Tag: Continental Divide

Daines Pushes for the Completion of the Continental Divide Trail

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today at a Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing called for passage of his bipartisan bill to complete the Continental Divide Trail that runs through Montana. Click HERE to watch and HERE to download. “At today’s hearing, we also have the opportunity to hear testimony on my bipartisan bill, Senate Bill 594, the Continental Divide Trail Completion Act. This bill requires the Secretaries of the Interior and Ag to prioritize completion of the trail before 2028, the 50th anniversary of the trail’s designation. The Continental Divide Trail spans over 3000 miles from the northern border of Montana to the southern border of New

Daines Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Complete Continental Divide National Scenic Trail

U.S. SENATE –  Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bipartisan bill directing the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior to prioritize completion of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) by the trail’s 50th anniversary in 2028. “Completing the Continental Divide Trail will support Montana jobs, boost economic development for our local gateway communities, and encourage cooperation between federal land managers, states, Tribes, towns, and more. As an avid outdoorsman, I know how important outdoor recreation is to our Montana way of life— I’m glad to work across the aisle to get this done for Montanans and everyone