Press Releases

Daines: “How is This Even Serious?”

Condemns Biden Administration for Policies Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Board Planes Without Valid ID WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference condemning the Biden administration for allowing illegal immigrants to board airplanes without any required personal information. To watch, click HERE. “The American people know that if you head to the airport, you want to jump on a flight here in the United States, you bring a valid form of ID. I always use my Montana driver’s license. I imagine some of you, maybe it’s even happened to you, you show up at

Daines on Fox Business: Biden’s Border Crisis is the Biggest National Security Threat Facing America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined Fox Business’ Cavuto: Coast to Coast to discuss President Biden’s border crisis.  Watch the interview HERE. Daines on Biden’s Anti-Border Security Policies: I think, as you just mentioned, it’s the number one issue for voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. According to a Harvard poll that just came out, it’s the number one issue for voters across our entire country. This is a Joe Biden-created crisis, and it’s just jaw-dropping to see what’s happening. Within hours after President Biden was sworn in, he signed an executive order stopping the wall that President Trump was building, and

Daines Calls Out Biden VA for Disrespecting Montana Veterans

Sends Letter to VA Secretary Following Removal of Honorary Medallions from Veterans’ Headstones U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough following reports that the VA has directed medallions honoring World War II veterans who served in the First Special Service Forces (FSSF) to be removed from headstones in VA cemeteries across Montana. “For years, the Montanans who served in the FSSF and were buried at VA cemeteries in Montana were remembered for their special service with a medallion located on their headstone. However, now, the NCA – citing ‘long

Daines Calls on Biden Administration to Abandon Anti-Small Business Basel III Endgame Proposal

Joins Republican Banking Committee Colleagues in Sending Letter to Biden Administration U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined every Republican on the Senate Banking Committee in continuing their call for financial regulators to withdraw the Basel III Endgame proposal that would raise bank capital requirements. As the public comment period for the proposed rule closed, the members sent a letter to the Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency highlighting the agencies’ continued failure to provide a thorough economic analysis justifying the proposal’s merits and to address concerns on the proposal’s

Daines: Secure the Southern Border, Stem the Flow of Migrants, Reform Asylum Standards

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference calling attention to the severe backlog in the immigration court system that has been caused by President Biden and Senate Democrats’ open border policies. Click HERE to watch the video. “Anyway, many of us have been involved in interviews before. Sometimes the question is ‘Where are you going to be in 10 years?’ That’s a question, you usually or sometimes hear in an interview, but now it’s the question being asked of illegal immigrants who’ve come into this country at the southern border. Hundreds of thousands of

Daines Slams Biden Administration for Allowing Potential Terrorists to Exploit Southern Border 

“If leaders across the world are concerned about our wide-open southern border, why isn’t Joe Biden?” WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today delivered remarks at the weekly Republican Senate Leadership press conference slamming the Biden administration for the wide-open southern border that is being exploited by potential terrorists. To watch Daines’ remarks, click HERE. “In October, I took a trip to the southern border in McAllen, Texas, down at the Ursula processing center, and I was told by border patrol agents that there were three Syrian men have been apprehended the night before. They were there to Ursula processing center. I asked

Daines Congratulates Colonel Renea Dorvall on Promotion to Brigadier General

Dorvall is the first woman in the Montana Army National Guard to serve as a Brigadier General HELENA, MT – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement congratulating Colonel Renea Dorvall on her promotion to Brigadier General in the Montana Army National Guard today. Colonel Dorvall is the first woman to be promoted to this rank and was the first woman to serve as Assistant Adjutant General. “This is a momentous day for Montana and for Colonel Dorvall. Joining the Montana Army National Guard in 1987, Colonel Dorvall has spent decades serving the Treasure State and our nation. She has

Daines Statement on Announcement of Montana Oil and Gas Lease Sale

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today in response to the Biden administration’s announcement that a 30-day public comment period has begun to gather input on 26 oil and gas parcels that may be included in a July 2024 lease sale in Montana and North Dakota. “It’s about time. With only one lease sale in Montana since Biden took office, this administration has been skirting the law to the detriment of Montana communities in order to further their anti-American energy agenda. I’m glad to see the Biden administration finally heed my calls to prioritize domestic energy

Daines Statement on Report that Chinese Spy Balloon Used American Internet Service Provider to Communicate

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today in response to an NBC report that the Chinese spy balloon used an American internet service provider to communicate: “This is outrageous. First the Biden Administration let the Chinese spy balloon float over America unabated hoping the American people wouldn’t notice and now we find out it used American communications infrastructure as a basis for its operational capabilities. The Chinese Communist Party must love the Biden administration’s feckless approach to foreign policy. “It is far past time the administration leveled with the American people about what and how much American-made equipment and services China used