Tag: Government Overreach

Daines ‘Stands with Rand’ in Opposition to NSA Bulk Collection of Montanans’ Phone Records

Senator Steve Daines today stood alongside Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and called for the end of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) bulk meta-data collection program. Below are key excerpts from Daines’ floor speech: “I know firsthand the power that big data holds – I also know the great risks that arise when this power is abused. There is a clear and direct threat to Americans’ civil liberties that comes with the mass collection of our personal information and phone records. “This program is a direct threat to our Constitutional rights. It has jeopardized our civil liberties with little proven effectiveness.

Daines: Court Ruling Bulk Phone Collection Illegal is Welcome News

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today welcomed a federal court ruling that the National Security Agency’s (NSA) bulk telephone metadata collection program is illegal and reaffirmed his commitment to ending the federal government’s mass collection of Montanans’ personal information. The New York-based 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals unanimously ruled today that the NSA does not have the legal authority to widely collect Americans’ bulk telephony metadata. “Montanans have long known that the federal government’s mass collection of our personal data is an unacceptable overreach of power and today’s court ruling confirms it,” Daines stated. “It’s long past time

Daines Introduces Historic Reform Bill to Protect Montanans’ Privacy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today helped introduce widely supported bipartisan legislation that ends the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records. Daines is an original cosponsor of the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015, which ends bulk collection under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and requires greater oversight, transparency, and accountability in surveillance activities. Three provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), including Section 215, are due to sunset on June 1. “Montanans have seen firsthand the dangers of big government’s intrusion into our daily lives, our personal information and our privacy,” Daines stated.  “It’s critical that comprehensive reforms are put

Daines Signs Onto Term Limits Bill

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has joined Senator David Vitter (R-LA) in introducing legislation that would establish term limits for members of Congress. The bill, S.J.Res.1, proposes a Constitutional amendment that would limit the number of terms that a member of Congress can hold to three terms in the House and two terms in the Senate. “Too often, career politicians lose sight of why they are in Washington, D.C. and who they are there to serve. When politicians become more focused on looking out for their own self-interest instead of the needs of their constituents,