Tag: Health Care

Daines Statement on Double-Digit Obamacare Rate Increases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the double-digit Obamacare rate increases for approximately 41,000 Montanans:  “Despite President Obama’s promises, health care premiums are not as affordable for many Americans as he claimed they would be. These steep premium increases make it harder to have access to affordable healthcare and create severe hardships for thousands of Montanans. It’s money that’s no longer in the pockets of Montanans. We need to ensure health care is affordable and accessible for all Montanans, and that starts with repealing Obamacare and its costly mandates, burdensome taxes and senseless regulations.” The average rate

Daines: Fight to Defend Life, Protect Women’s Health Care Services Is Not Over

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today reiterated his call to redirect funds away from Planned Parenthood while reaffirming his dedication to fully funding women’s health care services: “Today, I voted to reaffirm my dedication to protecting women’s health while removing funds from a scandal-plagued organization that has been caught selling human baby parts. I cannot support an organization that would place a dollar amount on a baby’s body parts. The fight to protect women’s health care, while redirecting funds away from Planned Parenthood, is not over. I will continue working vigorously to defend life and protect the most vulnerable in our society: the

Daines Calls for Defunding Planned Parenthood, Safeguarding Women’s Health Care

“Planned Parenthood has clearly articulated the value they place on babies’ organs and limbs, but what they fail to acknowledge is the value that the American people know full well, and that is the value of our children.  And that is priceless.” WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines took to the Senate floor to speak out about legislation he helped introduce to defund of Planned Parenthood and ensure that there is no overall reduction in federal funds for women’s health care services. Daines is a cosponsor of S. 1881, which was introduced this week following the release of gruesome footage showcasing

Daines Helps Introduce Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood, Safeguard Women’s Health Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines has helped introduce legislation to protect women’s access to health services and defund Planned Parenthood.  This legislation, S.1881, follows the release of gruesome footage showcasing Planned Parenthood’s role in the harvesting of the organs of unborn babies. The Senate is expected to vote on this legislation in the next week. The bill is sponsored by Senator Joni Ernst (IA) and cosponsored by Senators Mitch McConnell (KY), John Barrasso (WY), Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR), Richard Burr (NC) Dan Coats (IN), Tom Cotton (AR) John Cornyn (TX), Ted Cruz (TX), Mike Enzi (WY), Deb

Daines, Zinke Announce Legislation to Protect Tribes from Costly Obamacare Employer Mandate

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT) today announced the introduction of legislation to protect Native American tribes from Obamacare’s costly employer mandate. The Tribal Employment and Jobs Protection Act, which was introduced today in the Senate and House, will exempt tribes and tribal employers from Obamacare’s employer mandate. The bills prevent massive fines that tribal employers would incur under Obamacare’s employer mandate. “Tribes should not be forced to pay severe fines due to duplicative federal mandates in the President’s flawed health care law,” Daines stated. “These unreasonable fines have the potential to kill jobs

Daines Statement on Obamacare Supreme Court Ruling

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell ruling: “Obamacare is a poorly written law that is failing the American people. I’ll continue working to repeal this failed law and replace it with Montana-driven solutions that increase access to affordable care for all Montanans and put patients first.” ###

Daines Works to Ensure Due Process for Veterans Erroneously Discharged

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today announced he has helped introduce two measures to ensure due process for veterans who suffer from mental health illnesses who may have been erroneously given an administrative discharge, rather than an honorable discharge. Daines has joined Senators Gary Peters (D-MI) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) to introduce S. 1567 which ensures active duty members who suffer from invisible wounds, like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) aren’t incorrectly administratively discharged. An administrative discharge is often given for minor misconducts, which can be attributed to behaviors seen in those suffering from PTSD or TBI.

Daines Takes to Senate Floor to Blast Rising Costs of Obamacare

Senator Steve Daines today took to the Senate floor to blast the rising costs of Obamacare in Montana, as insurers across the state have asked for double-digit increases in premiums for 2016. Below are key excerpts from Daines’ floor speech: “Look no further than Montana, where it is evident that health care premiums aren’t as affordable as President Obama promised they would be. “Policies sold through Obamacare exchanges are becoming even more expensive. “In Montana, according to fillings with the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance…insurers across the board are asking for double-digit increases for 2016 policies. “Blue Cross Blue

Daines Fights for Montana Veterans’ Priorities in Senate Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today helped secure important reforms that increase Montana veterans’ access to health care services and ensure that all Montana veterans are treated with the utmost care and respect in both life and death. Daines successfully worked to include language addressing several of Montana veterans’ long-standing concerns in the FY 2016 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which was marked up and approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon. “Our nation’s heroes should have easy access to the resources, services and medical care they need and deserve,” Daines stated. “I’m glad

Daines: VA Reforms are Welcome First Step in Ensuring Veterans Receive Needed Care

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today commended the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for addressing Montana veterans’ long standing concerns and taking steps to ensure veterans are able to receive health care services close to home.  The VA announced today that it is reforming its calculation used to determine distance between a veteran’s residence and the nearest VA health facility when allowing veterans who live more than 40-miles from a VA facility to receive care closer to home.  Daines called the reform “an important step forward,” while also reiterating his call to address a loophole that prevents some veterans from receiving