Tag: Security

Daines: “The United States Must Stand With its Allies”

President Biden and Senate Democrats Own the Border Crisis U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after voting to support the emergency national security supplemental spending bill considered by the Senate: “As Presidents Reagan and Trump showed, peace is best achieved through strength. Weakness in the face of ruthless enemies is a surefire way to start new wars that involve American troops. This bill provides critical lethal aid to Israel as they defend themselves from terrorists and with antisemitism raging on our college campuses, sends a strong message to those who threaten Jews and chant ‘death to America’

Daines Stands Up for Montanans’ Fourth Amendment Privacy Rights

 U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement after voting against reauthorizing the federal government’s surveillance powers under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA): “While there’s no question that the United States should collect intelligence on suspected terrorists who are overseas and may be communicating with individuals in our country, the federal government should not be using foreign intelligence powers to collect Americans’ personal data. Yet time after time we have seen FISA abused and Americans’ information unacceptably accessed without a warrant.” “I voted against reauthorizing Section 702 because it failed to fully protect Americans’ Fourth

RECAP: Daines’ Bipartisan Senate Trip to Poland, Germany to Discuss Russian Invasion of Ukraine

U.S. SENATE — Following Daines’ bipartisan Senate delegation trip to Poland and Germany where he met with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs to discuss Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, he issued the following statement:  “There is good and evil in this world, and we saw that firsthand with Putin’s war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. Meeting with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs in Poland and Germany allowed us to gain greater insight into Russia’s invasion, including the terrible humanitarian crisis that it’s created and the importance of having a strong military and energy security,” Daines said. “In Berlin,

Senate Democrats Block Daines’ Bill to Increase Traditional & Renewable American Energy Production

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today doubled down on his push to support Made in America energy. Daines slammed Senate Democrats after they blocked his bill that would increase traditional and renewable American energy production and help America’s partners and allies be less dependent on Russia.  Daines’ bill would require the Biden administration to restart oil and gas leases on federal lands which were banned last year. Daines’ bill would also kickstart renewable energy development on federal lands and waters. To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. “All in one year, President Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline, banned new oil

Daines Prioritizes National Security and Secures Air Support for Nuclear Weapons

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today worked to bolster aviation security, cybersecurity and nuclear security. The Senate Committee on Appropriations today marked up and passed the Fiscal Year 2017 Defense Appropriations Bill and Fiscal Year 2017 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. “It’s unconscionable to imagine that our nuclear warheads do not have adequate air security,” Daines stated. “With my provisions and additional funding, we will have the needed air support for our nuclear weapons until the permanent solution of an expedited procurement is complete.”  Daines secured the following provisions in the Defense Appropriations Bill:  Upgrading UH-1Ns: $75 million in the bill for the Air

Daines Leads Bipartisan Group of Senators in Introducing Measure to Strengthen Cybersecurity

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today lead a bipartisan group of Senators in introducing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that directs the president to elevate U.S. Cyber Command to a Combatant Command. U.S. Cyber Command it is currently a subordinate unit to U.S. Strategic Command. Congress established U.S. Special Operations Command to address a rapidly growing need, strengthen the warfighter and to unify forces. Today, with cyber threats being one of the fastest growing national security threats we face, the need for another Combatant Command is clear. Daines’ amendment will elevate the command so it

Daines Addresses Montana’s Veterans Long-Standing Concerns

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today moved forward important reforms that increase Montana veterans’ access to healthcare services.  This afternoon, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed the FY 2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which includes many of Daines’ reforms that address Montana’s veterans long-standing concerns.  “I am proud to secure important priorities for Montana on behalf of those that served our nation in uniform,” Daines stated.  Daines also successfully included an amendment during the committee process protects veterans’ ability to discuss with VA physicians the use of medical marijuana in states where it is legal.   The amendment would

Daines, Tester Call on Congress to Stop Massive Expansion of Government Surveillance and Hacking Power

Stopping Mass Hacking Act Reverses Disastrous Changes to Warrant Procedures; Congress Must Act or Government Will Be Able to Hack Millions of Americans’ Devices with a Single Warrant, Compromising Security and Privacy U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today introduced the Stopping Mass Hacking (SMH) Act to protect millions of law-abiding Americans from government hacking. The Stopping Mass Hacking (SMH) Act, S. 2952, is a bipartisan effort that prevents recently approved changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure from going into effect. The changes would allow the government to get a single warrant to hack

Daines Leads ICBM Coalition Urging Defense Department to Expedite Security of Nuclear Weapons

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led the bipartisan ICBM coalition urging the Department of Defense (DoD) to outline a clear plan for the security of the nuclear missiles stationed in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming following the news that the Department of Defense failed to approve the Air Forces’ request for a faster acquisition process.  In a letter to DoD Secretary Ash Carter, the members expressed their concerns with DoD’s announcement to proceed with the slowest proposed route to replace the Vietnam-era UH-1Ns. “We write to express serious concerns with the absence of an appropriate and timely path to replace

Daines, Zinke Introduce Measures Demanding Answers to Secure Nuclear Missiles

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines and U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke today introduced measures that aim to ensure the Department of Defense (DoD) secures the nation’s nuclear assets.    Daines’ bill directs the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to tell Congress within five days how they will secure nuclear missiles made vulnerable by the insufficient capability of the UH-1N, and implement the necessary mitigation with additional resources within sixty days. Zinke introduced a similar bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that aims to address the security shortfalls of