Daines Secures Forest Management Reforms, Priorities for Montana Agriculture and Rural Communities in Farm Bill
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured forest management reforms and priorities for Montana farmers, ranchers and rural communities in the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Farm Bill that passed out of Committee today. Daines is the only representative of Montana on the Committee. Some of the highlights of the bill include funding for agriculture research critical to Montana farmers and ranchers, crop insurance to help mitigate risks for the agriculture community, programs to support the Montana timber industry and provisions that will prioritize broadband for unserved communities. The Farm Bill will now head to the U.S. Senate
Montana Delegation Demands EPA Resolve $4 Million Fine Against Powell County
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte are working to protect Powell County from having to pay a $4 million fine to the U.S. Treasury Department. The government sent Powell County the bill to cover the costs of an oil spill cleanup from 2011, initially totaling $3,172,982.89. At that time, Powell County made clear to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Coast Guard that it was unable to foot a multi-million dollar fine and sought alternate methods of cleaning up the site. The county’s concerns were ignored and now after the additional costs of
Daines Presses Utility Regulators to Preserve Colstrip
Colstrip critical to U.S. energy security and reliability U.S. SENATE — Today, during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines pressed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Neil Chatterjee on the importance of the Colstrip Power Plant to Montana and grid reliability. FERC is an independent agency that regulates the movement of natural gas, oil, and electricity between states. FERC also oversees regulation for natural gas and hydropower projects. Colstrip is critical to ensuring Montanans have access to reliable, affordable energy. It generates enough power for 1.5 million homes. The power plant is a major
Daines Attends Historic Ceremony to Sign Documents Implementing the Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement and Compact
U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines joined Secretary Ryan Zinke and Blackfeet Nation Chairman Harry Barnes for the historic signing of documents implementing legislation Daines fought for since arriving in Congress: the Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement Act. The Blackfeet water compact will resolve all claims to water rights on the Blackfeet Reservation and ensure access to reliable and clean water for the communities within the Reservation, as well as farms, ranches, and businesses in the surrounding area. Today’s signing brings the settlement closer to becoming final and enforceable. Photo Credit: U.S. Department of the Interior “The Blackfeet Tribe has been waiting
Daines, Senators Call on Administration to Restore More Choice for Americans in Health Insurance Markets
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines and 34 other senators today sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Labor Secretary R. Alexander Acosta, and HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar urging the administration to restore 12-month terms for short-term, limited duration insurance plans, which were available for two decades before being prohibited by Obama administration rules in 2016. The senators also urged the administration to clarify that issuers can offer renewal guarantees for STLD plans as a consumer option. “Allowing STLD plans to offer terms of up to 12 months along with renewal guarantees, consistent with the October 12,
Montana Delegation Introduces Bill to Name Site of B-47 Crash in Memory of Fallen Heroes
U.S. SENATE — This week, U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte introduced the B–47 Ridge Designation Act. This legislation honors Capt. Bill Faulconer, Lt. Lloyd Sawyers, Lt. David Sutton, and Lt. Fred Hixenbaugh who all tragically lost their lives in an Air Force B-47 Bomber crash in Montana in 1962. The bill officially names the unnamed ridge off of Emigrant Peak in Park County where the crash occurred as the ‘B-47 Ridge’ and allows the placement of a memorial plaque at the site. The placement and the maintenance of the memorial will be paid for without taxpayer
Committee Passes Daines’ Initiatives to Support Butte Veterans Home, Malta Training Center
U.S. SENATE — Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ initiative to quicken the construction of the Butte Veterans home by making sure the VA establishes a deadline for its completion and ensuring the VA properly uses the taxpayer dollars that fund the project. “Montana veterans have been waiting for too long for a veterans’ home in Butte,” said Daines. “After years of mismanagement and inefficient use of taxpayer dollars, it is time the VA put the shovel in the ground for this project.” The Committee also passed Daines’ initiative to fully fund the construction of a new
Daines Amendment to Protect States’ Rights, Allow Medical Marijuana Use for Veterans Passes
U.S. SENATE – Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ amendment that protects states’ 10th Amendment right and allows veterans’ to discuss with VA physicians the use of medical marijuana in states where it is legal. The amendment would allow for parity between VA and non-VA facilities in states like Montana, which have medical marijuana programs. It does not change current laws preventing the possession or dispensing of marijuana on VA property, but simply allows veterans to discuss all options that are legally available in their state with their VA doctor. “Veterans should not be discriminated
President Signs Montana Delegation’s Bill to Rename Three VA Facilities in Honor of Montana Veterans
Montana VA clinics to honor David Thatcher, Dr. Joe Medicine Crow, and Ben Steele U.S. SENATE — President Donald Trump signed the Montana congressional delegation’s legislation to rename three Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. This legislation, which was introduced by U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte, recognizes the commitment to duty and the personal courage of three Montana veterans by renaming VA facilities in Missoula and Billings in their honor. The Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Missoula will be renamed in honor of David J. Thatcher, the Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Billings will be renamed in honor of Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow