Press Releases

Daines Introduces Bill to Promote Collaboration in Montana Forest Management Projects

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today reintroduced the “Protect Collaboration for Healthier Forests Act” to protect much needed and collaboratively-developed forest management projects that reduce the risk of wildfire in our National Forests from court room obstructionists. “Commonsense forest management projects are too often tied up in lengthy and expensive court room battles by the same fringe environmental groups whose goal is to obstruct these projects, not follow the science or local decisions,” Daines said. “We need to be doing everything we can to support projects that will help us better manage our forests and minimize the risk of devastating wildfires like we’re seeing across Montana right now.” Daines’ bill establishes a pilot

Daines Introduces Bill to Provide Certainty for Montana Farmers, Ranchers

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill to maintain President Trump’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR) and prevent a return to burdensome regulations like those imposed by the Obama-Biden Waters of the U.S. Rule (WOTUS), which threatened Montana farmers and ranchers. “Montana farmers and ranchers are longstanding stewards of our lands and waterways—they shouldn’t be burdened with more bureaucratic red-tape that would allow the federal government to regulate every pond, puddle, or ditch,” Daines said.  Read the bill text HERE. Background: Senator Daines has been a strong supporter of the NWPR and has often spoken out against the far-reaching, burdensome federal regulations imposed by the 2015 Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS). On July 12, Daines sent

Daines Introduces Bill to Audit CDC Mask Guidance

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the “Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act,” which would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) decision making surrounding its reversal on mask guidance for fully vaccinated Americans. “The CDC’s flip flop on mask guidance sends a confusing message to Montanans and the American people, and has not been clearly justified with data,” Daines said. “The CDC needs to improve its communications with the public and stop undermining vaccine confidence.”   Read the bill text HERE. This follows the CDC’s Tuesday announcement of new mask guidance to require

Daines Leads Senate Hearing on Crowding, Record Season at Montana’s National Parks

U.S. SENATE — As the top Republican on the U.S. Senate National Parks Subcommittee, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today led a hearing to examine the effects of increased visitation at Montana’s national parks. Daines invited Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kevin Gartland as a witness to talk about the impact gateway communities like Whitefish are seeing from the boost in tourism. Click HERE to watch and download the Senator’s opening remarks. Download TV elements HERE. “Glacier National Park is one of the Crown Jewels of the park system and a major attraction for tourists around the world who support thousands of jobs and boost the economy for our local communities. Whitefish

Daines Helps Secure Grant for Helena Regional Airport

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that Helena Regional Airport will receive $1,004,743.00 from the U.S. Department of Transportation to help with airport improvements and the creation of an incentive package for attracting a direct service route to Phoenix. “I’m glad to see the Helena Regional Airport receive the resources they need to continue their expansion, meet the traveling needs of Montanans, and to help support Montana jobs, economy and tourism sector.” Daines said. In January, Daines wrote a letter in support of Helena Regional Airport to receive Small Community Air Service Development grant funds.  ###  Contact: Katherine McKeogh, Katie Schoettler

Daines, Tester, Rosendale Push for Drought Relief, Assistance for Montana Farmers & Ranchers

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester and Congressman Matt Rosendale today continued their push for drought relief for Montana farmers and ranchers. Daines, Tester and Rosendale are teaming up to urge USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to provide additional drought relief and flexibilities for Montana agriculture producers located in counties that were not covered by drought designations or federal assistance programs. “Unfortunately, many of the producers who suffered the greatest heat-related losses were either located in counties not covered by the drought designations, experienced losses not covered by drought assistance programs, or both,” the letter states. “Due to the severity of the situation, we believe that additional federal assistance

Daines Continues Push for Secretary Haaland to Listen to the Science, Delist & Return Management of the Grizzly Bear Back to Montana

U.S. SENATE — At a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing, U.S. Senator Steve Daines urged Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to listen to the science of her own agency officials, delist the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE), and return management back to the state of Montana. Click HERE to watch and download the exchange. “While these two recovered populations languish on the Endangered Species list, conflicts with grizzlies are on the rise—Montana has seen two tragic fatalities already this year,” Daines said. “Montana has a proven track record of conserving recovered predators and is more than ready to assume responsibility of managing the grizzly bear.

Daines Introduces Bill to Support Yellowstone Airport & Sidney-Richland Airport, Support Montana Jobs

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced legislation to support Yellowstone Airport and Sidney-Richland Airport to benefit Montana jobs, tourism sector and the economy. “Airports across the country experienced reduced flights and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local airports should not be penalized for this,” Daines said. “As Montana tourism continues to recover from the pandemic, we must support local jobs and protect funding for Montana airports.” Department of Transportation funding for Sidney-Richland Airport and Yellowstone Airport, which are currently planning or undertaking numerous expansion projects, are being threatened due to the reduction in flights caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The reduced number of flights in

Daines Continues Work to Pass Forest Management Reform to Prevent Deadly Wildfires in Montana

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation that would increase active forest management to prevent deadly wildfires in Montana. This legislation is in addition to several other forest management and wildfire prevention measures Daines is working to get signed into law. “Montana is battling yet another catastrophic wildfire season. We must do everything we can to manage our forests to reduce the risk of severe wildfires and protect Montana families and communities from the deadly flames,” Daines said. “This bill would allow Governors to work with the Forest Service on prioritizing areas at the highest risk of wildfire and expediting treatment to reduce this risk. The ‘FIRESHEDS Act’ responds to the crisis