Press Releases

Daines Urges Reversal of Misguided Decision to Stop Hearings on Disability Insurance for Montanans

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged the U.S. Social Security Administration to continue processing Montanans Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims. Recently, Regional Chief Administrative Law Judge Nicholas LoBurgio suspended all hearings for SSDI and SSI claims in the state of Montana until at least the summer of 2017 unless there is a dire need.  In letters to Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin and Judge LoBurgio, Daines implored her to find an alternative solution to reduce the backlog of Region 8 cases while still processing claims for the state of Montana.  “Montanans deserve a timely hearing and

Daines Introduces Bill to Reform Monument Designation Process

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today helped introduce the Improved National Monument Designation Process Act, a bill to facilitate greater local input and require state approval before national monuments can be designated on federal lands and waters. The bill requires, before any national monument can be declared on public land or within the exclusive economic zone, that the following be met: Specific authorization by an Act of Congress; Approval by the state legislature, and for marine monuments, approval by each state legislature within 100 miles of the proposed monument; and Certification of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.  “As a

Tester, Daines Introduce Little Shell Recognition Bill

(U.S. Senate)—Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines kicked off the 115th Congress by introducing bipartisan legislation to grant the Little Shell Tribe of the Chippewa Cree federal recognition. The Little Shell Tribe has sought federal recognition for nearly four decades, and has been recognized by the State of Montana since 2000. “The federal government can’t fulfill its trust responsibility to Montana’s Little Shell Tribe until it recognizes their sovereignty,” Tester said.  “These folks have been waiting long enough for what they deserve, and we won’t stop fighting until we get this bill across the finish line.”   “The Little Shell Tribe has waited far

Daines Discusses Local Control of Education with President-elect Trump’s Education Designee DeVos

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after meeting with President-elect Donald J. Trump’s designee for the U.S. Department of Education, Betsy DeVos. “Betsy DeVos has a passion for education and will be a formidable leader at the Department of Education,” Daines stated.  “I look forward to watching her shape the Department of Education to increase local control of our schools, with policies that originate with the parents, teachers and administrators who are closest to the classroom.”  Daines and DeVos discussed: Increasing local control over education policies and funding and reducing the role of Washington, D.C. bureaucrats. Efforts to ensure

Daines: Zinke Will Make an Outstanding Interior Secretary

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s designee for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Montana U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke.   “Commander Zinke is a military hero who served honorably for 23 years and is taking his service to another level,” Daines stated. “Ryan understands the balance of conservation, responsible energy development and public access.”  “I appreciate Senator Daines taking the time to sit down and talk about how together we can Make America Great Again,” Rep. Zinke stated. “As two Montana kids who were at Boys State together in 1979 and who grew up with

Daines Meets with Energy Designee Perry, Looks Forward to Confirmation

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s designee for the U.S. Department of Energy, Rick Perry.     “After speaking with Governor Perry, I have confidence that he will work to restore the balance between fossil fuel and renewable energy investments and regulation, a balance that has been lacking in President Obama’s Energy Department,” Daines stated. “Governor Perry will work to make our nation energy secure.”  During the meeting, Daines invited Perry to Colstrip and the Crow Reservation and commended his attention to a letter from Lori Shaw, co-founder of Colstrip United, a grassroots citizens’ group to

Daines Implores Indian Health Service to Immediately Fund Repairs to Chippewa Cree Tribe’s Water System

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today urged the Indian Health Service (IHS) to comply with Chippewa Cree Tribe’s request for emergency funding to repair the on-reservation water system in light of recent breakages and contamination. In a letter to Mary Smith, the Principal Deputy Director of IHS, Daines implored her to immediately act on the Chippewa Cree Tribe’s request to ensure water delivery and water safety.  “I write to implore your swift and immediate action in response to the Chippewa Cree Tribe’s urgent request regarding the tribe’s water service,” Daines wrote. “This matter is of utmost importance and must be addressed immediately.” 

Daines Reiterates Opposition to Transfer of Federal Lands

  U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today commented on a recent U.S. House of Representatives budgetary rule change related to federal lands.  “I continue to strongly oppose the transfer of federal lands to the states while fighting to improve the management of those lands.” ###

Daines Discusses Trade Opportunities with Commerce Designee Wilbur Ross

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s designee for the U.S. Department of Commerce, Wilbur Ross.     “Wilbur Ross has an impressive resume and is a force in the private-sector,” Daines stated. “The Department of Commerce and the American economy will be well served by his extensive experience. I’m excited for his ideas to institute strong trade policies that expand opportunities for Montana ag producers and manufacturers to create more good-paying jobs.”  Daines and Ross discussed the importance of exports to Montana jobs and economy and about expanding access to foreign markets for Montana