Daines, Bipartisan Senate Colleagues Team Up to Protect Job Corps from Closure
U.S. SENATE—Teaming up to protect the country’s Job Corps programs from closure, U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) introduced legislation today to prevent the removal of funds from these critical employment programs. Today the Senators introduced legislation, the Job Corps Protection Act, that blocks the Administration from using federal government funds in 2019 or 2020 to close any Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers in the United States. The bill will also prohibit any federal government agency from making changes to agreements that operate Job Corps facilities—preventing them from privatization. “Montana’s CCC programs help create jobs and support
Daines Secures Nearly $1 Million in EPA Funding for Montana Brownfields Sites
U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced $900,000 will be directed to Montana communities to help fund the cleanup of Brownfields. Daines voted to secure the funding in 2019. “This funding will ensure that our rural communities get the help they need,” Daines said. “From new housing in tribal communities at Fort Belknap, to recreational opportunities in Missoula County, to cleaning up properties containing asbestos and lead-based paint to help with tourism in Browning, this funding will help improve the livelihoods of many in our great state” The grant provides nearly $1 Million through the EPA’s Brownfields Program which provides
Daines, Tester, Gianforte Stand Up for Montana Jobs Corp Conservation Centers
U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Greg Gianforte today wrote a letter urging the Trump administration to stop the closures of Civilian Conservation Centers (CCC) nationally, and to ensure they all remain under the Department of Agriculture (USDA). “[Civilian Conservation Centers] operate in 17 national forests and grasslands across 16 states and aim to train over 4,000 youth and young adults, many of whom are at-risk individuals originating from low-income, rural communities,” the letter states. “Rural development is a core USDA mission, and CCC students provide significant services to rural America…We strongly urge you maintain
Daines Saves Anaconda Job Corps Center from Closing
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines secured President Trump’s decision to keep the Anaconda Job Corps training center open, saving hundreds of Montana jobs. The decision follows Daines’ call with Trump on Saturday, where he stressed that the Anaconda center was one of the top ranked in the country, and must remain open. After speaking with Daines, Trump told him the site would remain open. The Anaconda Jobs Corps training center employs 250 people in southwest Montana. “The Anaconda Job Corps Center is one of the top ranked in the country, employing hundreds in southwest Montana. It provides future generations of young Montanans the tools
Daines Named Most Transparent, Accountable and Innovative in Congress
U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today was recognized as the most transparent, accountable and innovative in congress by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF). “It has always been my priority to bring transparency, accountability and innovation to Washington D.C to better serve the people of Montana,” Daines said. “Before I came to congress, I built a successful business and had tremendous achievements in the private sector. What I learned in business, I took with me to Congress. ” “As a Democracy Award winner, Sen. Daines’office is one of the best in Congress. This designation demonstrates that Sen. Daines has made
Daines Fights for Montana’s Wildland Firefighters
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced The Wildland Firefighter Recognition Act and The Wildland Firefighter Fairness Act. “I have heard the challenges our wildland firefighters face and I am taking action,” Daines said. “The two bills I introduced are aimed at strengthening our preparedness for future wildfires and ensures we are recruiting and retaining the folks who put it all on the line for our safety.” The legislation would direct the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to create a “Wildland Firefighter” job series and would address several technical problems wildland firefighters face. To read The Wildland Firefighter
Daines , Tester Vote to Hang Up on Robocalls
(U.S. Senate) – U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester voted to hang up on robocalls today, helping pass the bipartisan Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act?—also known as the TRACED Act—through the Senate today. “Across Montana, folks are being inundated by illegal robocalls,” Daines said. “It’s long overdue that Montanans are protected from these illegal calls. I’m glad my Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle supported this important legislation. We must crack down on these bad actors and stop this abuse once and for all!” “We’ve got to stop the incessant ring of robocalls,” Tester said. “The TRACED Act will do that by empowering regulators to identify robocalls before
Daines Fights to Remove Barriers for Montana’s Skilled Workers
U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today reintroduced bipartisan legislation to expand the education savings plans to skilled workers. To download video, click HERE. “This legislation will lead to more jobs and higher wages for hardworking Montanans,” Daines said. “Those who want to join an apprenticeship program ought to be given the same opportunities afforded to those who go to traditional colleges and universities.” Under Daines’ legislation, skilled workers enrolled in a registered apprenticeship program would have access to the same tax advantaged savings account that those attending colleges and universities receive under Section 529 of the IRS Code.
Daines, Gianforte Urge Agency to Prevent Crisis at Northern Border
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Greg Gianforte today sent a letter to the acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) opposing cuts in hours of operation at four Montana ports of entry. “Cuts in hours of service should not be implemented and the current hours of service should continue. While we remain willing to work with you on the needs of your service to protect America and resolve the crisis at the southern border, we encourage you to refrain from causing a crisis at the northern border at the same time,” Daines and Gianforte wrote. To download