Daines: Term Limits Will Hold Members of Congress Accountable

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined his Senate colleagues in supporting a constitutional amendment limiting senators to serving two terms and representatives to three.

“Too often, career politicians lose sight of why they are in Washington, D.C. and who they are there to serve. When politicians become more focused on looking out for their own self-interest instead of the needs of their constituents, it’s time for things to change,” Daines said. “Term limits will help ensure that the government is accountable to the people and bring new voices with fresh ideas to the Capitol.”

To read the full text, click HERE


Daines has been a champion of fighting to bring accountability and commonsense to Washington.

Today’s introduction is part of a weeklong legislative roll out to hold Washington accountable. 

  • On Tuesday, Daines introduced the Balanced Budget Accountability Act
  • Earlier today, Daines introduced the No Work, No Pay Act

Daines has long been a supporter of Congressional term limits. Daines cosponsored this Constitutional Amendment in the 114th and 115th Congress.

