Tag: Afghanistan

Daines to Kerry: Congress Doesn’t Make Laws With Iranian Interests in Mind

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today criticized Secretary of State John Kerry for his recent attempts to placate Iran’s concerns over the United States’ Visa Waiver Program (VWP) restrictions. Daines also called on Kerry to press the Iranian government, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, to cease its support for terrorist activity and provide tangible evidence of such action.  In a letter to Secretary Kerry, Daines and 13 of his colleagues ask the Secretary to make clear to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif that U.S. national security interests, not Iranian interests, were the impetus for changes to the VWP. The letter is

Daines Honors Helena Veteran as an “Angel in Adoption”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today recognized John Joyce of Helena as an “Angel in Adoption” – an honor designated to Americans making a difference in the lives of children through adoption.  Click here to download the photo of John Joyce with Senator Daines. “It’s an honor to nominate John as an ‘Angel in Adoption.’ As a Guardsman and Afghanistan veteran from Helena, Montana, John has a heart for serving not only his country, but his community. John is a source of support, stability and inspiration for the young men he has helped foster and has been a source of inspiration for