Daines Fights for Farmers and Ranchers, Prioritizes Montana Ag

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines this week cosponsored bipartisan bills to increase transparency in the cattle market and cut red tape for Montana’s ag and livestock haulers.


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“Montana agriculture is part of our way of life. These bills will help ensure Montana farmers and ranchers can compete on a level playing field in the marketplace by improving transparency in cattle markets and removing unworkable and burdensome regulations to transporting agriculture and livestock in a timely manner,” Daines stated.

Daines cosponsored the following bills:

HAULS Act: This bipartisan legislation will ensure federal law does not prevent ag and livestock haulers from getting where they need to go in a safe and timely manner for themselves and their livestock. The bill would ensure Montana haulers receive appropriate relief from the burdensome electronic logging device mandate and provide much needed updates to USDA’s definition of “agricultural commodity.”

Mandatory Negotiated Cash Trade Bill: This is another bipartisan bill that will increase transparency in cattle markets for Montana ranchers and support accurate and fair price discovery to ensure cattle markets are not distorted by market manipulation or price fixing. The bill would require a minimum of 50% of a packer’s weekly volume of beef slaughter to come as a result of purchases made on the open or spot market. This will better ensure the prices Montana ranchers receive are reflective of market conditions.


Senator Daines supported both bills to increase transparency in cattle markets and reduce burdensome regulations for livestock haulers in the 116th Congress.