Tag: Guns

Daines Votes to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights

Amendment would prevent unelected bureaucrats from stripping veterans of their right to keep and bear arms U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines voted today to prevent veterans from losing their Second Amendment right to purchase or own firearms when they receive help managing their Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. The amendment is based on the “Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act.” “We must protect the Second Amendment rights of our veterans. As we approach Veterans Day and remember those who bravely sacrificed so much so that we can be free, the least we can do is protect them from being stripped of this constitutional right. Unelected

Daines Introduces Bill to Prevent Biden Administration from Implementing Gun-Grabbing Agenda

Bill would stop administration from using a public health emergency as a loophole to impose gun control measures U.S. SENATE – U.S.Senator Steve Daines joined a group of his Republican colleagues to introduce the “Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act” to prevent President Biden and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) from declaring a public health emergency to impose gun control. Earlier this month, the Governor of New Mexico instituted a public health emergency for the purposes of suspending the 2nd Amendment-protected carrying of firearms. This comes after years of activist groups encouraging the Biden administration, specifically HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, to take the same path

Daines Calls Out Biden for Attacking Montana School Hunting, Archery Programs

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines joined a group of his Republican Senate colleagues in a letter to President Biden urging the administration to withdraw its outrageous plan to block funding for Montana elementary and secondary school hunting and archery programs. The letter condemns the Biden administration’s purposeful misinterpretation of last year’s gun control bill to justify blocking funding for Montana schools with these outdoor recreation programs. More than 500,000 students participate and are certified through hunter education courses each year in the U.S. These important programs help students learn how to handle firearms safely — in turn, decreasing firearm-related injuries and accidents. In the letter, the senators

Daines Demands Information on Great Falls Gun Shop Search

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to the IRS demanding more information after Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls was searched by federal agents on June 14, 2023. “I write today seeking further clarification surrounding events that took place on June 14, 2023 at Highwood Creek Outfitters gun shop in Great Falls, Montana. According to the owner and local reporting on the event, 20 armed federal agents entered the store, remained on the premises for several hours, and confiscated several boxes worth of documents. Among the documents reportedly seized were Firearms Transaction Records (ATF Form 4473) that contain the personally

Daines Leads Colleagues to Crack Down on Anti-Second Amendment Woke Corporations

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today in introducing the “Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act” to stop the federal government from entering into contracts with entities that promote anti-Second Amendment policies. “The Constitution is clear—the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, especially not by woke corporations that are taking Montanans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars. We must send a clear message to these anti-Second Amendment companies that infringing on Americans’ Constitutional rights is unacceptable,” Daines said. Read the “FIND Act” bill text HERE. Senators Jim Risch (Idaho), Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.), Roger Marshall (Kans.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Mike Crapo

Daines Protects Montanans’ 2nd Amendment Rights from Unelected Gun-Grabbing Bureaucrats

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines helped introduce two bills to fight back against the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) recently announced unconstitutional federal registry for firearms with stabilizing braces. “The ATF has proven time and time again that they are hellbent on carrying out President Biden and Senate Democrats’ unconstitutional gun grabbing agenda. I will not standby as Washington bureaucrats seek to strip Montanans of their constitutional rights, and this new pistol brace rule is just the next step in their plan to undermine law abiding Montanans’ right to keep and bear arms,” Daines said.  The Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act will remove the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation of firearms such as Short

Daines Introduces Legislation to Protect Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights from Bureaucratic Overreach

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation to stop bureaucratic attempts to strip Social Security beneficiaries of their Second Amendment rights. S.2495, which Daines cosponsored with nine other senators, would prevent information gathered by the Social Security Administration regarding the management and payment of an individual’s benefits from being used to prevent an individual from purchasing a firearm.  “The Obama administration is once again infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” Daines stated. “This is a violation of both Americans’ Second Amendment rights and our right to due process. It’s deplorable that government bureaucrats can strip Americans of their constitutional

Daines Statement on Obama’s Unlawful Gun Grab

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today slammed President Obama’s latest unlawful executive action on gun control as yet another power grab that threatens the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans: “President Obama is jeopardizing the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans with his latest efforts to undermine the Second Amendment. It is a gross abuse of executive authority for the President to unilaterally move forward his ineffective, anti-gun agenda with the stroke of his pen. As Montana’s voice in the United States Senate, I will continue to fight against President Obama’s endless assault on Montanans’ Second Amendment rights.” ###