Press Releases

Daines: Port of Raymond Will Remain Open 24-Hours

U.S. SENATE — After more than a year of work by U.S. Senator Steve Daines, today the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that the Port of Raymond will remain a 24-hour entryway into Canada.  “The announcement that the Port of Raymond will remain open 24-hours is welcome news for Montana farmers and ranchers who need to get their goods to market,” Daines stated. “I’m pleased that the CBP heard my frustration and that of Montanans and reversed their misguided decision to reduce their hours.” On March 5, 2016, Daines and U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke met with CBP Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske,

Daines Congratulates Student on Appointment to U.S. Naval Academy

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today congratulated Andrew Sorenson on his appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy located in Annapolis, Maryland. Daines called Sorenson today to inform him of the appointment and offer his congratulations. Sorenson is an Eagle Scout and entrepreneur who owns and operates his own lawn care business and has earned varsity letters in wrestling, tennis, football, indoor track and cross country.  “Andrew has shown himself to be a leader both on the field and in the classroom, and I look forward to watching him become a leader in our armed forces,” Daines stated.  Sorenson, whose family

Daines Introduces Legislation to Bring Integrity to Federal Budget Process

U.S. SENATE — As the Federal Reserve is expected to increase the interest rate next week, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation that would require congressional budgetary scorekeepers to account for interest costs incurred on borrowed funds needed for legislative proposals.  The Budgetary Accuracy in Scoring Interest Costs (BASIC) Act will include the cost of debt in both Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) analysis so that Congress can have the full picture of legislative costs to the American taxpayer.  “If I told you that when Congress employs gimmicks to shield you from knowing exactly how

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Lisa Cline of Broadus

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today recognized educator Lisa M. Cline for over 30 years of service as a K-6 STEM educator throughout the State of Montana.   Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress.  Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of the Week” program by calling Daines’ office at 202-224-2651 or by filling out the contact form on Daines’ website: The

Daines Announces Over $1 Million Grant for CSKT Healthcare Program

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced $1,040,808 in funding for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) for diabetes treatment and prevention. “Diabetes sadly plagues many in Montana’s Native communities, and through this funding the CSKT can continue to improve care for tribal members living with this disease,” Daines stated. Native Americans have the highest rate of Type 2 diabetes in the United States. Daines is a supporter of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI). The 301 SDPI Community-Directed grant programs help to implement diabetes prevention and treatment interventions in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.  On September 20,

Daines, Tester, Zinke Introduce Legislation to Reverse Disastrous Court Ruling

U.S. CONGRESS —U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke today underscored the urgency in reversing the ruling of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cottonwood Environmental Law Center v. U.S. Forest Service by introducing bipartisan bicameral legislation to do just that. The bill seeks to codify the Obama administration’s position that federal agencies are not required to consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service at a programmatic level when new critical habitat is designated or a new species is listed.   “Congress needs to take urgent action to reverse the disastrous activist court ruling for the sake of

Daines Highlights Importance of Consolidated Tribal Land Ownership at Senate Hearing

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today highlighted the importance of reducing divided land ownership on Indian reservations.   During a hearing in the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Daines questioned two Montana tribal leaders testifying at the hearing, Chairman Floyd Azure of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes and Vice Chairman Terry Tatsey of the Blackfeet Tribe, on the value of the U.S. Department of the Interior Land Buy-Back Program to their communities and how they would want to see the program improved. “Montana is home to Indian reservations with some of the most divided ownership in the nation

Daines Discusses Montana Transportation Priorities with Secretary of Transportation Nominee Elaine Chao

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Elaine Chao. “Secretary Chao has the proven experience that the Department of Transportation needs to implement bold policies that reinvigorate our roads, bridges, railroads and pipelines,” Daines stated. “After speaking with Secretary Chao, I am excited to support her confirmation and look forward to working with her to empower states to create new construction and manufacturing jobs.”  Daines and Chao discussed the importance of prioritizing rural America, specifically the need to ensure equity between urban and rural infrastructure development. They

Daines Meets Todd Ricketts, Looks Forward to Confirming Nomination

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on Todd Ricketts, President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee for Deputy Secretary of Commerce following their meeting in his Washington, D.C. office.     “Mr. Ricketts knows how to win and will get the job done at Commerce,” Daines stated. “I look forward to watching him bring his decades of proven business experience to the government to create more good-paying American jobs.” ###