Tag: National Debt

Daines on Fox News Tonight: Skyrocketing Debt is “Existential Threat” to American Way of Life

Calls out President Biden & Senate Democrats for standing in the way of responsible solution to debt ceiling New York, N.Y. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines tonight joined Trey Gowdy on Fox News Tonight to discuss the impending default on the national debt and President Biden’s refusal to rein in reckless spending. Daines on White House’s Handling of Spending Crisis This is a crisis management driven operation. They try to lead by crisis. They started with the border. It’s all self-induced. They opened up the border, we got a border crisis.  It leads to a crime crisis, then they unleashed spending, now we

Daines: Soaring National Debt Poses National Security Threat

At Senate Leadership Press Conference, Daines Discusses Cost of Servicing National Debt U.S. SENATE –U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered the following remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference where he focused on the consequences of President Biden’s runaway inflation, including the fact that over the next ten years, the total amount spent on interest on our national debt will exceed the total amount spent on defense. “When I’m back home in Montana, the top concern I hear about is fentanyl, drugs flooding across the southern border in states like Montana. I also hear a lot about inflation, the

Daines Questions Fed Chair Powell On Effects of Democrat Spending On National Debt

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines at a Senate Banking Committee hearing today questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on the long-term effects President Biden and Senate Democrats’ inflationary spending will have on the federal debt. Chairman Powell agreed with Senator Daines that President Biden and Senate Democrats’ inflation crisis will add fuel to the fire of the already staggering national debt. A transcript and video of the exchange is below: Click HERE to watch and download. Senator Daines: “Chairman Powell — you’re raising interest rates to combat the inflation we’ve seen in the economy over the past few years. Is that correct?” Chairman Powell: “Yes.” Senator Daines: “And although this

Daines: New Deficit Projections Affirm Need to Rein in Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today reaffirmed his commitment to reining in Washington’s out-of-control spending after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that the federal budget deficit is expected to increase by $105 billion in 2016 – the first increase in seven years. “These projections reaffirm the dire consequences of Washington’s continued bloated spending. Make no mistake – this $105 billion increase in the federal deficit is direct result of the 2000-page trillion dollar spending bill that was cobbled together behind closed doors and forced through Congress last month,” Daines stated. “It’s past time for Washington to get serious about reining in our national