Search Results for: government spending – Page 2

Daines Statement on House Democrats’ Passage of Plan for Trillions in Reckless Tax and Spending

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after the United States House of Representatives voted to pass the $4 trillion budget resolution with a commitment to vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure package next month. “We knew all along Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats would prioritize their far-Left agenda over the needs of the American people. The Democrats had always planned to force their liberal wish-list of social policies through Congress with or without the support of Republicans. It is astonishing that as Montanans are already facing skyrocketing prices and soaring inflation, Democrats believe the best solution is to grow the government, spend more money we don’t have and impose taxes on hardworking

Daines Statement on the Democrats’ Newly Unveiled Disastrous $4 Trillion Reckless Tax and Spending Bill

U.S. SENATE —Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after Senate Democrats unveiled the details of their $4 trillion budget resolution that will radically expand the federal government, increase taxes for Montana families and businesses and put a massive amount of debt on the backs of Montanans. “Montanans are already grappling with soaring inflation and skyrocketing prices on everything from gas, to housing costs, to groceries. The reckless tax and spending spree bill the Democrats are now pushing will do nothing but hurt hardworking Montana families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers,” Daines said. “This behemoth of a spending bill is packed with far Left,

GOP Sen. Daines: No Biden spending bill funding should go to states that give money to illegal immigrants

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., announced Monday he will introduce a bill to prevent funds in President Biden’s $1.9 trillion infrastructure spending bill from going to states that give stimulus payments to illegal immigrants. In a press release obtained by Fox News, Daines took aim at the president’s response to the immigration crisis after visiting the southern border, criticizing Biden’s border policies and states, such as New York, that give stimulus payments to undocumented migrants. Daines announced in the release that he will introduce a bill into Congress aimed at preventing any funds from going to states that give cash

Daines Slams Biden’s 2022 Draft Budget as Liberal Agenda, Wasteful Spending

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement upon President Biden submitting his draft FY22 budget request to Congress. “President Biden’s budget is a progressive’s dream with top priorities including billions for Planned Parenthood, gun control, the anti-energy agenda, a massive expansion of the federal government, and zero funding for the border wall. A budget that increases domestic spending by 16 percent, on the heels of $6 trillion in spending over the past 12 months, combined with a separate $2.5 trillion ‘infrastructure’ proposal is reckless,” Daines said. “I am committed to protecting Montana taxpayers, fighting against this wasteful spending, and bringing accountability and commonsense

Daines Introduces Bill to Give States More Control Over Education Spending

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines today reintroduced the “Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act” or the “A-PLUS Act” to give Montanans more say over how their tax dollars are spent on education. “Montana parents and teachers know what Montana students need best,” Daines said. “We should empower state and local leaders to have more of a say in the classroom, and keep DC bureaucrats and the federal government out of it.” “‘The A Plus Act’ is about more than removing burdens and giving schools flexibility. The ‘A Plus Act’ is about preserving local control and the Montana way of life. The need to provide

Sen. Daines introduces bill to give states more control over education spending

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines reintroduced the “Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act” or the “A-PLUS Act” Friday to give Montanans more say over how their tax dollars are spent on education. “Montana parents and teachers know what Montana students need best,” Sen. Daines said. “We should empower state and local leaders to have more of a say in the classroom, and keep D.C. bureaucrats and the federal government out of it.” Montana Superintendent Elsie Arntzen weighed in, saying, “‘The A Plus Act’ is about more than removing burdens and giving schools flexibility. The ‘A Plus Act’

Montana breweries, distilleries get tax relief from spending package

(KPAX) HELENA — Now that President Donald Trump has signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding package, Montana breweries and distilleries will receive some much-needed tax relief. The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act was incorporated into the year-end legislative package. It makes a reduced tax rate on small brewers and distillers permanent, after it was initially approved for two years, then extended for one more. U.S. Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines both co-sponsored the bill and supported adding it to the spending deal. If the CBMTRA had not been passed, excise taxes on small breweries

Montana breweries and distilleries get tax relief from Congressional spending package

HELENA — Now that President Donald Trump has signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding package, Montana breweries and distilleries will receive some much-needed tax relief. The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act was incorporated into the year-end legislative package. It makes a reduced tax rate on small brewers and distillers permanent, after it was initially approved for two years, then extended for one more. U.S. Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines both co-sponsored the bill and supported adding it to the spending deal. If the CBMTRA had not been passed, excise taxes on small breweries would

Water compact squeezes into congressional spending package

A century-long debate over water rights in the state is nearing an end, providing certainty for farmers and ranchers in southwest Montana. The Montana Water Rights Protection Act passed the U.S. Congress this week as part of a major coronavirus relief and year-end appropriations package. It next needs President Donald Trump’s signature, which isn’t yet certain because he objected Tuesday to some of the package. It may have to return to Congress for revisions and another vote. Once the act becomes law, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes will ratify it. The tribes will then relinquish thousands of water rights across the state, including

Congress passes historic CSKT water compact with massive spending bill

Tucked in the mammoth spending bill that Congress passed Monday night is a historic pact that will resolve thousands of water-rights claims by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, provide nearly $2 billion for a major irrigation project and return the 19,000-acre National Bison Range to tribal ownership, more than a century after the federal government illegally carved it from the middle of the Flathead Indian Reservation. The passage of the compact, which moved through Congress as the Montana Water Rights Protection Act, comes five years after the Montana Legislature narrowly approved a similar agreement with the CSKT. It was