Tag: Debt

Daines on Fox News Tonight: Skyrocketing Debt is “Existential Threat” to American Way of Life

Calls out President Biden & Senate Democrats for standing in the way of responsible solution to debt ceiling New York, N.Y. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines tonight joined Trey Gowdy on Fox News Tonight to discuss the impending default on the national debt and President Biden’s refusal to rein in reckless spending. Daines on White House’s Handling of Spending Crisis This is a crisis management driven operation. They try to lead by crisis. They started with the border. It’s all self-induced. They opened up the border, we got a border crisis.  It leads to a crime crisis, then they unleashed spending, now we

Daines on Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria Bartiromo: Biden and the Democrats’ Priorities are Out-of-Step with the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Senator Steve Daines appeared on Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria Bartiromo to discuss President Biden and Democrats’ $80 billion IRS spending plan, debt ceiling negotiations and energy security. Daines on IRS funding: “Look, this is just an example of how misplaced the priorities are this administration, how out of step they are with the rest of America. Why in the world would we add over 80,000 more agents to harass taxpayers when we could be deploying resources to secure the southern border? How about deploying resources to help secure our schools, protect our children? This is yet one more example of how far left this

Daines: New Deficit Projections Affirm Need to Rein in Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today reaffirmed his commitment to reining in Washington’s out-of-control spending after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that the federal budget deficit is expected to increase by $105 billion in 2016 – the first increase in seven years. “These projections reaffirm the dire consequences of Washington’s continued bloated spending. Make no mistake – this $105 billion increase in the federal deficit is direct result of the 2000-page trillion dollar spending bill that was cobbled together behind closed doors and forced through Congress last month,” Daines stated. “It’s past time for Washington to get serious about reining in our national

Daines Speaks Out Against Debt Limit Deal

Senator Steve Daines today spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the debt limit deal and reaffirmed his intention to vote no on the deal. Watch Daines’ remarks here.  “The people of Montana deserve real solutions to address Washington’s failures, not more budget gimmicks and backroom deals,” Daines stated. “This deal takes our nation in the wrong direction. That’s why I’m voting no.” Video of Daines’ full remarks is available for download here. Yesterday, Daines outlined his concerns regarding the debt limit deal and his intention to vote no. To read more of Daines’ thoughts on the debt limit

Daines Introduces First Bill: The Balanced Budget Accountability Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today introduced his first piece of Senate legislation, the Balanced Budget Accountability Act, to require that Congress passes a balanced budget – or members won’t get paid. Montana Representative Ryan Zinke and House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Luke Messer have also introduced companion legislation in the House. The Balanced Budget Accountability Act strengthens accountability in Washington and encourages members of Congress to commit to the annual budget process as required by law and pass budgets that balance within ten years. If a balanced budget is not passed by April 15—the legal requirement for Congress