Search Results for: israel – Page 2

Daines Calls on Biden to Freeze $6 Billion Iran Transfer Following Terror Attacks on Israel from Iranian-Backed Hamas

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines joined a group of his Republican colleagues to call on President Biden and his administration to immediately freeze the Iranian accounts containing the $6 billion dollars that was a part of a ransom deal President Biden made with Iran. “To stand by and allow Iran access to these funds as Hamas infiltrates Israel and murders, rapes, and mutilates countless Israelis is unconscionable. Your administration claims these funds are only available for humanitarian use, but money is fungible, and there is a significant risk they could be used to further efforts by Iran or Hamas against Israel. Moreover, allowing $6 billion to flow into

Daines Blasts Amnesty International’s Report Calling Israel Apartheid State, Demands Retraction from Organization

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter demanding Amnesty International retract its biased and erroneous report which accuses the State of Israel of being an apartheid state. “I write to express my strong disapproval with Amnesty International’s recent biased and erroneous report accusing the State of Israel of being an apartheid state, and I call for its retraction. I am concerned such accusations will only worsen antisemitism, encourage anti-Israel extremists, and harm efforts for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Daines wrote. “Israel is a strong democracy with robust opposition and minority parties, including an Arab party within

Daines: We Shouldn’t Give One Penny to the Palestinian Authority So Long as They’re Providing “Pay to Slay” Payments to Terrorists Who Attack Israel

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the “Taylor Force Martyr Payment Prevention Act” which would strengthen U.S. anti-terrorism financial regulations and deter foreign banks from making payments to the Palestinian Authority (PA) for its “pay-to-slay” program, which pays terrorists for carrying out acts of terrorism.  “Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East—we must stand with them in their fight against terrorism,” Daines said. “To this day, terrorists of Hamas are not only being idolized for suicide bombings, but they’re being paid significant sums of money to commit horrendous acts of terrorism. It’s time to close these loopholes and ensure that not another penny goes to terrorists committing these horrendous

Times of Israel: Montana’s top elected leaders condemn neo-Nazi harassment of state’s Jews

WASHINGTON — Montana’s top elected leaders of both parties issued a strong denunciation Tuesday over a plan by neo-Nazis to conduct an armed march harassing the state’s Jewish community.   “We condemn attacks on our religious freedom manifesting in a group of anti-Semites,” the officials said. “We say to those few who seek to publicize anti-Semitic views that they shall find no safe haven here.”  The statement — signed by Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D), US Senators Steve Daines (R) and Jon Tester (D), Rep. Ryan Zinke (R) and Attorney General Tim Fox (R) — is a response to plans to hold the march

Daines Meets with Foreign Leaders and U.S. Troops in Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he recently returned from an official overseas congressional delegation trip to Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan.   Daines had the opportunity to meet several Middle Eastern leaders and discuss political, economic and security issues facing Middle Eastern nations. Meetings included: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jordanian King Abdullah II, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Iraqi President Fuad Masum and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.   Daines also met with several Montana service members stationed in the Middle East, including General Paul Funk, a native of Roundup, Montana and a graduate of Montana

Daines to President Biden: “Stop Letting the American Left Dictate Your Foreign Policy”

“It’s time for Joe Biden and Senate Democrats to stop worrying about their reelection and start worrying about America’s security.” U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference, calling on President Biden and Senate Democrats to prioritize American security over appeasing pro-Hamas protestors. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “President Biden, stop letting the American Left dictate your foreign policy. Campus protests and threats and intimidation of Jewish students has now turned into graduation walkouts. This weekend we saw walkouts, we saw demonstrations at Duke, Virginia Commonwealth, the University of North Carolina, among others, all in protest of

Daines Condemns Antisemitic Protests, Calls for Defunding of Universities Allowing Violence Against Jewish Students

“This Kind of Hate Has No Place in America.” U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference calling on the Biden administration and Senate Democrats to join him in condemning the antisemitic pro-terror mobs threatening Jewish students on college campuses throughout the country. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “The outbreak of antisemitism on college campuses across America right now at this moment is reprehensible. This kind of hate has no place in America. And I’ve got to point out the hypocrisy here. These elite universities, they tout diversity and inclusion as long as Jewish students

Daines: “The United States Must Stand With its Allies”

President Biden and Senate Democrats Own the Border Crisis U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after voting to support the emergency national security supplemental spending bill considered by the Senate: “As Presidents Reagan and Trump showed, peace is best achieved through strength. Weakness in the face of ruthless enemies is a surefire way to start new wars that involve American troops. This bill provides critical lethal aid to Israel as they defend themselves from terrorists and with antisemitism raging on our college campuses, sends a strong message to those who threaten Jews and chant ‘death to America’

Daines Hails House Passage of Bill Redesignating Houthis as Foreign Terrorist Organization

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today hailed passage of the “Standing Against Houthi Aggression Act” to redesignate Ansarallah, more commonly known as the Houthis, as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) given their actions to destabilize the region, the security threat they pose to the U.S. and most recently, their involvement in the ongoing conflict in Israel.  “The Houthis are a terror organization funded by Iran, and Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel this weekend means it’s even more important that we redesignate them as such. Doing so will send a strong message to our allies and the terrorists alike

Daines Statement Opposing Senate Emergency Spending Bill

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement today after voting against the Senate’s emergency spending bill: “Our southern border is a crisis of the Biden administration’s own making. President Biden made it worse on Day One of his presidency by reversing President Trump’s policies that helped make it secure. The results speak for themselves with illegals who are on the FBI’s terror watch list and from countries designated as state sponsors of terror streaming across and overwhelming our border patrol agents. “While I support providing lethal aid for Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine, I voted against the emergency