DAINES: We Must Permanently Reauthorize LWCF

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced an amendment that would permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).  If not renewed LWCF will expire at the end of September.

LWCF is critical to Montana jobs and our outdoor way of life. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to preserve America’s outdoor heritage. I will fight at every opportunity for its permanent reauthorization.”  said Daines.

The amendment would modify the Interior Appropriations Act of 2018, which the Senate is considering on the floor today, to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. 


Daines has long been a vocal advocate in Congress for preserving and strengthening LWCF. Montana has received approximately $594 in LWCF funding.

Daines recently secured funding for important LWCF projects in Montana, including Everson Bench, Montana Wildlife Refuge, Kootenai Forestland, Beavertail, Swan Range and Clearwater-Blackfoot in Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

Additionally, Daines has consistently urged his colleagues and congressional leaders to join him in fighting to protect LWCF.

