Tag: bipartisan

Daines: Retirement Security is Critical for Montanans

U.S. SENATE – Today, at a U.S. Senate Finance Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines stressed the importance of retirement security for Montanans. At the hearing, Daines urged passage of his bipartisan retirement security bill, the “Retirement Savings Lost and Found Act”, to help Montanans hold on to more of their hard-earned dollars and better prepare them for a peaceful retirement.   To download the Senator’s opening remarks click, HERE. For b-roll of the Senator on the hearing, click, HERE.   “Montanans and the American people work hard and save up for decades with the hope of achieving a peaceful retirement – a retirement where folks don’t

Daines Continues Bipartisan Fight for Vietnam Veterans Harmed By Agent Orange

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines renewed efforts to secure disability and health care benefits for Navy veterans, known as “Blue Water” veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange while fighting in the Vietnam War. “Commonsense tells us that sailors who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam deserve the same level of care as their counterparts ashore,” Daines said.  “Together with the court’s recent Procopio decision, this bill should settle any questions over Congress’ intent to care for all Vietnam veterans who were injured in the line of duty.” During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military sprayed approximately 20 million gallons of Agent

Daines Fights for Mandatory Funding of LWCF

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced bipartisan legislation to authorize full, mandatory funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). “The historic bipartisan lands package which permanently maintained our commitment to LWCF was a big win for Montana, but now we must come together again to ensure the program is fully funded,” Daines said. “Expanding access to public lands and preserving the rich outdoor heritage of Montana is one of my highest priorities in the U.S. Senate. I will not stop fighting until we get full funding of LWCF.” Daines is a member of the U.S. Senate

Daines Named a Leading Bipartisan, Transparent Senator

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today was recognized by the Lugar Center as a leading bipartisan senator in the U.S. Senate. Daines was also named a finalist by the Congressional Management Foundation for top U.S. Senator in transparency, accountability, and innovation.  “Delivering results for hardworking Montanans is what I was elected to do,”Daines said. “I will continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get important Montana priorities signed into law.” The Lugar Center and Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Pulibc Policy recognized Daines this week in its Bipartisan Index as having one of the

Daines Delivers Historic Conservation Win for Montana

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined President Trump at a bill signing ceremony at the White House for a bill signing ceremony of the bipartisan public lands package, which includes the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act. “What a great day for Montana, a great day for America,” Daines said. “I just came back from the West Wing of the White House, the Oval Office, where I witnessed President Trump sign the lands package. In fact, here’s one of the pens from the signing ceremony that I keep

Daines: Bipartisan Public Lands Package One Step Closer to Law

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today applauded the House passage of the bipartisan public lands package, which includes permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act. “This bipartisan public lands package is a historic win for conservation in Montana and across our nation, and after today, it’s one step closer to becoming law,” Daines said. “I’m very glad to see the House pass this important package to help protect our public lands for generations to come, and I look forward to President Trump signing it into law.”Download Audio of Statement

Daines Named ‘Hero of Main Street’

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has received the “Hero of Main Street” award from the National Retail Federation for his support of legislation critical to the retail industry. Daines is part of a bipartisan group honored for their support of a wide range of issues including international trade, infrastructure investment, tax reform and labor issues.  “I’m proud to be recognized for my efforts supporting local Montana business owners that create good-paying jobs,” Daines stated.   “Senator Daines has shown through his support that he cares about retailers big and small, and values the role these businesses play

Daines Leads Bipartisan Group of Senators in Introducing Measure to Strengthen Cybersecurity

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today lead a bipartisan group of Senators in introducing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that directs the president to elevate U.S. Cyber Command to a Combatant Command. U.S. Cyber Command it is currently a subordinate unit to U.S. Strategic Command. Congress established U.S. Special Operations Command to address a rapidly growing need, strengthen the warfighter and to unify forces. Today, with cyber threats being one of the fastest growing national security threats we face, the need for another Combatant Command is clear. Daines’ amendment will elevate the command so it

Daines, Tester Call on Congress to Stop Massive Expansion of Government Surveillance and Hacking Power

Stopping Mass Hacking Act Reverses Disastrous Changes to Warrant Procedures; Congress Must Act or Government Will Be Able to Hack Millions of Americans’ Devices with a Single Warrant, Compromising Security and Privacy U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today introduced the Stopping Mass Hacking (SMH) Act to protect millions of law-abiding Americans from government hacking. The Stopping Mass Hacking (SMH) Act, S. 2952, is a bipartisan effort that prevents recently approved changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure from going into effect. The changes would allow the government to get a single warrant to hack

Daines Leads ICBM Coalition Urging Defense Department to Expedite Security of Nuclear Weapons

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led the bipartisan ICBM coalition urging the Department of Defense (DoD) to outline a clear plan for the security of the nuclear missiles stationed in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming following the news that the Department of Defense failed to approve the Air Forces’ request for a faster acquisition process.  In a letter to DoD Secretary Ash Carter, the members expressed their concerns with DoD’s announcement to proceed with the slowest proposed route to replace the Vietnam-era UH-1Ns. “We write to express serious concerns with the absence of an appropriate and timely path to replace