Daines, Gianforte Secure 24-Hour Status at Raymond Port of Entry, Protect Montana Jobs

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte today secured the reinstating of around-the-clock status at the Raymond Port of Entry.

In a call today with John Sanders, the Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Sanders announced his decision to reinstate full hours of operation at the Raymond Port of Entry. This decision came in response to Daines and Gianforte’s requests to keep the Port of Raymond open 24/7 and three of Montana’s other ports of entry operating at full status. On the call, CBP also committed to holding listening sessions to reengage with local communities on the issue.

“Keeping the Raymond Port of Entry open at 24-hour status is a big win for rural Montana and jobs across our state,” Daines said. “I appreciate Acting Commissioner Sander’s understanding that our rural economy strongly depends on trade with Canada, and the ports of Raymond, Morgan, Opheim and Scobey are essential for our farmers and ranchers.  I will continue fighting to keep Montana’s ports of entry operating at full hours.”

“Montana’s ports of entry are critical for farmers, ranchers, and business owners in eastern Montana,” Gianforte said. “I made it clear to CBP from day one that they should reverse its decision and actually listen to Montanans. CBP’s decision today is a step in the right direction, and I look forward to CBP listening to Montanans about the importance of leaving these ports open.”


In March, Daines and Gianforte opposed CBP’s proposal to reduce hours of operation at Montana’s ports of entry.

In April, Daines and Gianforte followed up on that request, opposing yet again the proposal to reduce hours of operation at Montana’s ports of entry.

