Search Results for: government spending – Page 4

Daines Votes Against Trillion Dollar Backroom Spending Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after voting in opposition to a $1.1 trillion backroom spending bill that fails to rein in the national debt:  “Once again, Washington’s inaction and govern-by-crisis strategy is getting in the way of providing the American people with the long-term solutions they deserve. We need an open discussion about how to support our nation’s priorities while also cutting wasteful Washington spending and reining in the nation’s debt. This 2000-page backroom deal fails to do either and only takes our nation further down an unsustainable path of more unbridled spending and more

Helena Independent Record: Daines Pushes for Forest Policy Reforms Tied to Increased Wildfire Spending

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines joined other Republicans Wednesday in calling reforms to wildfire spending inadequate without also including reforms to forest management policy. In a conference call, Daines, Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, and Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-Arkansas, challenged wildfire funding requests from the Obama administration and calls from some state and federal lawmakers to end the practice of “fire borrowing” without also passing reforms to limit litigation and increase the pace and scale of forest management. “It’s irresponsible and a missed opportunity to only address funding issues without reform,” Daines said in light of the recent fire season across the

Daines on Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria Bartiromo: Biden and the Democrats’ Priorities are Out-of-Step with the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Senator Steve Daines appeared on Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria Bartiromo to discuss President Biden and Democrats’ $80 billion IRS spending plan, debt ceiling negotiations and energy security. Daines on IRS funding: “Look, this is just an example of how misplaced the priorities are this administration, how out of step they are with the rest of America. Why in the world would we add over 80,000 more agents to harass taxpayers when we could be deploying resources to secure the southern border? How about deploying resources to help secure our schools, protect our children? This is yet one more example of how far left this

What Montanans Are Saying About the Democrats’ “Build Back Broke” Tax & Spend Bill

U.S. SENATE – This week, several Montana leaders, organizations and groups sent letters and statements to Montana’s senators raising concerns over the Democrats’ tax and spend bill. “This partisan legislation would fail to solve the inflation crisis that is crushing Montana families and small businesses, recklessly raise takes during a recession, and harm Montana’s way of life…It is simply wrong-headed to raise taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars – including on the middle class – just as many economists believe our nation has entered a recession,” said Representative Matt Rosendale. Read the full letter HERE.  “…the methane fees in the proposed “Build Back Better

Daines: Biden’s Budget Will Add Trillions to the National Debt, Worsen Inflation Crisis

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement upon President Biden submitting his FY23 budget request to Congress.  “As Montana families are struggling with skyrocketing prices on everything from groceries to gas to rent, President Biden wants to pour fuel on his inflation dumpster fire with more big government, wasteful spending. His budget adds trillions to our national debt and recklessly spends Montanans’ taxpayer dollars on the far-Left’s liberal wish list,” Daines said. “At a time when Montanans are feeling the sting of the Democrats’ wasteful tax and spend agenda, we should be reining in government spending, not spending more.” Some

Nothing left in the bucket’: Wildfire resources run thin

Justin Silvera came off the fire lines in Northern California after a grueling 36 straight days battling wildfires and evacuating residents ahead of the flames. Before that, he and his crew had worked for 20 days, followed by a three-day break. Silvera, a 43-year-old battalion chief with Cal Fire, California’s state firefighting agency, said he’s lost track of the blazes he’s fought this year. He and his crew have sometimes been on duty for 64 hours at a stretch, their only rest coming in 20-minute catnaps. “I’ve been at this 23 years, and by far this is the worst I’ve

Daines, Gianforte praise Helena company’s work on F-35 fighter jet

A disembodied cockpit and set of screens at Helena’s Fire Training Center simulate the world’s most advanced fighter jet.  The Lockheed-Martin F-35 Lightning II is a state-of-the-art aircraft intended for use by the United States military and by partners overseas. A stealth fighter, bomber and all-round world-beater, the F-35 is intended give America long-term air superiority. “I grew up under President Ronald Reagan and he always talked about ‘peace through strength,’” U.S. Sen. Steve Daines said. “This is a great example of the technology we need, the F-35, for air superiority.”  Sen. Daines and U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte were in Helena

LWCF is getting real traction — and Daines and Tester both deserve credit

The Land and Water Conservation Fund, or LWCF, is getting lots of attention these days, and for good reason. For over a half-century, LWCF has delivered real benefits in Montana and across the country, providing funds to protect and gain public access to the parks, forests, and outdoor recreation we all need. LWCF has a proud history of bipartisanship that continues today, even as mudslinging in DC gets worse and worse. A bill recently passed by the Democratic House and the Republican Senate permanently reauthorizes LWCF and clears the way for continued federal funding for our Montana way of life.

Montana’s Sen. Steve Daines lands rare committee appointments, political clout

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines will do something no senator has done in 75 years: serve on both the Senate Finance and Appropriations committees, a move expected to give Montana unusual clout and gird Daines for the 2020 elections. The assignment gives Montana a seat at the table on the committee responsible for prescription drug prices, Medicaid, Medicare, taxes and trade. It also puts Daines on two of the Senate’s most powerful “juice committees,” which boost a lawmaker’s ability to leverage campaign funds. By being on the two committees, Daines will have a first vote on every federal dollar raised and

Daines Announces Committee Assignments for 116th US Congress

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced his committee assignments for the 116th U.S. Congress. Senate Republican leadership has asked Daines to serve on the U.S. Senate Committees on Finance, Appropriations, Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), and Indian Affairs Committees. “It is an honor to represent the people of Montana in the United States Senate and I will continue working on their behalf in the new Congress,” Daines stated. “I will continue fighting for balanced budgets, responsible government spending, less taxes, active management of our public lands and resources, and upholding our responsibility to Montana’s tribes. I look forward to working on