Press Releases

Daines: Dems’ Inflation Crisis, Anti-Forest Management Agenda Worsening Montana Housing Shortage

U.S. SENATE – At a U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines discussed the effects the Democrats’ inflation and supply chain crisis has had on the housing situation in Montana, especially in Tribal communities.  Click HERE to watch and download. “I hear consistently from first responders, our teachers, and other critical workers in Montana that it is almost impossible to find homes to rent – let alone buy – that are safe and let alone affordable. In the past two years construction times have been protracted by material and worker shortages…In our Tribal communities it’s especially true. We may have as many

Daines Calls Out Credit Card CEOs for Infringing on Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines called out the CEOs of Visa, Mastercard, and American Express for agreeing to adopt a separate category of transactions for gun shops making it easier to track and report gun sales. The CEOs decision came at the recommendation of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which has no authority over the affairs of American businesses.  “…This decision, which is already being hailed by radical anti-gun activists, is he first step towards backdoor gun control on law abiding Americans. Any change that seeks to impact a United States citizen’s ability to legally purchase a firearm belongs

Daines, Rosendale to Biden: Don’t Send Illegal Immigrants to Montana

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Representative Matt Rosendale today sent a letter to the Biden administration condemning any plans to transport illegal immigrants from the southern border to Montana or any other northern border state. “Under your watch, the situation at our southern border has devolved into an unmitigated national security and humanitarian crisis that shows no signs of abating. The people of Montana should not be made to clean up the mess your Administration’s failed policies have created,” they wrote. Read the letter Senator Daines and Representative Rosendale sent the Biden administration HERE.  Contact: Rachel Dumke,  Blake Kernen

Daines Introduces Bill to Hold Drug Dealers Accountable for Fentanyl Deaths

U.S. SENATE – As Montana faces a deadly fentanyl crisis, U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced legislation tomake the distribution of fentanyl resulting in death punishable by federal felony murder charges.  “Fentanyl is the leading cause of death among young adults nationally, and it is the number one public safety threat in Montana. The fentanyl crisis tearing our communities apart is the result of Biden’s wide open southern border. We need swift, meaningful action to combat this epidemic – that includes cracking down on the criminals distributing it,” Daines said.  Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. Montana Attorney General

Daines Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Expand and Support Forestry Programs, Job Opportunities for Job Corps Students

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bipartisan bill, the  “Civilian Conservation Center Enhancement Act,” with Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) to expand and support specialized forestry and wildland firefighter training for Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center students and ensure a pipeline to good-paying jobs for Job Corps graduates.  “Montana Job Corps Centers help train and prepare young Montanans to enter the workforce,” Daines said. “These centers play an irreplaceable role in our communities especially as the threat of wildfires grow and the forestry sector continues to face labor shortages. Expanding the forestry curriculum, supporting these centers, and ensuring students have a

Daines, Colleagues Hold Social Media Giants Accountable for Role in Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led a group of his colleagues in an effort to hold the CEOs of Instagram, TikTok, Snap Inc., and YouTube accountable and demand answers on what they are doing to curb the drug epidemic created by President Biden’s southern border crisis and prevent the sale of fentanyl-laced pills to teenagers and young adults on their social media platforms.  “We write to you today regarding reports that the use of your social media platforms has been linked to the sale of fentanyl-laced counterfeit pills that have caused the deaths of teens and young adults across the country.  In light of the devastating rise

Daines Supports Montana Moms with Bipartisan Bill to Expand Research, Reduce Stillbirths

U.S. SENATE – Senator Daines cosponsored a bipartisan bill to support Montana moms and families by increasing data collection and reporting on stillbirth and stillbirth risk factors.  “Stillbirth is a tragedy faced by hundreds of Montana families and tens of thousands of Americans every year. We need to be doing everything we can to support the innocent unborn and Montana mothers –I’m glad to help expand research and awareness for the risk factors of stillbirth,” Daines said. In the U.S., stillbirths are defined as the death of a baby in utero, any time from the 20th week of pregnancy onward. According to the CDC, 23,500 babies are born still each

Daines Introduces Bill to Protect Hardworking Montanans, Small Businesses from Democrats’ Supersized IRS

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines, member of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced a bill that would prevent President Biden and Senate Democrats’ supersized IRS from targeting hardworking Montanans and Montana small businesses.  “At a time when Montanans are already facing a recession and struggling with sky-high inflation, it’s unbelievable that Senate Democrats supported a bill that would supersize the IRS to go after Montana small businesses and families,” Daines said. “There is no excuse to sic Biden’s new army of IRS agents on hardworking Montanans, and I’ll fight this every step of the way.” Senate Democrats passed a disastrous, partisan

Daines Calls for Senate Hearing to Address Concerns of Montana Tribes

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today called for a United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hearing to discuss ongoing concerns between Montana tribes, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Indian Health Service (IHS). “Repeatedly Montana tribes have expressed to me substantial concern that Indian Health Service is mismanaged and unresponsive. This is completely unacceptable. Reported delays in providing care, lost health care forms, and use of the wrong equipment have all stood in the way of the United States fulfilling its healthcare obligations to tribal nations. I have heard similar concerns related to bureaucratic delays, lack