Tag: Health

Tester, Daines push Blackfeet Water Compact to Senate floor

After years of negotiations, Senators lead charge to pass historic water rights agreement  (U.S. Senate)—Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines today led the charge to push the Blackfeet Water Compact through the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and onto the Senate floor.  This decades-in-the-making agreement will resolve water rights claims on the Blackfeet Reservation and ensure access to reliable and clean water for the communities within the Reservation, as well as farms, ranches, and businesses in the surrounding area.  This compact will save taxpayers millions by avoiding costly litigation between the Blackfeet Tribe and the federal government.  “Reliable access to clean

Daines Applauds House Passage of Bill to Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today hailed the House of Representative’s passage of legislation that repeals Obamacare, puts states on a glide path toward creating locally driven health care solutions and reduces the deficit by $516 billion over 10 years.  “Today marks the first time an Obamacare repeal bill will be on President Obama’s desk for his signature,” Daines stated. “I commend my colleagues in the House for joining me in standing up for the American people and fighting to protect hardworking families from rising health care costs, senseless fines and substandard care. It’s now up to President Obama to decide whether he’ll put

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Rick Young of Forsyth

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today honored Rick Young of Forsyth, a U.S. Marine, for his dedicated efforts to expand quality health care for all Montana veterans. Despite suffering from a serious illness himself, Rick was able to successfully advocate for area veterans to receive long-term care through the Rosebud Health Care Center (RHCC) in Forsyth. RHCC recently established a contract with the VA, which now allows for veterans to receive long-term care in Forsyth rather than having to travel a greater distance to the approved Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility in Glendive. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week

Daines Upholds Promise to Montanans to Repeal Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today hailed the passage of legislation that repeals the President’s failed health care law and puts states on a glide path toward creating locally driven health care solutions, upholding the promise Daines made to Montanans to continue fighting to repeal Obamacare. “Last year, when I decided to run for Montana’s open Senate seat, I promised the people of Montana that I would work tirelessly to repeal Obamacare. Today, I upheld that promise and voted to repeal President Obama’s broken health care law,” Daines stated. “President Obama will now have to decide whether to put the American people

Daines Announces $350,000 in Grants to Improve Rural Montana Mental Health Services

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On National Rural Health Day, Senator Steve Daines announced more than $350,000 in funding for rural Montana telehealth and mental health services.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants have been awarded to Western Montana Mental Health Center and St. Patrick Hospital Foundation. Daines wrote a letter of support for St. Patrick Hospital’s plan to build the Western Montana Telepsychiatry Network – a partnership between St. Patrick Hospital and rural Montana hospitals. By providing access to high-quality behavioral health professionals and services through telepsychiatry and distance learning, St. Patrick Hospital can address

Daines to Deliver Weekly Republican Address

“For too many hardworking American families, 2016 is proving to be yet another disappointment. Premiums are rising once again – and in states like Montana, folks purchasing plans from the Obamacare exchanges are getting hit with double-digit rate increases.”  BOZEMAN, MT —Senator Steve Daines will deliver the Weekly Republican Address on Saturday, November 14, 2015. He will highlight his work to protect Americans from rising health care costs under Obamacare, and to make sure that families receive the quality health care they deserve. In his remarks, Daines notes that the Senate will be voting soon to repeal the President’s unpopular

Daines Honors Helena Veteran as an “Angel in Adoption”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today recognized John Joyce of Helena as an “Angel in Adoption” – an honor designated to Americans making a difference in the lives of children through adoption.  Click here to download the photo of John Joyce with Senator Daines. “It’s an honor to nominate John as an ‘Angel in Adoption.’ As a Guardsman and Afghanistan veteran from Helena, Montana, John has a heart for serving not only his country, but his community. John is a source of support, stability and inspiration for the young men he has helped foster and has been a source of inspiration for

Daines Statement on Double-Digit Obamacare Rate Increases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the double-digit Obamacare rate increases for approximately 41,000 Montanans:  “Despite President Obama’s promises, health care premiums are not as affordable for many Americans as he claimed they would be. These steep premium increases make it harder to have access to affordable healthcare and create severe hardships for thousands of Montanans. It’s money that’s no longer in the pockets of Montanans. We need to ensure health care is affordable and accessible for all Montanans, and that starts with repealing Obamacare and its costly mandates, burdensome taxes and senseless regulations.” The average rate

Daines: Fight to Defend Life, Protect Women’s Health Care Services Is Not Over

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today reiterated his call to redirect funds away from Planned Parenthood while reaffirming his dedication to fully funding women’s health care services: “Today, I voted to reaffirm my dedication to protecting women’s health while removing funds from a scandal-plagued organization that has been caught selling human baby parts. I cannot support an organization that would place a dollar amount on a baby’s body parts. The fight to protect women’s health care, while redirecting funds away from Planned Parenthood, is not over. I will continue working vigorously to defend life and protect the most vulnerable in our society: the

Daines Calls for Defunding Planned Parenthood, Safeguarding Women’s Health Care

“Planned Parenthood has clearly articulated the value they place on babies’ organs and limbs, but what they fail to acknowledge is the value that the American people know full well, and that is the value of our children.  And that is priceless.” WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines took to the Senate floor to speak out about legislation he helped introduce to defund of Planned Parenthood and ensure that there is no overall reduction in federal funds for women’s health care services. Daines is a cosponsor of S. 1881, which was introduced this week following the release of gruesome footage showcasing