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Daines Votes to Confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Montana’s Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) was at the White House on Monday night following the successful confirmation vote for now Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Justice Barrett was an incredible nominee who was anticipated to make the court for several years prior to her nomination. The photo above was likely the most memorable moment of her confirmation hearings. At one point, a senator on the Judiciary Committee asked Barrett what she had in front of her in terms of notes. She had to have a bunch of notes given how eloquently she answered every question posed to her by

What They Are Saying: Montana Leaders Thank Daines for Voting in Support of Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation

U.S. SENATE – Today U.S. Senator Steve Daines voted “yes” to confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. Several Montana leaders issued statements in support of Daines’ vote to confirm Justice Barrett.  “Today, I proudly voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. Justice Barrett’s qualifications and character are indisputable. She is a brilliant jurist, and as a mother of seven children, she is an inspiration to professional women, working moms and school-aged girls across Montana who can feel certain there is no American Dream that women can’t achieve. Justice Barrett will safeguard our liberties, defend the Constitution, and protect

Daines Celebrates New Affordable Clean Energy Rule

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today praised the actions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to repeal and replace the Clean Power Plan (CPP) with the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule. “The new ACE plan is great news for Montana’s rural communities,” Daines said. “The Obama EPA Power Plan would have wiped out Colstrip immediately, killing high paying jobs, local and state tax revenue that helps pay for our schools, and affordable reliable energy that keeps the lights on. This ACE Rule would instead provide flexibility to states and power plants to innovate to reduce pollution rather than eliminating coal

U.S.-Japan trade, crucial to Montana, expected to improve

Struggling U.S. agriculture exports to Japan, which have cost Montana farmers millions in sales since the start of 2019, are a few months away from being resolved, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer testified Tuesday. Lighthizer, taking questions from Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., before the Senate Finance Committee, said his office was working with Japan to smooth out tariff troubles brought about by the United States’ 2017 exit from the multinational Trans-Pacific Partnership. Nations who stuck with the U.S.-initiated TPP are seeing tariff reductions in Japan that the United States isn’t. Montana wheat producers expect their 2019 trade losses in Japan

Daines’ pro-coal bill signals move toward ‘American energy dominance’

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) on May 9 proposed a bicameral Republican measure that would extend the tax credit for production of refined coal to protect critical energy jobs in Montana and around the country. “This bill will protect good-paying energy jobs, support refined coal production, and reduce emissions,” Sen. Daines said on May 10. “This is a win for Montana, this is a win for the environment, and this is a win for American energy dominance.” Sen. Daines introduced S. 1405 with lead cosponsors including U.S. Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Cory Gardner (R-CO). The companion bill, H.R.

Daines, Gianforte Fight for Montana Energy Jobs

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte introduced a bill to support and create Montana energy jobs by extending a refined coal production tax credit. The bill will help improve the economics of Colstrip, promote clean coal production and reduce emissions. “Colstrip and energy jobs are a critical part of our Montana way of life,” Daines said. “This bill will protect good-paying energy jobs, support refined coal production, and reduce emissions. This is a win for Montana, this is a win for the environment, and this is a win for American energy dominance.”     “For too long, IRS inaction has

Daines Rejects Disastrous Green New Deal

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against the disastrous Green New Deal. Daines dismissed the radical proposal as nothing more than a vehicle for socialist policies that would destroy Montana’s economy. “The Green New Deal is a radical, top-down idea that disregards the impacts on hard working Montanans and Americans across our country. Plain and simple, it’s a socialist wish list that has nothing to do with conservation or the environment,” Daines said. “This so called trillion plus dollar “deal” would kill Montana jobs, hurt Montana families, and destroy Montana’s economy. We should be working towards an all of the above energy agenda focused

Daines Applauds Trump Administration for Reversing Job-Killing Regulation on Coal

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement on the Trump administration’s proposed revisions to the Obama era’s job-killing Clean Power Plan (CPP).   “The EPA Power Plan was another example of President Obama and Gina McCarthy regulating by having the tail wagging the dog. Their standards were unattainable and did nothing to clean up the environment and instead killed high paying jobs,” Daines said. “Today’s action by the Trump administration will help save Montana jobs and help create affordable and reliable energy across the country. I’m thankful for EPA Administrator Wheeler and President Trump for stepping up to the plate.”  As part of

Billings Gazette: At Billings summit, speakers aim not just for energy independence, but for energy dominance

Representatives from the energy industry gathered Thursday in Billings under the banner mantra of energy independence. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines primarily touted the phrase at the Montana Energy Summit event he organized, featuring industry executives and government officials on stage. If the theme of the event was the celebration of the domestic natural resource supply, then Harold Hamm was perhaps the speaker who embodied that most. The Continental Resources founder and CEO spoke about the Bakken Shale Formation as the gift that keeps on giving. His company is the formation’s largest leaseholder. “You hear about peak consumption in the world

Billings Gazette: Here’s a look at the state of Montana’s energy industry ahead of Billings summit

Montana’s energy economy is at a crossroads as U.S Sen. Steve Daines kicks off his energy summit Thursday in Billings. On the state’s horizon are the possible northern construction of the Keystone XL pipeline in 2019, the closure of two of Colstrip Power Plant’s four units within the next five years and the legal battle between Western states over shipping coal through Pacific Northwest ports. The Bozeman Republican has assembled a full day’s worth of experts from the oil, gas and coal industries to discuss the future of energy production in Montana. There will be some discussion of renewable energy