Tag: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Daines Applauds Passage of Multi-Year Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the passage of a multi-year highway bill that provides Montanans much-needed certainty in infrastructure investments:  “The long-overdue passage of a multi-year highway bill is great news for Montana and a critical step forward in providing our state with the certainty needed to make long-term infrastructure investments,” Daines stated. “Our transportation infrastructure is a critical component of our state’s economy and given Montana’s short construction season, it’s imperative that communities and contractors alike have the certainty needed to move forward with badly-needed infrastructure improvement projects.  This bill ends Congress’s irresponsible trend of short-term Band-Aids and temporary extensions

Daines Presses Highway Safety Administrator for Answers on Fire Truck Safety

Senator Steve Daines today pressed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for answers about delayed recall efforts for a failing fire truck component that resulted in a deadly crash outside of Helena, Montana last summer. During today’s Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing with NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind, Daines recalled the crash and pressed Rosekind as to why a full recall of the defective part has taken approximately one year to institute. Daines also pointed out that the component in question was a NHTSA approved solution to a previous recall in 2003, yet still was faulty – ultimately leading