Search Results for: mental health – Page 4

Daines Urges President Trump to Expand Healthcare Coverage for National Guard Members Serving During the Coronavirus Pandemic

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter yesterday to President Trump urging him to permit National Guard members responding to the Coronavirus pandemic in our communities to be eligible for TRICARE coverage. “Day by day, increasing numbers of our National Guard are asked to support the national effort to address this crisis. Many of our guardsmen and women have lost their jobs during this unprecedented situation,” Daines wrote. “During this time, we should do all we can to support the men and women being asked to assist our nation’s response to this pandemic and ensure that they

Daines: We Must Work and Stand Together to Provide Relief to Workers, Families, Small Businesses and Healthcare Professionals Now

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the Senate voted against a Coronavirus economic recovery package that would deliver major relief for millions of workers, working families and small businesses in Montana and across the country. “The health and livelihoods of the American people are in danger and I’m disappointed the Senate didn’t move forward to support crucial legislation to respond to the health crisis and rescue workers and small businesses across our country. We need to stand and work together during this difficult period in our nation’s history,” Daines said. For audio of the

Daines Urges President Trump to Prioritize Public Health, Montana Businesses During Northern Border Travel Restrictions

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged President Trump to prioritize the shipment of essential goods such as medical supplies, agricultural commodities, and energy, which will help local Montana businesses and border communities, during ongoing negotiations with Canada over travel restrictions in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Daines also emphasized the importance of ensuring that local communities and businesses are kept informed when exemptions are granted or restrictions considered.   “These exemptions will undoubtedly evolve as the pandemic progresses, but we believe that some level of certainty regarding what businesses and individuals will be exempt from future actions is

Daines: Trump Admin Expanding Medicare Telehealth Services During Coronavirus Outbreak

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced the Trump administration will be expanding access to Medicare telehealth services during the coronavirus outbreak. Daines has been vocal in advocating for the expansion of telehealth services to serve Montana seniors and folks across the state, including those in rural communities. “This decisions is about ensuring Montana’s most vulnerable, our senior citizens, are able to visit with their doctor without leaving their homes and risking exposure to coronavirus,” Daines said. “I’m happy the Trump administration acted to increase access to care for Montana’s Medicare patients during the coronavirus outbreak. I will

Daines defends environmental record; supports LWCF, opposes land transfers

Sen. Steve Daines this week defended his environmental voting record by expressing support for funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund at its full amount while opposing the transfer of federal lands back to the states. But he remained noncommittal on the appointment of William Pendley to lead the Bureau of Land Management. Pendley has advocated for transferring or selling public lands and is viewed by some as an ideological extremist on the issue. “You have a director in Interior Secretary David Bernhardt who has been adamant in his opposition to the transfer of federal lands to the states,” Daines

Republicans Take an Important Step Back into the Environmental Debate

Conservation and conservatism: The two are rightfully inseparable. Yet it is fair to say that the Republican brand has for many years been divorced from environmental causes in the public imagination. Widely associated with climate-change skepticism, unquestioning support of the fossil-fuel industry, and the blind harvesting of resources, the GOP’s record on conservation is a bit rocky. But as voters become increasingly worried about the environment, Republicans on the Hill have finally realized that there is no time like the present to show some concern for the fate of the natural world. Last Wednesday, a group of Republican senators and

Daines Announces $2,499,999 for Asbestos Health Screening in Libby

U.S. SENATE – Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced a $2,499,999.00 grant for the Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) in Libby. The Center for Asbestos Related Disease is a vital nonprofit resource that helps with identification treatment, and research for those with asbestos exposure. “Too many Montana families have suffered at the hands of asbestos,” said Daines. “Through this additional funding the Center for Asbestos Related Disease will be able to continue the excellent work they have been doing and the people of Libby will have the support they need to fight the consequences of this deadly carcinogen.” Background: In 2009,

Daines Votes to End Democrat Led Filibuster, Provide Critical Health Care for 24,000 Montana Kids

U.S. SENATE — Today U.S. Senator Steve Daines voted to end the filibuster and end the government shutdown. The bipartisan bill passed with 81 votes. The bill is expected for final passage in the Senate later this afternoon. The government funding bill includes a six-year reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which 24,000 Montana kids depend upon, and will keep the government open until February 8th.  “This afternoon Senate Democrats joined us and we were able to pass a bill to end the filibuster, setting us up to reopen the government and ensure our national security needs are

Daines to Radical Environmentalists: Stop Blocking Forest Management Projects

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Friends of the Wild Swan (FOWS), Swan View Coalition (SVC), Alliance for the Wild Rockies (A WR) and Native Ecosystems Council (NEC) 60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue under the Endangered Species Act, Beaver Creek Project. The Notice of Intent was submitted on August 25.                                                                The Beaver Creek Project was developed in a collaborative fashion

Veterans are Getting Better Access in Health Care

One major problem with the care system for veterans was people who did a bad job could not get easily fired. Stories of bad treatment, waiting months to see a doctor and workers who didn’t do their jobs where widespread. One of the first things President Trump did, which was supported by Montana Senator Steve Daines, was to make it easier to get rid of people not doing their jobs. Senator Daines helped secured provisions in the FY 2018 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that will increase Montana veterans’ ability to get care for injuries they sustained