Tag: Iran Deal

Daines, Zinke Stand With Montanans In Opposition to President Obama’s Iran Deal

Daines, Zinke Stand With Montanans In Opposition to President Obama’s Iran Deal WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke today stood with Montanans in opposition to President Obama’s bad deal with Iran. A recent poll showed that 60 percent of Montanans are opposed to President Obama’s deal with Iran.  Click here to watch Daines’ and Zinke’s remarks. Click here to download Daines’ and Zinke’s remarks.  “Ryan Zinke and I stand opposed to President Obama’s Iran deal,” Daines stated. “This deal provides billions of dollars to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. This deal paves the way for a nuclear Iran – that’s why Ryan and I

Daines: Democrats Put Partisanship Above the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on Senate Democrats’ repeated refusal to allow an up or down vote on the Iran deal: “Yet again, Senate Democrats have put partisanship above the American people and refused to allow an up or down vote on the Iran deal. I am extremely disappointed that Senate Democrats are refusing to stand with Americans and give them their right to be heard in the United States Senate. Opposition to this deal is bipartisan. We need a deal that can be supported by more than one segment of one political party. ” Last week, Daines

Daines: Americans Deserve an Up or Down Vote on the Iran Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today slammed Senate Democrats for blocking an up or down vote on the President’s deal with Iran:  “The American people deserve to have an up or down vote on one of the most consequential issues facing our nation. Senate Democrats are blocking the voice of the American people by failing to allow a vote on the President’s deal with Iran.  “Let us not forget that just a few short months ago, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed the Senate on a bipartisan vote of 98-1. Today’s vote proves that Democrats are once again bowing to the

Daines: Iran Deal Will Not Prevent Iran From Obtaining a Nuclear Weapon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today took to the Senate floor to blast President Obama’s deal with Iran and underscored the serious security concerns the deal has for Israel, the United States and the world. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks.  Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this morning: “If Iran’s ultimate goal is to obtain a nuclear weapon, the deal reached by the Obama administration sets Iran on a course to do so.  “From the time this deal is agreed to, Iran has ten years to fill their coffers with tens of billions of dollars from newly unsanctioned oil sales and

Daines, Zinke Stand With American Legion Against Iran Deal

Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke today released the following statements following a vote taken at the American Legion National Convention by the body to publically and officially oppose the Iran nuclear agreement. “The men and women of the American Legion have experienced first-hand the sacrifices made in times of war,”Daines stated. “I stand with the American Legion in my continuing opposition to the Iran nuclear agreement which keeps Iran on track to obtain a nuclear weapon and will only increase their destructive influence as the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism.” “I am proud to stand with the American Legion

In Case You Missed It: Daines on Protecting our Military Recruiters, Latest Developments on Iran Deal

“The fastest way to stop a bad guy with a gun – is a good guy with a gun.”  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today appeared on CNN, Fox News and Fox Business to speak on the importance of his bill, the SEMPER FI Act, which would allow military officers and non-commissioned officers the ability to carry a firearm at military recruitment centers. Daines underscored the crucial need for our men and women in uniform to be able to protect and defend themselves. Additionally, Daines joined Fox Business to discuss the latest developments on the Iran Deal. In the