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Veterans Resources

Montana has a rich legacy of service, and I’m proud to represent our state’s veterans in the U.S. Senate. I’m dedicated to ensuring that our veterans receive the care and benefits that they fought for and greatly deserve. I’m here to help. Below you’ll find information about a variety of resources available to our veterans, as well as contact information for Montana’s Veterans Affairs offices. And always, please contact our office for assistance with any questions or problems you may have. Montana State Veterans Affairs Office – Phone: (406) 324-3740 Belgrade: (406) 388-4601 Billings: (406) 248-8579 Butte: (406) 533-0910 Great

Daines, Colleagues Demand VA Do a Better Job of Providing Community Care to Veterans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today to demand the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reaffirm its commitment to veterans and ensure they have access to quality health care in a timely manner. “Veterans deserve access to quality health care in a timely manner and the VA’s failure to do so and willful disregard for established standards is unacceptable,” the Senators wrote.   Daines is joined by Senators Mike Braun (R-Ind.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The MISSION Act created commitments to veterans’ quality of care for the VA – this letter demands answers as to why the VA fell short of their promises. Read the full

Daines Supports Historic Veterans’ Health Bill

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement on the bipartisan “Honoring Our PACT Act” that would provide care and support to Montana veterans suffering from toxic exposure and other related health conditions.  “Montana veterans served our nation with honor, and it is our duty to ensure they have the care and services they need when they return home. The ‘Honoring Our PACT Act’ will ensure that the men and women who have suffered from toxic exposure while bravely defending our country receive the support they deserve. I look forward to seeing this bipartisan bill signed into law,” Daines said.  Read

Daines to Biden: Don’t Cut VA Medical Services for Montana Veterans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines is calling on President Biden to consult with Montana veterans about the impacts of closing rural Montana VA health care facilities.  “For many elderly Veterans, VA facilities are the only place they seek care. The reasons Veterans often cite are that they are better understood, respected, and cared for at their local VA Medical Center (VAMC). VA facilities often serve as the crux for elderly Veterans’ community. Time and time again, we have been told by elderly Veterans that they enjoy visiting their VAMCs. They build networks of friends and VA staff that serve

Daines Blasts Biden Admin for Recommending Closure of Rural Montana Veterans Health Care Facilities

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today blasted the Biden administration’s report suggesting closures and modifications of Montana veteran health care clinics across the state. “Yesterday’s report from the VA under Biden that recommends closing veteran clinics across Montana is unacceptable and shows how out-of-touch D.C. bureaucrats are with rural America,” Daines said. “The Biden administration cannot ignore the unique obstacles that rural health care facilities face and must take that into consideration before closing clinics. These facilities provide critical care to Montana’s brave men and women who served our nation and I will not give up fighting to protect access to the care

Daines Demands Answers from the VA on Decisions Impacting Veterans Health Care

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs calling for transparency and answers on decisions impacting Montana veterans. This includes an investigation which found 1,600 potentially ineligible providers in the VA’s system, the VA quietly consolidating Community Care offices and pending VA health care facility closures.  “As you know, the GAO recently flagged some 1,600 health care providers as potentially ineligible to participate in the VCCP, including many who were deceased, had violent criminal records, and had revoked or suspended medical licenses.  Our veterans and taxpayers deserve better.  I would like to know

Daines Calls on VA to Address Impact of Afghanistan Withdrawal on Montana Veterans’ Mental Health

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined a bipartisan group of senators calling on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to conduct outreach to Montana veterans who served in the Global War on Terrorism – especially those who served in Afghanistan – and provide them with mental health resources. Their request comes as reports find calls to veterans’ suicide hotlines have increased since the fall of Afghanistan earlier this month. “We write in light of the recent events in Afghanistan to encourage the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to quickly develop a comprehensive outreach plan to connect Afghanistan and Global War on Terrorism veterans to VA benefits and services. More than two

Daines Issues Statement on Conclusion of Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Following Meeting with MT Veterans

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today met with Montana veterans, including several who served in Afghanistan. As the meeting wrapped, it was announced that President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan came to an end with the last U.S. flight leaving the country. “Today, I had the honor to sit down with several Montana veterans, including many who fought in Afghanistan, to hear their thoughts on President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan—they are outraged and ashamed,” Daines said. “At the same time our meeting wrapped, America’s last flight left Afghanistan, even though we still don’t know the total number of Americans trapped behind enemy

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Help Connect Montana Veterans with Service Dogs

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines cosponsored a bipartisan bill today, the “Puppies Assisting Wounded Service Members,” or “PAWS Act,” to help Montana veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by providing access to service dogs.  “Montana veterans gave so much on behalf of our country in order to protect our freedoms,” Daines said. “Helping connect Montana veterans struggling with PTSD with a loving pup is a small way we can show our gratitude for their service.”   Hear from a local Montana veteran thanking Senator Daines for his work on the bipartisan legislation and more about the benefits of having

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bills to Support Montana Veterans, Military Families

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today cosponsored two bipartisan bills that would support Montana veterans and active military families. The bipartisan “Improving Housing Outcomes for Veterans Act” provides resources to veterans facing homelessness and the bipartisan “Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act” helps support jobs for military spouses. “Montana veterans and Montana military families make great sacrifices for our nation. It is one of my top priorities to ensure that the brave men and women and their families who’ve given so much to protect our freedoms receive the support and services they need,” Daines stated. Bills cosponsored by Daines: Improving Housing Outcomes for Veterans Act – This bill ensures the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is providing