will hinder American competitiveness, send U.S. taxpayer dollars to European bureaucrats, and cause American job losses, yet the U.S. unfairly pays the largest

Daines Introduces Bill to Increase Penalties for Illegally Sharing Americans’ Tax Information

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced the “Increasing Rightful Sentences Act” or the “IRS Act,” to increase penalties for future unauthorized disclosures of confidential tax information. Introduction follows the news that after a more than two-year-long investigation, a former IRS contractor, Charles Littlejohn, pleaded guilty to stealing and leaking thousands of individuals’ private IRS tax records, including those of a former President, and sharing them with news outlets. Littlejohn was charged with a single count of unauthorized disclosure of tax information through a plea deal negotiated with the Department of Justice despite illegally obtaining and sharing thousands of individuals’ information. “A mere slap-on-the-wrist for illegally releasing Americans’ private tax

Daines: We Must Stand for Life, Prevent Taxpayer Dollars from Funding Abortion

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today fought to prevent taxpayer dollars from funding abortions. Senate Democrats blocked this prohibition from being added to the $1.9 trillion spending package disguised as COVID-19 relief. “Senate Democrats voted to allow billions of taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortions and voted against applying a 44-year-old prohibition called the Hyde Amendment. We have had five bipartisan COVID relief packages and not one of them included any provisions that would undermine pro-life protections,” Daines said. “Preventing taxpayer dollars from funding abortions is something a majority of Americans agree with. I’m very disappointed to see

Following Daines’ Work, Tax Incentive Regulations for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Finalized

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced that the U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have issued their final regulations in regards to the 45Q tax credit, which will incentivize the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies as well as create jobs for Montanans.   “These final regulations will help give stakeholders needed certainty to develop and implement CCUS technologies. The 45Q tax credit provides a powerful financial incentive for responsible, innovative, economic, made-in-Montana energy,” Daines said. “I am glad that after years of work, Montana’s energy sector will have true access to this critical incentive for innovative solutions

Daines Bill Providing Permanent Tax Relief for Montana Breweries, Distilleries Signed Into Law

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ bipartisan bill supporting Montana breweries and distilleries across the state was recently signed into law. Daines’ bill, the “Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act,” provides permanent tax relief for small craft breweries and distilleries, supporting jobs across Montana. “In Montana, we’re home to some of the best craft breweries in the country. Now, with my bipartisan bill being signed into law, these small businesses will have permanent tax relief which will create jobs across Montana and support our Montana barley growers,” Daines said.  Daines’ bill makes the excise tax relief enacted by the “2017 Tax

Daines Statement on President Obama’s Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President Obama’s budget proposal that once again fails to balance: “President Obama’s budget is full of the same failed policies that has led our country down a path of reckless bloated spending, burdensome regulations and higher taxes. This is President Obama’s eighth consecutive unbalanced budget that only serves to bolster his liberal agenda instead of lifting up hardworking American families. The American people deserve real solutions and a balanced budget – not an unworkable liberal messaging document.” The first bill Daines introduced in both the Senate and House is the Balanced Budget

Daines Slams President Obama’s Plan to Raise Energy Taxes on Montana Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today slammed President Obama’s proposal to place a $10 tax on every barrel of oil—marking a 30 percent tax on oil at current prices.  “This is yet another step in President Obama’s anti-energy agenda and further proof that he’s more concerned about cementing his failed legacy than standing with the hardworking Montana families who will be directly hit by these senseless policies,” Daines stated. “We should be encouraging American innovation and energy independence—not placing more regulatory barriers and financial obstacles to it. I have no doubt that this 30 percent tax will face tough bipartisan opposition in

Montana Delegation Introduces Legislation to Repeal REAL ID

U.S. CONGRESS —Senator Steve Daines, Senator Jon Tester and Representative Ryan Zinke today announced that they have formally introduced legislation in the Senate and House repealing federal mandates for driver’s licenses included in the REAL ID Act of 2005. “Montanans have spoken loud and clear: we don’t want REAL ID and we don’t want the federal government infringing on our personal privacy,” Daines stated. “The Repeal ID Act ensures Montanans’ voices are heard and will help strike the right balance that protects our security while also safeguarding Montanans’ civil liberties.” “REAL ID violates the constitutional freedoms of law-abiding Americans and

Daines Works to Provide Tax Relief for Montana Farmers, Small Businesses, Families and Tribes

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On “Tax Relief Tuesday,” Senator Steve Daines spoke out on the need to pass bipartisan, comprehensive solutions that permanently protect Montana families, famers and ranchers, small businesses and tribes from burdensome and uncertain tax hikes. Daines emphasized his continued commitment to working toward reforms that end Washington’s habit of passing last-minute extensions of critical tax provisions and instead provide the long-term certainty needed to generate new economic investment and innovation in Montana. “Our tax code is nearly five times as long as the Bible, but with none of the good news,” Daines stated. “Congress needs to provide hardworking small businesses,

Daines Continues Fight to Block Internet Sales Tax

Daines, Ayotte, Rubio, Lee urge congressional leaders to oppose so-called Marketplace Fairness Act WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Cyber Monday, Senator Steve Daines urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to reject any legislation to impose onerous Internet sales tax requirements that would hurt online retailers in Montana and across the nation.   In a letter to Congressional leadership, Daines joined Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to underscore the detrimental impact that a federal Internet sales tax would have on Montana small businesses that rely on the Internet to grow their businesses