Tag: Energy / Natural Resources

Daines, Zinke Call on Army Corps of Engineers to Complete Environmental Study on Gateway Pacific Terminal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and Representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT) today led a bipartisan group of sixteen Senators and seventeen House members in urging the Army Corps of Engineers to complete the required review process for the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal before making any decisions that could impact the project’s future. Daines’ and Zinke’s letters come in the wake of news that the Seattle District of the Corps may make an atypical final determination on key components of the project before completing the required Environmental Impact Study (EIS).  Such action not only threatens the future of the project,

Daines, Forest Service Affirm Importance of Categorical Exclusions as Forest Restoration Tool

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today pressed the U.S. Forest Service to outline reforms needed to restore the health of the National Forest system and clarify the importance of Categorical Exclusions (CEs) as utilized by the Forest Service in forest health restoration projects. Click here to download Daines’ questioning. Click here to watch Daines’ questioning. During today’s Energy and Natural Resources hearing, Daines reaffirmed his commitment to forest management reform and asked Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell about how CEs are used to expedite forest restoration projects and enhance the environment. “I’m very determined, I’m very motivated to pass

Daines Statement on AG Lawsuit to Rein in EPA Overreach

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and 12 other states’ lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) over the new regulation broadly expanding the definition of the Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS). “I applaud Attorney General Tim Fox for standing up for Montana farmers, ranchers and small businesses against another egregious power grab by the Obama administration. This rule has the capability to cripple Montana agriculture and natural resources, hurt Montana jobs and threaten Montanans’ property rights.  As

Daines Statement on Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA et. al.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA et. al.: “The Court took an important step today to help ensure the EPA takes into account the true cost of excessive regulations on the American people, their jobs and their livelihoods. This rule is just one of the numerous burdensome regulations the Obama administration has cooked up that has the potential to eliminate good paying jobs and devastate the livelihoods of hardworking American families. “But while today’s ruling is welcome news, Montanans have already seen the real

Daines’ Bills to Provide Critical Funding for Montana’s Rural Water Infrastructure Receive First Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines’ bills to provide much-needed funding for Montana rural water infrastructure received their first Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing today. Daines’ bills— S. 1552 the Clean Water for Rural Communities Act and S. 1365, the Authorized Rural Water Projects Completion Act – provide much-needed funding and authorization for the construction and completion of critical rural water infrastructure projects in Montana and other states. Daines’ remarks can be viewed here and downloaded here. “Water is a basic need of life. In Montana, we depend on a steady supply to irrigate our crops, water our livestock

Daines Secures Additional Support for LWCF

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today secured close to $14 million in additional funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a program of critical importance to increasing access to Montana public lands and protecting Montana’s outdoors heritage. During today’s mark up of the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2016, Daines and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) successfully passed an amendment to increase LWCF programs by nearly $14 million, bringing the overall total funding for LWCF to the FY2015 enacted level of $306 million.  “LWCF is an important program for Montana that helps expand access to

Daines Urges Commerce Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on PHMSA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines is calling on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to hold an oversight hearing on the reauthorization of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). In a letter to Chairman John Thune (R-SD), Daines urged the Committee to convene a hearing on the reauthorization PHMSA to examine the federal government’s responsibility in ensuring safe and environmentally sound transportation of natural resources through America’s pipelines, railroads, highways, waterways and airspace. Daines’ calls come in light of the millions of miles of pipeline across Montana and the need to upgrade and better maintain failing pipelines.

Daines Works To Expand Markets for Montana Energy

Senator Steve Daines today worked to break down some of the regulatory barriers facing Montana energy producers and expand markets for made in Montana energy. During today’s Energy and Natural Resources hearing, Daines sought to ensure that Montana coal isn’t hindered by duplicative regulations that could increase energy prices and negatively impact the thousands of jobs and more than one hundred million dollars in tax revenue each year that coal provides. Daines: “Can you provide some examples of federal actions where the public would have been better served if federal agencies deliberated the impact to grid reliability in meaningful fashion

Montana’s Senators Work to Improve Access to Montana’s Outdoors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In honor of the upcoming National Trails Day, Montana Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester are working to improve maintenance of Montana’s National Forest trails. Daines and Tester have signed onto S.1110, the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act of 2015, which would ensure existing Forest Service resources are better used to maintain National Forest trails. It would also significantly increase the role of volunteers and local partners in maintaining the usability and sustainability of the National Forest trail system. “Montana has a rich outdoor heritage that is critical to our state’s economy and our way of

Daines Statement on EPA Study Confirming Safety of Hydraulic Fracturing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) draft assessment concluding that hydraulic fracturing has not led to “widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources.” “The EPA assessment reflects what Montanans have long known: hydraulic fracturing is a safe and effective way to access Montana’s vast energy resources. The federal government needs to step back and allow states to take the lead in regulating hydraulic fracturing.” ###