Press Releases

Daines Secures $825 Million to Address National Park Maintenance Backlog

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured $825 million in the Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to help address the National Park maintenance backlog. The National Park Service is currently suffering from an $11 billion maintenance backlog, impacting trail upkeep, cleanliness of facilities and the quality of campgrounds. “Montana’s National Parks are part of what makes America special,” said Daines. “These critical funds will help protect Montana’s national treasures and support our outdoor economy.” Daines also secured additional Montana wins in appropriations bills, including provisions to fight Montana’s meth epidemic, prevent school violence, protect

Daines Announces $100,000 in Grants to Combat Drug Use in Great Falls and Lincoln County

U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced $100,000 in federal grants to address local drug crises and emerging drug abuses in Great Falls and Lincoln County. The Substance Abuse Prevention Alliance in Great Falls and the Lincoln County Unite for Youth Coalition will both receive $50,000 to support the communities’ efforts to combat local drug use, especially among youth. “Montana’s meth and drug epidemic has taken lives and destroyed families,” said Daines. “These critical funds will help Montana combat drug use and rebuild impacted communities.” Methamphetamine Crisis in Montana: Montana saw a 427 percent increase in methamphetamine violations from 2010-2015.

Daines Commemorates Flag Day, Highlights His Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Burning of American Flag

U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines commemorated national Flag Day by highlighting his Constitutional Amendment to prohibit the burning of the American flag. He also recognized the sacrifice of American veterans and the symbolic importance of the American flag to freedom and liberty by honoring Flag Day on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Daines issued a report detailing 50 recent offensive acts on the American flag. Read the report HERE. Watch video HERE. Download video HERE. Excerpt from prepared remarks: “Thousands of brave and selfless men and women have given their lives in service to our country. And in

Daines Secures $100 Million to Implement STOP School Violence Act

U.S. SENATE – Today, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2019 (FY19) Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations bill, which includes $100 million to implement the Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Act.  The legislation authorizes Department of Justice grants to states and localities to help schools implement proven, evidence-based programs and technologies that identify and stop school violence before it happens. Daines sponsored the STOP School Violence Act, which was passed into law in March, and secured the $100 million in funding in the FY19 CJS bill. “Parents deserve to know their kids are safe at school,”

Chairman Daines Secures Increased Accountability, Transparency, Security in Congress

U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee, secured increased accountability, transparency and security within Congress. The Subcommittee passed the 2019 Fiscal Year Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, which includes provisions to create an E-file system for U.S. Senate candidates, investments to help meet the Capitol’s security needs, and direct the Congressional Budget Office to be transparent with its studies. “When spending taxpayer money, our government must be transparent and serve as a responsible steward of Americans’ hard-earned dollars,” said Chairman Daines. “This bill will do just that by increasing public access to campaign filings, strengthening

Chairman Daines Secures Bill to Increase Transparency in Senate Campaign Finance Filing System, Save Taxpayer Dollars

Moving Senate candidates to the ‘E-file’ system would save taxpayers nearly $900,000 a year  U.S. SENATE — Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee, secured a bill to require U.S. Senate candidates to electronically file their campaign finance reports. U.S. Senate candidates are currently the only federal candidates that do not use an electronic filing system. Chairman Daines secured the bill in the 2019 Fiscal Year Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, which appropriates funds for the federal candidate filing system. The appropriations bill will now move to the Senate floor for consideration. “America’s campaign finance system

Daines Secures Forest Management Reforms, Priorities for Montana Agriculture and Rural Communities in Farm Bill

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured forest management reforms and priorities for Montana farmers, ranchers and rural communities in the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Farm Bill that passed out of Committee today. Daines is the only representative of Montana on the Committee. Some of the highlights of the bill include funding for agriculture research critical to Montana farmers and ranchers, crop insurance to help mitigate risks for the agriculture community, programs to support the Montana timber industry and provisions that will prioritize broadband for unserved communities. The Farm Bill will now head to the U.S. Senate

Montana Delegation Demands EPA Resolve $4 Million Fine Against Powell County

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte are working to protect Powell County from having to pay a $4 million fine to the U.S. Treasury Department. The government sent Powell County the bill to cover the costs of an oil spill cleanup from 2011, initially totaling $3,172,982.89. At that time, Powell County made clear to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Coast Guard that it was unable to foot a multi-million dollar fine and sought alternate methods of cleaning up the site. The county’s concerns were ignored and now after the additional costs of

Daines Presses Utility Regulators to Preserve Colstrip

Colstrip critical to U.S. energy security and reliability U.S. SENATE — Today, during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines pressed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Neil Chatterjee on the importance of the Colstrip Power Plant to Montana and grid reliability. FERC is an independent agency that regulates the movement of natural gas, oil, and electricity between states. FERC also oversees regulation for natural gas and hydropower projects. Colstrip is critical to ensuring Montanans have access to reliable, affordable energy. It generates enough power for 1.5 million homes. The power plant is a major