Tag: Agriculture

Daines Demands Commitment to On-Time Federal Grain Inspection Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today renewed his call to ensure timely and efficient grain inspections from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are conducted so that normal shipments of Montana grain will continue uninterrupted. In a letter to Senate Agriculture Committee leaders, Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Daines underscored the importance of maintaining continuous required grain inspection for farmers, ranchers and producers. Daines also highlighted the need for USDA to provide a specific plan in the case of disruptions in grain inspections. “The ability to get one’s harvest to consumers quickly and efficiently

Daines Calls for Prioritized Funding for Tribal Water Projects

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines is working to ensure that Montana tribes have the resources they need to maintain irrigation projects on Montana reservations. During today’s Senate Indian Affairs Committee legislative hearing on S. 438, the Irrigation Rehabilitation and Renovation for Indian Tribal Governments and Their Economies Act (IRRIGATE Act), Daines stressed the importance of fixing the maintenance backlog issues facing a number of irrigation projects throughout Indian Country, including five in Montana. Daines also reiterated his support for funding additional authorized rural water projects through the Bureau of Reclamation, including those on the Fort Peck and Rocky Boy

Daines Announces Appropriations Subcommittee Assignments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has been selected to serve on five Senate Appropriations subcommittees. Daines will serve on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies; Defense; Interior, Environment and Related Agencies; State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies. Daines noted that the subcommittees’ focus will address a number of issues of great importance to Montana, including the management of public lands and support for Montana’s mission at Malmstrom Air Force Base by ensuring that our service members have

Daines Stresses Importance of Montana’s Freight Rail Network

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sought to address the critical need for expanded rail capacity to support Montana jobs and key industries, such as agriculture and mining.     During today’s Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing on Freight Rail Transport, Daines pressed the panel on how to improve track capacity and maximize efficiency on our nation’s rail system. “80 percent of our wheat crop is exported overseas, so it’s our connection from rails to the ports that allows us to grow jobs and support Montana farmers,” Daines stated during today’s hearing. Immediately prior to today’s