Tag: Seniors

Daines: Biden Administration’s Medicare Advantage Proposals Risk Care Disruptions, Premium Hikes for Montana Seniors

Senator Urges Against Rushed Implementation of Major Medicare Advantage Changes U.S. SENATE— Senator Daines, along with all Senate Finance Committee Republicans, called on the Biden administration to take steps to prevent adverse outcomes for Montanans who rely on Medicare Advantage (MA) following a recent proposal that includes changes to the diagnostic system for some chronic conditions, including diabetes and congestive heart failure, that could cause disruptions in care and sudden premium increases.  “As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) considers options for moving forward on proposed risk adjustment modifications and other policy shifts for MA, we encourage the agency to take steps to maintain

Daines Seeks Answers on Defunct Bozeman Post Office

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Daines today sent a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy seeking answers on the reported severe delays and interruptions of postal service to Montanans in the Bozeman area.   “Hundreds of my constituents have not received any mail in over seven days and cannot reach any full-time USPS employee in the area. Rural and urban Montanans rely upon the USPS for the timely delivery of everything from essential prescriptions, jury summons, bills, and letters that enable rural small businesses to compete on the global stage and keep families connected,” Daines wrote. Daines continued, “I respectfully ask that you rectify the interruption as

Daines Introduces Legislation to Protect Montanans’ Retirement Savings from the Whims of Woke CEOs

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill to prevent financial institutions from prioritizing extraneous factors like environmental social governance over the security of workers’ retirement savings.  “Montanans should not have to pay the price for the whims of wokeness with their hard-earned life savings. Fiduciaries must remember their responsibility is to their shareholders, not the woke mob – these are financial institutions, not pop-up shops for the radical Left,” Daines said.  Daines’ “Securing Employee Retirement Returns Act” would codify the Trump Administration Department of Labor rules for fiduciaries under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).  Background:   On May 20, 2021 President Biden issued an Executive Order on Climate

Daines Introduces Bipartisan Package to Promote Retirement Security for Montanans

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines is helping lead bipartisan efforts in the U.S. Senate to help Montanans prepare for retirement. The package includes Daines’ bipartisan “Retirement Savings Lost and Found Act” that helps Montanans track their retirement accounts as they move between jobs. “Montanans work hard to build their savings in preparation for a worry-free retirement—their efforts and savings should be secure,” Daines said. “I’m glad to join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in working to help Montana workers have more control over their futures. I urge Majority Leader Schumer to do what’s right and help get our bill passed and signed into law for Montanans.”   For

Daines: Retirement Security is Critical for Montanans

U.S. SENATE – Today, at a U.S. Senate Finance Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines stressed the importance of retirement security for Montanans. At the hearing, Daines urged passage of his bipartisan retirement security bill, the “Retirement Savings Lost and Found Act”, to help Montanans hold on to more of their hard-earned dollars and better prepare them for a peaceful retirement.   To download the Senator’s opening remarks click, HERE. For b-roll of the Senator on the hearing, click, HERE.   “Montanans and the American people work hard and save up for decades with the hope of achieving a peaceful retirement – a retirement where folks don’t

Daines Secures Over $9 Million to Support COVID-19 Testing, Staffing, PPE for Montana Nursing Homes

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) distributed $9,797,300 to 70 nursing homes in Montana to support increased testing for COVID-19, staffing, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs. “This critical funding will support COVID-19 testing, staffing, and PPE needs for our nursing homes across Montana,” Daines said. “I’m committed to ensuring that Montana’s most vulnerable and those who care for them are protected throughout the pandemic.” Daines worked to secure this allocation as a distribution under the Provider Relief program funded through the bipartisan CARES Act and the Paycheck

Daines Urges Administration to Improve Access to Vaccines for Montana Seniors

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma stressing the need to ensure Montana’s vulnerable, elderly, and disabled Medicare beneficiaries have the tools and treatments they need to stay healthy during the pandemic, including access to vaccines. “As the current COVID-19 pandemic rages on around the globe, researchers are racing to find a vaccine to protect and prevent further morbidity and mortality as a result of this novel virus. Older adults and persons with chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and lung disease are especially vulnerable

Daines Urges HHS to Provide Relief for Montana Senior Living Facilities

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar urging the inclusion of senior living providers in a future allocation from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF). “The healthcare heroes in these communities are on the front lines of this crisis, and while they continue to do everything they can to care for our nation’s seniors and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, they need financial relief,” Daines wrote. “I appreciate the allocations that the Administration has already made to numerous healthcare providers in Montana and

Daines Fights to Support Montana Seniors, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced the Emergency Support for Nursing Homes and Elder Justice Reform Act of 2020 to support the health and safety of Montana seniors during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and extend funding for vital Elder Justice Act programs.   “I’m grateful for the important work being done by Montana’s nursing homes and assisted living facilities who care for and help keep our most vulnerable populations safe,” Daines said. “This bill is critical to ensuring that our senior care facilities have the resources necessary to continue serving and keeping Montana’s seniors safe especially during the ongoing COVID-19

Daines: We Must Keep Expansion of Telehealth for Montanans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a bipartisan letter to Senate Leadership urging them to make permanent provisions in previous COVID-19 legislation that expanded telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries. “Telehealth has proven to be pivotal for many patients during the current pandemic, ensuring they receive the care they need while reducing the risk of infection and the further spread of COVID-19. We have all heard from our constituents about how effective and convenient it is,” Daines wrote. “Expanded Medicare coverage of telehealth services on a permanent basis—where clinically appropriate and with appropriate guardrails and beneficiary protections in