
Missoulian: Missoula remembers fallen servicemembers at 11 Memorial Day events

“We’re very proud, very blessed to have such a strong legacy of service in our state,” Senator Steve Daines told the crowd in front of him. Small flags had been planted into the ground in front of each headstone at the Western Montana State Veterans Cemetery, where Daines spoke at one of 11 different Memorial Day events held in Missoula on Monday. Along the pathway through the cemetery was an avenue of more flags, part of a senior project by Aleesha Aasved while she was a student at Hellgate High School. Starting in 2013, Aasved raised more than $5,000 to

Daines Fights for Montana Veterans’ Priorities in Senate Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today helped secure important reforms that increase Montana veterans’ access to health care services and ensure that all Montana veterans are treated with the utmost care and respect in both life and death. Daines successfully worked to include language addressing several of Montana veterans’ long-standing concerns in the FY 2016 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which was marked up and approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon. “Our nation’s heroes should have easy access to the resources, services and medical care they need and deserve,” Daines stated. “I’m glad

Daines Honors Montanan of the Week: Deborah Blong of Missoula

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today commended Debroah Blong of Missoula, Montana, who was recently recognized as the recipient of the American Network of Community Options and Resources 2015 Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year Award for the state of Montana. Through his “Montanan of the Week” initiative, Daines each week will highlight a Montanan by submitting a statement of recognition in the official Congressional Record, the document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. Daines’ recognition in the Congressional Record is available here. Daines welcomes anyone to nominate fellow Montanans for Daines’ “Montanan of the Week” program

Daines Secures Vital Reforms to Ensure On-Time Federal Grain Inspections for Montana Farmers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has secured key reforms to the United States Grain Standards Act to ensure Montana farmers are protected from disruptions in federally mandated grain inspections, like what occurred last summer at the Port of Vancouver. The Senate Agriculture Committee today passed the United States Grain Standards Act Reauthorization Act of 2015, which contains provisions authored by Daines to maintain continuous required grain inspection for farmers, ranchers and producers. The legislation was passed with a strong bipartisan vote, clearing the way for full Senate consideration. “Montana farmers and ranchers deserve certainty that

ABC FOX: Sen. Daines Calls on NSA to Stop Obtaining Phone Records

Montana’s newest senator is calling out the National Security Administration for collecting phone records.  Along with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Senator Steve Daines is calling on the NSA to end its ‘bulk meta-data collection program’. Under this program, millions of Americans’ phone records are obtained and stored by the NSA for intelligence purposes. It’s part of the Patriot Act, which congress is currently debating whether to reauthorize.  Senator Daines says he has had his doubts with the program and questions its effectiveness. “This program is a direct threat to our constitutional rights. It has jeopardized our civil liberties with little

Daines ‘Stands with Rand’ in Opposition to NSA Bulk Collection of Montanans’ Phone Records

Senator Steve Daines today stood alongside Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and called for the end of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) bulk meta-data collection program. Below are key excerpts from Daines’ floor speech: “I know firsthand the power that big data holds – I also know the great risks that arise when this power is abused. There is a clear and direct threat to Americans’ civil liberties that comes with the mass collection of our personal information and phone records. “This program is a direct threat to our Constitutional rights. It has jeopardized our civil liberties with little proven effectiveness.

Daines Partners with Google to Bring Small Business Workshops to Bozeman, Billings

Senator Steve Daines today announced that representatives from Google will host free tech workshops for Montana small business owners in Bozeman on Thursday, May 28 and Billings on Friday, May 29. Daines’ workshops are part of Google’s Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map small business events. Google experts will help small business owners create their own websites, courtesy of StartLogic. Businesses receive a customized domain name, free web hosting for one year, a local business listing on Google Maps, free tools, training and resources. Google experts are on hand to train the business owners on how to reach more

Daines’ Bills to Expand Montana Hydropower Receive First Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines bills to ensure the completion of two hydroelectric facilities in Montana received their first Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing today. Daines’ bills provide for the reinstatement and three-year extension of a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license for Clark Canyon Dam Hydro Project in Dillon, Montana and a six-year extension of the FERC license for the Gibson Dam Hydro Project near Augusta, Montana. “Hydropower is an important aspect of an all-of-the-above energy mix,” Daines stated. “These two pieces of legislation will allow construction of two important Montana hydro projects.” Daines is a

KMMS: Daines Introduces Bill to Roll Back EPA Regs Read More: Daines Introduces Bill to Roll Back EPA Regs

Senator Steve Daines recently joined a bipartisan group of senators to introduce legislation that ensures Montanans have access to affordable energy and protects good-paying coal jobs. “The Obama administration’s war on American energy is a war on American families and a war on American jobs,” Daines stated. “This commonsense, bipartisan legislation will protect good-paying union jobs, our tribes’ ability to develop their energy resources and Montana families’ access to affordable and reliable energy from the EPA’s misguided, one-size-fits-none regulations.” The Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act (ARENA): Prevents mandates for unproven technology: Before EPA can set a technology-based standard for new