Search Results for: fentanyl  – Page 2

Daines, Colleagues Hold Social Media Giants Accountable for Role in Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led a group of his colleagues in an effort to hold the CEOs of Instagram, TikTok, Snap Inc., and YouTube accountable and demand answers on what they are doing to curb the drug epidemic created by President Biden’s southern border crisis and prevent the sale of fentanyl-laced pills to teenagers and young adults on their social media platforms.  “We write to you today regarding reports that the use of your social media platforms has been linked to the sale of fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills that have caused the deaths of teens and young adults across the country.  In light of the devastating rise

Daines Discusses Addiction Support at Senate Finance Committee Hearing

U.S. Senator Steve Daines spoke at a Senate Finance Committee hearing, and emphasized the rapidly increasing number of fentanyl-related deaths in Montana as a result of President Biden’s wide-open southern border. Daines also highlighted the importance of community partnerships and peer support in the addiction recovery process. Watch the exchange HERE. “I’ve spent a lot of time on the southern border, sometimes going the night shift from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., watching what’s happening. This vote this afternoon is a political stunt. If we’re serious about solving the crisis on the southern border, the Democrats should go down to the

Daines: Biden Visiting Southern Border to Solve Political Crisis Not National Security Crisis

U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ remarks at today’s Republican Senate leadership conference highlight the southern border’s deadly chaos, citing an increase in fentanyl overdoses, illegal immigrants on the FBI terror watch list and the recent death of UGA student Laken Riley, who was murdered by an illegal immigrant. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “Three years ago, Joe Biden appointed Kamala Harris as border czar. Do you remember that? The border czar, and I quote President Biden when he said ‘she speaks for me’ and ‘is the most qualified person to do it.’ So, where is the border czar now? She won’t be with

Daines on Fox Business’ Kudlow Slams Biden’s Weakness on the World Stage

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business’ Kudlow slamming Biden’s weakness on the world stage as he focuses on appeasement and climate instead of securing the southern border. Watch the interview HERE. Daines on Biden’s Skewed Priorities Larry, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it did in the last 24 hours when the Biden administration lifts the sanctions so the Iraqis can buy another $10 billion of Iranian oil. Larry, you can’t make this up. As I was watching what happened today, watching that meeting in San Francisco between Xi and Biden, as he was flying across the country, he should

Daines Bills to Bolster Mental Health Workforce One Step Closer to Becoming Law

Two of Daines’ Bills Passed Out of the Senate Finance Committee with Bipartisan Support U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today spoke at a Senate Finance Committee meeting about the importance of mental health services, especially in rural states like Montana. The committee passed the “Better Act” with bipartisan support which included Daines’ bipartisan “Expand the Behavioral Health Workforce Now Act” and the “More Behavioral Health Providers Act.” The legislation Daines helped pass today specifically targets lack of access in several ways, including bolstering telehealth services, addressing coverage gaps, and strengthening the mental and behavioral health workforce. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. “In

Billings Gazette: Daines cites “national security” threat along U.S. Mexico border

U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., called for a major U.S. policy change along the U.S.-Mexico border after touring the boundary Wednesday. Montana’s Republican senator characterized the thousands of daily illegal crossings into the United States as a threat to national security, putting blame on Democratic President Joe Biden, while also calling for a federal policy change. “I believe our southern border, and my observations today affirm, that it is a threat to national security. It must be secured,” Daines said. “These are backward policies. These are wrong policies of President Biden that have created this crisis. He suspended construction of

Daines: Biden is a Record-Breaking President

Slams Biden for record-high illegal border crossings To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference slamming President Biden for his record-breaking southern border crisis. “Joe Biden is a record-breaking president. Record high inflation. Record high gas prices. Record high illegal border crossings. And this administration who, ‘brought back transparency,’ conveniently disclosed the August border numbers in a Friday evening news dump when they thought nobody was paying attention, and I can see why they wanted the American people to miss this. “New numbers show President Biden’s southern border

Daines on Border Crisis: “President Biden is setting all the wrong records for all the wrong reasons.”

August Border Numbers Reveal Record Number of Encounters for 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement in response to U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealing today there were 232,972 encounters along the southern border in August – the highest number in all of 2023: “President Biden is setting all the wrong records for all the wrong reasons. First it was record inflation and now it’s a record at the border. The administration revealed today there were over 230,000 encounters at the southern border in August, the most of any month in 2023. Here in Montana, we are a northern border

Daines Secures Big Montana Wins in Defense Bill

Bipartisan FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Passes out of Senate with Daines Support U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines voted to pass several significant Montana priorities in the bipartisan “National Defense Authorization Act” (NDAA), including bills to strengthen national security, give U.S. servicemembers a much deserved pay raise, combat the fentanyl epidemic, and more. Click  HERE to watch and download statement as video. “The 2024 NDAA is a win-win for Montana. I was able to strengthen this bill with several key provisions to keep America safe and protect our Montana way of life. From fentanyl flooding our streets to empowered foreign enemies, the threats facing

Daines Delivers Powerful Remarks on the Human Cost of Southern Border Crisis

U.S. SENATE – Senator Steve Daines spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate today about the fentanyl epidemic that is a direct result of the Biden administration’s failure to secure the southern border. Specifically, he highlighted Reilly Schrapps, a 24 year old from Butte who died after taking a pill laced with fentanyl last summer.   Click HERE to watch full remarks and HERE to download. Excerpts from Daines’ remarks as prepared for delivery: “When most people talk about the fentanyl crisis gripping our communities today, they talk about the numbers. And the numbers are powerful. In 2022, synthetic opioids, like deadly fentanyl, claimed over 75,000 lives in our country. It’s estimated over 150 people die