
Daines, Hunter Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Allow Military to Carry at Recruitment Centers

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) today introduced legislation to allow military officers the ability to carry weapons at military recruitment centers. The Securing Military Personnel Response Firearm Initiative (SEMPER FI) Act, which was introduced today in the Senate and the House, allows the military to authorize recruiters to be armed when they’re at recruitment centers or allows them to improve structural security at recruitment centers. The bill also limits the carrying of a sidearm to officers and non-commissioned officers.  In February 1992, the Department of Defense (DoD) issued Directive 5210.56, which stated that

The Hill: Lawmakers introduce ‘SEMPER FI’ bill to arm troops at recruitment centers

Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Marine veteran Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) introduced a bill Tuesday that would give troops the ability to carry weapons at military recruitment centers, following fatal attacks on service members last week in Chattanooga, Tenn. The bill is called the Securing Military Personnel Response Firearm Initiative Act, or “SEMPER FI” — a shortened version of the Latin phrase for “Always Faithful,” the motto of the Marine Corps.  It would allow military officers, including non-commissioned officers, to be armed when at recruitment centers, or to improve structural security at the centers.  “The fastest way to stop a

CNN: Congressmen push for arming troops at military recruiting stations

Washington (CNN) — Lawmakers in Washington are moving quickly on legislation to allow trained members of the military to carry guns on bases and recruiting centers, but Pentagon officials and military commanders are exploring whether the possible legal change could raise additional security concerns. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California and Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, both Republicans, introduced a bill Tuesday that allows the military to authorize those who work at recruiting centers to be armed and permits security enhancements at those facilities. On Monday, Democrats and Republicans from Tennessee introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that would lift a

Daines Introduces Legislation to Increase Transparency in Regulatory Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today introduced legislation to provide oversight in the federal regulatory structure by creating much needed transparency for the American people. Daines’ bill, the Regulatory Impact Scale on the Economy Small Business Act of 2015 (RISE Act), would provide the federal government with a proper framework to effectively monitor regulatory activity.  The bill brings essential accountability and transparency to the federal regulatory process, which currently lacks a codified, standardized means to measure economic impact. “Too often the federal government keeps the public in the dark when issuing regulations that have the potential to create billions

Daines Statement on the UN Security Council Iran Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the United Nations (UN) Security Council voted unanimously to approve the P5+1 deal with Iran, the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism: “The President taking the deal with Iran to the United Nations before Congress even had its first full day to review the deal is an affront to the American people. The UN’s vote will not corner Congress into rubberstamping a bad deal. The actions taken by the President make clear that he is more concerned with his legacy than ensuring the safety of the American people. This

KGVO: Montana Senator Daines Calls UN Approval of Iran Deal an “Affront to the American People”

Montana Senator Steve Daines is voicing opposition to the Iran nuclear deal between the U.S., Iran, and five other countries after the UN unanimously approved it today, July 20. Daines chastised the president for taking the deal to the United Nations before debates in congress had had time to develop. “The President taking the deal with Iran to the United Nations before Congress even had its first full day to review the deal is an affront to the American people,” Daines said. “The UN’s vote will not corner Congress into rubberstamping a bad deal. The actions taken by the President make

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Shayne Pierre of Polson

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today recognized Shayne Pierre of Polson, Montana for his exceptional heroism.  This past May, Shayne acted heroically when a drunk driver collided with a school bus. He helped save the entire bus and attended to the driver, despite sustaining injuries himself. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of

Daily Inter Lake: Sen. Daines honors Polson student as ‘Montanan of the Week’

Sen. Steve Daines on Friday recognized Shayne Pierre of Polson as “Montanan of the Week” for his exceptional heroism during a traffic accident in May. Pierre, 15, helped save 10 fellow students when a drunk driver collided with their school bus. Although Pierre was injured in the crash, he had started attending to the driver when he noticed a fuel leak and quickly got the students off the bus. As part of his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines submits a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. “Shayne’s quick

ABC FOX Montana: Senator Daines Talks Montana’s Business Climate

BOZEMAN – Senator Steve Daines attended the Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club meeting Friday morning to talk about Montana’s business climate, ways to improve the economy and job creation. Wake Up Montana’s Nina Sveinson caught up with Senator Daines before the meeting.