Press Releases

Daines Lauds Bipartisan Passage of Bill to Address Veteran Suicide

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today hailed the bipartisan, unanimous passage of legislation to help prevent veteran suicide and improve veterans’ access to mental healthcare services. Daines is a cosponsor of The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act. This bipartisan legislation aims to improve veterans’  access to mental healthcare and suicide prevention resources and increase accountability and quality of care at VA hospitals.    “The tragic epidemic of veteran suicide will continue unless we take concrete steps to improve our veterans’ access to the care they need and increase community support for those who are suffering from mental health wounds,” Daines

Daines Statement on Obama’s Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to President Obama’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016: “It’s no coincidence that the President is releasing his budget on Groundhog Day – it’s yet another budget that never balances, bursting with massive big government spending and burdensome taxes and regulations that have become the unfortunate trademark of the Obama administration. Instead of repeating the same failed agenda that has proven to be wrong for Montana, the President should join the Senate in balancing the budget and working toward commonsense solutions that encourage economic opportunity, grow good-paying

Daines Announces Commerce Subcomittee Assignments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he was selected to serve on four subcommittees on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee for the 114thCongress. Daines will serve on Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittees on Communications, Technology, Innovation and the Internet; Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance and Data Security; Space, Science and Competitiveness; and Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security. As the former vice president of RightNow Technologies, a Montana-based software and technology company, Daines brings a unique perspective and valuable experience to the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Daines noted that these subcommittees

Daines Renews Commitment to Repealing Obamacare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has joined his fellow Senate colleagues in introducing legislation to fully repeal Obamacare— a failed law that has raised healthcare costs for thousands of Montanans, harmed Montana jobs and small businesses and limited many Montanans’ access to the healthcare plans and doctors they want.   “We need to ensure health care is affordable and accessible for all Montanans, and that starts with repealing Obamacare and its costly mandates, burdensome taxes and senseless regulations,” Daines stated. “Obamacare is a misguided, poorly written law that has forced thousands of hardworking Montanans to

Daines Congratulates Two Montana Students on West Point Academy Appointment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today congratulated two distinguished Montana students, Zach Giesecke and Nicholas Loos, for their appointments to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Giesecke, from Greycliff, MT, received a nomination to West Point from Senator Daines and was also nominated by Senator Jon Tester and former Senator John Walsh. Giesecke is a student at Bozeman High School and has been active in football, lacrosse, wrestling and choir. He has previously attended the West Point Summer Leadership Seminar. Loos, whose family is from Lewistown, MT, received a nomination to the academy by Walsh and Tester. Loos is currently a West

Daines Announces Washington, D.C. Legislative and Administrative Hires

  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced legislative and administrative staff hires for his Washington, D.C. office. “My number one priority is serving the people of Montana and ensuring their voices are heard in Washington, D.C.” Daines stated. “Our staff has the experience, enthusiasm and dedication needed to provide Montanans with the service they deserve.” Wally Hsueh will serve as legislative director for Daines’ office, where he will provide strategic policy guidance and oversee all legislative activity. Hsueh, who brings more than 20 years of Capitol Hill experience to Daines’ office, has served in multiple leadership positions and

Montana Senators Urge FAA to Address Montanans’ Safety Concerns Over Powder River Expansion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today pressed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resolve Montanans’ ongoing concerns regarding the expansion of the Powder River Training Complex (PRTC) before issuing a final Record of Decision. In a meeting today with FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, the Montana Senators called on Huerta to reevaluate the Air Force’s plan in light of increased economic activity and air traffic in southeastern Montana. The Senators also urged Huerta to strongly consider removing the controversial PR-3 Low segment of the PRTC and further provide the area with the necessary radar capabilities to better

Daines Announces Appropriations Subcommittee Assignments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has been selected to serve on five Senate Appropriations subcommittees. Daines will serve on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies; Defense; Interior, Environment and Related Agencies; State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs; and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies. Daines noted that the subcommittees’ focus will address a number of issues of great importance to Montana, including the management of public lands and support for Montana’s mission at Malmstrom Air Force Base by ensuring that our service members have

Daines Applauds Final Passage of Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Senator Steve Daines today applauded the bipartisan Senate passage of legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline by a vote of 62-36. This long-awaited legislation will create tens of thousands of good paying jobs, bring much needed economic opportunity to Montana and move the nation one step closer to North American energy independence. “Today, the Senate finally took long-awaited action and passed commonsense, pro-growth legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. This job-creating project will increase economic opportunity in Montana – in turn, raising tax revenues to fund our schools and infrastructure while lowering energy costs for the hardworking