Tag: Obamacare Poverty Tax

Daines Introduces Legislation to Protect Tribes from Costly Obamacare Employer Mandate

Senator Steve Daines today announced the introduction of legislation to protect Native American tribes from Obamacare’s costly employer mandate. The Tribal Employment and Jobs Protection Act will exempt tribes and tribal employers from Obamacare’s employer mandate. The bill prevent massive fines that tribal employers would incur under Obamacare’s employer mandate. The employer mandate places an undue burden on tribes, leading to lost jobs and increased unemployment. Instead of bolstering tribal economies, it drives out opportunities and wages. Tribal members were already exempt from the individual mandate in the original Obamacare law. This legislation upholds the United States’ trust responsibility to

Daines Votes to Return over $700 Million in Tax Cuts to Montana Families

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted to send the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to the President’s desk and return over $700 million in tax cuts to Montanans. “Getting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act across the finish line means families will see bigger paychecks, Main Street businesses will be able to hire more workers, and America will compete and win on the world stage,” said Daines. “Montanans’ hard-earned dollars belong in their pockets – not in Washington, D.C.’s coffers.” Highlights of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act  Relief for Montanans: Montanans will keep more than $700 million in

Daines: Whose Money is it Anyway?

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today spoke on the Senate floor in anticipation of a vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which will give 99 percent of Montanans a tax cut. To watch the video click HERE. To download the video click HERE.   Background: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will keep over $700 million dollars in Montanans’ pockets – instead of lining the pockets of Washington, D.C. According to the Montana Department of Revenue, nearly 99% of Montanans will see a tax cut under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts. On average, Montanans will keep $1,600 of their hard-earned

Daines Supports Repeal of Individual Mandate in Tax Bill

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate after the Senate acted on his urging to include a repeal of Obamacare’s poverty tax in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Watch video HERE. Download video HERE.  Last week, Senator Daines sent a letter to Committee on Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch, urging him to include a repeal of the poverty tax in the tax legislation. Read the letter HERE.  Remarks as prepared:  Mr. President – As we cut taxes, there’s one goal I hold center: We need more good paying jobs and bigger paychecks for hardworking Montanans.

Daines to Ryan & Brady: Repeal the Individual Mandate

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady to include a full repeal of the individual mandate in H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.   “I’m encouraging the Speaker and Chairman Brady to include eliminating the individual mandate in the House tax bill – a fine on the low income in our country,” Daines stated. “It’s important we take every opportunity to repeal this costly tax and this is a prime opportunity to repeal the tax.”  Obamacare imposes a tax penalty on Americans who don’t buy insurance

Daines: We Need To Repeal and Refund Obamacare Poverty Tax

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation, the Repeal and Refund Act, to retroactively repeal the individual mandate and refund everyone who has paid it.  Obamacare imposes a tax penalty on Americans who don’t buy insurance and in 2014 and 2015 alone, they collected over $5 billion dollars in fines. Billions more were collected in 2016. In 2015, nearly 30,000 Montanans had to pay the IRS $14,341,000 for choosing not to purchase Obamacare, an average tax of $487 per household. 75 percent of Montana households who pay this tax make less than $50,000 per year.   “Families that can’t

Daines: Let’s Repeal the #PovertyTax

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines blasted the Obamacare tax penalty that targets low income Americans who did not buy insurance required by Obamacare’s heavy handed mandates.       In his remarks, Daines previewed an amendment he wants adopted into legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare to return money to the 7,973,490 Americans who paid the Poverty Tax to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).   Click HERE to watch Daines’ remarks. Click HERE to download Daines’ remarks. Daines’ remarks as prepared are below: “Mr. President – Karen from Missoula County wrote to me about how her daughter can’t afford to