Search Results for: cottonwood – Page 4

Daines rallies support for wildfire logging bill

After meeting with timber, fire and wildlife supporters in Kalispell on Monday, Sen. Steve Daines predicted a new forest management bill he’s co-sponsored could be law in four months. “We spent the time to get a strong, bipartisan launch,” Daines said on Monday. “There’s a high probability we’ll have a hearing when we go back in September, and the goal is to get the bill signed into law by the end of the year.” Republican Daines and Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California introduced the Emergency Wildfire and Public Safety Act on Aug. 4. It has since picked up two

Daines co-sponsors bill to reduce wildfire, halt ‘frivolous’ environmental lawsuits

Montana Sen. Steve Daines has introduced new legislation meant to reduce the risk of large wildfires on federally managed lands, and to make it harder for environmental groups to halt permitted timber harvests by obtaining federal court injunctions. Daines announced his submission of the Emergency Wildfire and Public Safety Act during a news briefing on Wednesday, describing it as “a major bi-partisan breakthrough” in the effort to reform forest management practices. “This is a Democrat from California, (Sen.) Dianne Feinstein, working with a Republican from Montana, myself, because we share a common interest to overcome a problem, and that is

Daines Introduces Major Bipartisan Forest Management Reform Bill

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) today introduced major, bipartisan forest management reform legislation. The bipartisan bill increases active management of federal forests, cuts red tape, reduced frivolous litigation and gives the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) the tools to protect communities from deadly wildfires.    “I am very happy to join Senator Feinstein in introducing this strong, commonsense forest management legislation,” Daines said. “This bill will speed up urgently needed projects to reduce wildfire risks, create good paying jobs in the forestry sector, and protect public health and safety. I look forward to working closely with

Daines Introduces Bill to Cut Red Tape to Improve Forest Health, Support Critical Timber Jobs

U.S. SENATE – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill that will address the challenges stemming from the Cottonwood decision that created a new standard for re-consultation on Forest Plans when ‘new information’ is made available. The bill will improve the health of forests, advance wildlife and restoration projects, reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires and support timber jobs. “Even the Obama Administration agreed that the Cottonwood decision was flawed and crippled forest management. This law has tied the hands of our land managers, prevented them from following the best available science in management decisions, and diverted resources for an paperwork exercise yielding

Daines bill would undo 9th Circuit ruling on thinning

Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines will introduce legislation today to remove a potential roadblock to forest management projects on federal land. Daines’ bill would remove a requirement — imposed as a result of a lawsuit five years ago — that the Forest Service consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service on land management plans when “new information” emerges about potential effects on endangered species. In practice, the requirement means the Forest Service must reconsult with the Fish and Wildlife Service on forest management plans that have often been in place for years, even when a specific project isn’t in question. That takes

A fully funded LWCF good for Montana

Montana Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines are applauded for introducing legislation to make permanent full funding for the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. Now Rep. Greg Gianforte needs to get on board. When the state’s delegation speaks with unanimity, it wields much more influence in the halls of Congress. Democrat Tester and Republican Daines introduced a measure recently that would allocate $900 million – the maximum – every year for the LCWF. The fund is fed by royalties paid on offshore drilling and it helps pay for a variety of outdoor amenities – from city parks to fishing

Senate Western Caucus Pushes for Robust Forest Management Reforms

U.S. SENATE — Chairman of the Senate Western Caucus, U.S. Senator Steve Daines (Mont.), and Caucus Members Cory Gardner (Colo.), Lisa Murkowski (Ala.), John Barrasso (Wyo.), Mike Lee (Utah), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), Mike Crapo (Ind.), Jim Risch (Idaho), Mike Rounds (S.D.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), John Thune (S.D.), Dan Sullivan (Ala.), and Dean Heller (Nev.) today sent a letter to urge Farm Bill conferees to include robust forest management reforms in the final Farm Bill. These provisions will reduce the risk and severity of catastrophic wildfires. Daines is the lone voice for Montana on the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

Daines, Gianforte Introduce Legislation to Protect Montana Forest Projects from Fringe Environment Extremists

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte today introduced legislation that will cut red tape and protect forest management projects from litigation.      “Time is of the essence to properly manage our forests,” said Daines. “Fringe environmental extremists have kept solutions at bay and that’s why I’m introducing legislation that will cut excessive red tape and protect forest management projects from getting caught in the litigation process.”      “The disastrous Cottonwood decision has put Montana timber workers out of work and forced our communities to face more severe wildfires. Cottonwood made it easier for environmental extremists to unnecessarily

Missoulian: Daines adds slate of forest amendments to Farm Bill

The new version of the 2018 Farm Bill may have a lot of Montana-based timber policy changes, including restrictions on court challenges to logging projects and simplified forest management rules. Much of that will come from Sen. Steve Daines, R-Montana, who filed 20 amendments to the bill on Monday evening. Those additions will be discussed in mark-up sessions over this week. “Chairman Roberts asked me to take the lead on the forestry side,” Daines said on Tuesday, referring to Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kansas. “I’m using that as another vehicle to work on forest management reform.” Daines said a

Secretary Perdue, Forest Service Endorse Daines’ Efforts to End Frivolous Litigation, Move Forest Management Forward

Both endorse creating arbitration program for Montana to ensure faster implementation of forest management projects, reduce wildfire risk  U.S. SENATE — Today during hearings in the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and the interim chief of the U.S. Forest Service agreed to work with U.S. Senator Steve Daines to end frivolous litigation that hinders critical forest management projects in Montana. They both voiced support for his effort to establish an arbitration program in Montana that would be an alternative to litigation. “Environmental extremists have used fringe