Press Releases

Daines, Tester Bipartisan National Asbestos Awareness Week Resolution Passes Senate

U.S. SENATE – The U.S. Senate unanimously passed U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester’s National Asbestos Awareness Week resolution as a part of their continued effort to shine light on the dangers of asbestos exposure. “We must continue to raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure and help promote the health and well-being of Montanans across our great state,” Daines said.  “Asbestos has a long, troubling history in Montana, and too many families continue to suffer from exposure to this toxic substance,” Tester said. “It’s past time we outlaw the use of asbestos, but as we continue cleanup efforts in places like Lincoln

Daines: Biden’s Budget Will Add Trillions to the National Debt, Worsen Inflation Crisis

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement upon President Biden submitting his FY23 budget request to Congress.  “As Montana families are struggling with skyrocketing prices on everything from groceries to gas to rent, President Biden wants to pour fuel on his inflation dumpster fire with more big government, wasteful spending. His budget adds trillions to our national debt and recklessly spends Montanans’ taxpayer dollars on the far-Left’s liberal wish list,” Daines said. “At a time when Montanans are feeling the sting of the Democrats’ wasteful tax and spend agenda, we should be reining in government spending, not spending more.” Some

Daines Proposes Effort to Help Tell the Stories of Montana’s Fallen Heroes

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter proposing the addition of QR codes to veterans’ grave markers to provide further information about their stories of service, sacrifice and patriotism. “Each year hundreds of thousands of people travel across the nation to visit grave sites of our fallen heroes. These visits consist of families visiting their loved ones, students on field trips eager to learn about our military, and military members visiting their comrades. Many of the grave sites provide very little information about the fallen heroes outside of general background information like name, rank and military service. QR

Daines Introduces Bill to Stop Federal Government from Tracking Montanans’ Religious Information

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill that would prohibit the federal government from sharing, disclosing, or disseminating information concerning Montanans’ religious accommodation requests, including exemption requests for COVID-19 vaccines. “The Constitution is clear—Montanans have the right to freedom of religion. The federal government should not be tracking, storing and sharing Montanans’ religious exemption requests for anything, especially for Biden’s overreaching vaccine mandates. We must fight back against this egregious power grab,” Daines said.  To read the bill text click HERE. Background:  At least 19 federal agencies – including five cabinet-level agencies – have created or proposed on the Federal Register to

Daines to Biden: Current Number of Historic Illegal Crossings Will Look Like Small Potatoes If You End Yet Another Trump Policy

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter urging the Biden administration to mitigate the expected surge of illegal immigrants at the southern border, which is already at a historic high, ahead of a possible decision to reverse the Title 42 public health order which allows for the rapid expulsion of illegal migrants and asylum seekers.  “We understand that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is planning to lift its Title 42 public health policy that enabled the immediate expulsion of immigrants caught illegally entering the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy served as an

Daines Introduces Bill to Fight FERC’s Partisan, Anti-Energy Policies and Combat Rising Energy Costs

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced a bill, the “Ensuring National Security Using Reliable Energy (ENSURE) Act,” to help ensure Montanans have access to reliable and affordable energy.  “What’s typically seen as a nonpartisan agency, FERC has become the latest arm of Biden’s partisan, woke green agenda,” Daines said. “While pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way to transport natural gas, FERC is creating new burdensome barriers preventing new ones from being built. For the sake of Montana families and our national security, we need to be supporting American energy and American pipelines—not setting up new roadblocks.” This legislation will stop the Federal Energy Regulatory

Daines Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Protect Montanans’ Privacy from Government Surveillance

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bipartisan bill to increase transparency and protect the privacy of Montanans from government surveillance. The bill would require public reporting and notice of the hundreds of thousands of criminal surveillance orders issued by courts each year, which are typically sealed indefinitely, keeping government surveillance hidden for years, even when the targets are never charged with any crime. “It’s simple–Montanans have a Constitutional right to know if their personal information has been searched or seized or if they’re being investigated by the government,” Daines said. “We must increase transparency regarding government surveillance while maintaining

Daines, Hickenlooper Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Designating March 2022 as “World Down Syndrome Month”

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) introduced a bipartisan Senate resolution designating March 2022 as World Down Syndrome Month.  “All lives are precious and created with God-given dignity and potential, no matter how many chromosomes they may have. Designating March as World Down Syndrome Month will help raise awareness and celebrate the joy that those with Down syndrome bring to our lives and families,” Daines said. “This resolution celebrates people with Down syndrome and reaffirms our commitment to inclusion, respect, and health equity,” Hickenlooper said. Read the resolution HERE.   ###   Contact: Rachel Dumke,  Katie Schoettler  

RECAP: Daines’ Bipartisan Senate Trip to Poland, Germany to Discuss Russian Invasion of Ukraine

U.S. SENATE — Following Daines’ bipartisan Senate delegation trip to Poland and Germany where he met with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs to discuss Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, he issued the following statement:  “There is good and evil in this world, and we saw that firsthand with Putin’s war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. Meeting with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs in Poland and Germany allowed us to gain greater insight into Russia’s invasion, including the terrible humanitarian crisis that it’s created and the importance of having a strong military and energy security,” Daines said. “In Berlin,