Tag: National Security

Daines Slams Obama Administration on Long-Delayed Admission of Iranian Cyberattack on New York Dam

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today slammed the Obama administration after reports indicate that they will name Iran as the perpetrator of a 2013 cyberattack on a New York dam. “It is downright shameful that it has taken President Obama three years to denounce Iran for a malicious cybersecurity attack on our country while at the same time sitting at a negotiating table with them,” Daines stated. “This failure is undoubtedly linked to President Obama’s clouded judgment in ushering through his misguided deal with Iran, which has only endangered our national security.  “Just this week Iran tested two ballistic missiles inscribed with ‘Israel must be

Senators Introduce Resolution to Detain ISIL Fighters in Guantanamo

U.S. SENATE — Following the recent announcement that U.S. Special Forces captured an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) leader while carrying out Operation Inherent Resolve, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) today led 14 Senators in introducing a resolution to detain ISIL fighters at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  Cosponsors of the resolution include Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), John Boozman (R-AR), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Tim Scott (R-SC) and David Vitter (R-LA).  As the United

Daines Works to Bolster National Security, Strengthen North Korea Sanctions

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following reports of yet another North Korean missile test, Senator Steve Daines today worked to successfully pass bipartisan legislation to bolster national security by strengthening sanctions on North Korea. “We can’t sit by idly and allow a dangerous regime to conduct ballistic missile tests without repercussions,” Daines stated. “This legislation is crucial to not only strengthening sanctions but outlining a comprehensive strategy to combat North Korea’s criminal cyber activities and horrific human rights violations. We must continue to confront the extremist regimes that threaten our global security, troops and allies in the region and that violate innate human rights.” Daines is a

Daines Blasts Senate Dems’ Refusal to Allow Debate on Syrian Refugee Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his disappointment in Senate Democrats’ refusal to allow debate on legislation that would increase security and screening measures for refugees seeking to enter the United States. “It is Congress’s responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our nation, but today Senate Democrats proved they would rather play politics than prioritize our national security,” Daines stated. “The SAFE Act is commonsense legislation that institutes a much-needed intensive screening process for incoming Syrian refugees. We are at war with radical Islamic extremism and it is irresponsible to accept anything less than a 100 percent verification of

Daines Blasts Senate Dems’ Refusal to Allow Debate on Syrian Refugee Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his disappointment in Senate Democrats’ refusal to allow debate on legislation that would increase security and screening measures for refugees seeking to enter the United States.  “It is Congress’s responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our nation, but today Senate Democrats proved they would rather play politics than prioritize our national security,” Daines stated. “The SAFE Act is commonsense legislation that institutes a much-needed intensive screening process for incoming Syrian refugees. We are at war with radical Islamic extremism and it is irresponsible to accept anything less than a 100 percent verification of

Daines to Kerry: Congress Doesn’t Make Laws With Iranian Interests in Mind

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today criticized Secretary of State John Kerry for his recent attempts to placate Iran’s concerns over the United States’ Visa Waiver Program (VWP) restrictions. Daines also called on Kerry to press the Iranian government, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, to cease its support for terrorist activity and provide tangible evidence of such action.  In a letter to Secretary Kerry, Daines and 13 of his colleagues ask the Secretary to make clear to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif that U.S. national security interests, not Iranian interests, were the impetus for changes to the VWP. The letter is

Daines: President Obama Cemented His Failed Legacy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines tonight called out President Obama for his empty rhetoric, noting the President’s final State of the Union address was just “politics as usual.” Daines’ full statement is as follows:  “Rather than fighting for solutions that strengthen our economy, tonight President Obama cemented his failed legacy.   “Rather than presenting concrete solutions that bolster our national security, President Obama chose to lead from behind. “Rather than supporting hardworking farmers and ranchers, President Obama doubled down on his administration’s bureaucratic land grabs that infringe on Montanans’ livelihoods. “Rather than using the largest national stage to fight

Daines Discusses National Security with New Regional FBI Leader

HELENA, Mont. — Senator Steve Daines today met with Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Eric Barnhart, the new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agent for Salt Lake City Division, which includes Montana. Daines and Barnhart met in Helena at Daines’ urging to discuss national security issues facing Montana. Daines sought more information regarding FBI Director James Comey’s statement that law enforcement authorities have open investigations of suspected ISIS supporters in all 50 states. Director Comey also estimated that law enforcement authorities have around 900 active homegrown extremist cases, the overwhelming majority of which are related to ISIS.    Click here to download a high resolution

Daines Works to Protect American Energy Security

Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks. Senator Steve Daines today spoke out about the critical role that American energy independence holds in winning the war on terrorism and strengthening American security both at home and abroad.  “Our national security—protecting our families from terrible acts of terrorism—I can tell you is on many Montanans’ minds every day as I travel around the state. It’s telling to us today how important American energy independence and security is to our safety and prosperity—not just ours, but the world’s.” During a Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing on examining terrorism and global

Daines: Coal Keeps the Lights On

“The Obama administration’s war on energy isn’t just a war on coal – it’s a war on American jobs, American families and our national security.” WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ahead of today’s vote to fully nullify President Obama’s so-called “Clean Power Plan,” Senator Steve Daines took to the Senate floor to urge his colleagues to join him in standing up for American energy independence. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks.   Later tonight, the Senate is expected to pass two bipartisan resolutions disapproving of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Clean Power Plan regulations on new and existing power sources.  The