Tag: Jobs

Daines Introduces Bill to Support Montana Service Workers, Eliminate Federal Tax on Tips

U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill with Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to exempt tips from federal income taxation, the “No Tax on Tips Act.” “Joe Biden’s sky-high inflation has hit hardworking Americans especially hard. Providing a much-needed tax cut for working families will help offset Biden’s high prices and get people back in the workforce,”said Daines. Read the full text of the bill HERE. Daines recently joined Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria to discuss the bill, watch HERE. Background: The bill exempts “cash tips” – cash, credit and debit card charges, and checks – from federal income tax by allowing taxpayers to claim a 100 hundred

KTVH: Montana business leaders express concerns over proposed federal rule

By: Jonathon Ambarian Posted at 6:44 PM, Jan 08, 2024  and last updated 8:50 PM, Jan 08, 2024 HELENA — A federal agency has proposed a new rule that would expand which businesses have to be involved with certain labor negotiations. Supporters say it will fix a loophole and protect workers’ rights, but some business leaders in Montana are raising concerns about the impact it could have. The National Labor Relations Board is preparing to implement a new “joint employer rule.” It says companies that can exert control over the terms and conditions of someone’s employment – like wages, schedule, hiring and working conditions –

Daines Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Making Tax Relief for Small Businesses Permanent

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation to make the 20 percent pass-through small business tax deduction permanent. His bill, the “Main Street Tax Certainty Act,” will support small businesses, help create jobs and strengthen our economy. Without congressional action the tax deduction will expire at the end of 2025. “Montana small businesses help our communities thrive and prosper–they’re what make our hometowns feel like home,” Daines said. “Making this main street tax relief permanent will provide the certainty needed to help Montana small businesses stay afloat, create more jobs, and expand their operations.” Read the full text HERE. The 2017 Tax Cuts

Daines Pushes Back on Biden’s Job Killing Paris Climate Agreement

U.S. SENATE— U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation to prohibit U.S. taxpayer dollars from being used to rejoin the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement. Daines also officially introduced a Senate resolution calling on President Biden to submit the Paris Agreement to the Senate for review as required under the Constitution. “President Biden violated the Constitution when he chose to rejoin the poorly negotiated and deeply flawed Paris Climate Agreement—a deal that’s horrible for America and good for China,” Senator Daines stated. “This deal will do nothing except cause more hard-working Americans to lose their jobs and burden American families with higher energy prices. We must ensure not a single penny

Daines, Rosendale: Cottonwood Decision Hurts Montana Timber Jobs, Forest Management Project

U.S. CONGRESS —U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Matt Rosendale today sent a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service urging the agencies to address the Cottonwood decision that hurts Montana timber jobs and forest management projects in Montana and across the country. “The proposed rule will allow land managers and wildlife biologists to follow the best-available science for consultation. It will remove an ambiguity in current regulations that have led to more lawsuits than conservation work. This rule is critical to improve the health of Montana’s forest, advance wildlife and restoration projects, reduce the risk of

Daines, Rosendale Introduce Legislation to Reverse Biden’s Anti-Energy Action, Authorize Keystone XL Pipeline

U.S. CONGRESS— U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Matt Rosendale today introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to authorize the continued construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline following President Biden’s decision to revoke the cross-border operation permit. “Americans are already struggling to make ends meet and keep food on the table because of the pandemic. Yet with the stroke of a pen, President Biden killed thousands of energy and union jobs, eliminated tax revenue for impoverished communities, raised energy costs for Americans, and put our national security and energy independence at risk,” Daines stated. “We must reverse Biden’s disastrous decision and send a clear message that supporting American workers is more important than supporting Saudi Arabia

Daines Requests Meeting with President Biden Over Anti-Energy Executive Actions

U.S. SENATE— U.S. Senator Steve Daines today requested a meeting with President Joe Biden to discuss the crippling actions he has taken against Montana energy jobs, Montana families, and the Montana way of life. Daines was joined by over 20 western senators in the request to Biden. “At your inauguration, you pledged to represent all Americans. That includes those who live in our states. The best path for true unity is to work together to find solutions for them and for our environment.  We stand ready to work with you and your nominees to meet the challenges our country faces, including working for a

Slate of Energy Job Bills Championed by Daines Signed into Law

U.S. SENATE — Last Sunday, four bipartisan energy bills, as well as a tax extension for carbon capture, championed by Senator Steve Daines were signed into law. The bipartisan bills, the “EFFECT Act,” “American Mineral Security Act,” “Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act,” and “USE It Act,” all help protect Montana energy jobs and support Montana’s energy industry. “These bipartisan bills will help create and protect Montana energy jobs, promote renewable energy on public lands, and provide reliable, affordable energy to all Montanans,” Daines said. “I’m glad to have worked across the aisle to accomplish these major wins for Montana’s energy industry.” Supporting Montana energy jobs

Daines, Tester, Gianforte Stand Up for Montana Jobs Corp Conservation Centers

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte today wrote a letter urging the Trump administration to stop the closures of Civilian Conservation Centers (CCC) nationally, and to ensure they all remain under the Department of Agriculture (USDA). “[Civilian Conservation Centers] operate in 17 national forests and grasslands across 16 states and aim to train over 4,000 youth and young adults, many of whom are at-risk individuals originating from low-income, rural communities,” the letter states. “Rural development is a core USDA mission, and CCC students provide significant services to rural America…We strongly urge you maintain

Daines Saves Anaconda Job Corps Center from Closing

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured President Trump’s decision to keep the Anaconda Job Corps training center open, saving hundreds of Montana jobs. The decision follows Daines’ call with Trump on Saturday, where he stressed that the Anaconda center was one of the top ranked in the country, and must remain open. After speaking with Daines, Trump told him the site would remain open. The Anaconda Jobs Corps training center employs 250 people in southwest Montana. “The Anaconda Job Corps Center is one of the top ranked in the country, employing hundreds in southwest Montana.  It provides future generations of young Montanans the tools