Tag: Manufacturing

Tester, Daines, and Zinke unite to protect Butte workers

(U.S. Senate) – Senator Jon Tester, Senator Steve Daines, and Congressman Ryan Zinke are pushing to resolve a trade dispute between China and the United States that could negatively impact REC Silicon, one of Butte-Silver Bow’s largest employers. The Montana Congressional delegation has sent a letter to Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai urging him to work with the China Ministry of Commerce and the United States Trade Representative to resolve the trade dispute that is preventing China from purchasing polysilicon from REC Silicon to manufacture solar panels. “Industries in both countries stand to benefit greatly from a mutually-agreeable settlement of this trade

Daines, Montana Ag & Business Leaders Call for Passage of Trade Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today joined Montana farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and business leaders in calling for the swift passage of bipartisan legislation to give Congress and the American people a greater voice in trade negotiations. “Montanans know the importance of trade to our state’s economy. Montana ag producers, manufacturers and small businesses need fair and transparent trade policies that increase access to new markets and help grow their businesses,” Daines stated. “This bipartisan trade legislation is an important first step in establishing clear guidelines that enforce transparency, maintain Congress’ important role in the process and ensure Montanans’ voices

Billings Gazette: Daines: Fast-tracking trade agreements right for Montana’s economy

Because exports to the Asian Pacific are crucial to Montana’s economy, Republican U.S. Sen. Steve Daines said Thursday he will support fast-tracking trade agreements for President Barack Obama. The announcement made between votes on the Senate floor was the first time Daines publicly confirmed granting Obama trade promotion authority, or TPA. TPA would bind Congress to an up or down vote on two major upcoming trade agreements, meaning Congressional amendments would be off limits on agreements negotiated by the Democratic president. The first trade agreement coming up, the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, would have the biggest effect on Montana, particularly agriculture,