Daines Rallies Senators in Support of LWCF Reauthorization
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today led a coalition of Senators in support of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), an important tool for increasing public access to public lands, on the Senate floor. Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Susan Collins (R-ME) and Richard Burr (R-NC) joined Daines on the Senate floor to urge their House and Senate colleagues to reauthorize LWCF and not allow authorization to lapse. “We’re not going to let this conversation die. We’re going to continue to fight for the permanent reauthorization of LWCF. It is a tool for public access to ensure that Montanans
Daines Applauds Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the overwhelming bipartisan passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which provides critical support for the nation’s military and national security. “Montana is playing a critical role in meeting our nation’s security and military needs and this bill provides the support our men and women in uniform need to carry out their missions,” Daines stated. “The NDAA prioritizes the needs of our service members, while protecting the important role that Montana holds in our national defense. I urge President Obama to drop his veto threat and stand with Congress, the American people and our troops
Daines Votes to Keep the Federal Government Funded
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after voting for the second time to keep the government funded through December 11, 2015: “Like all Montanans, I know how important it is to keep our government running. While I’m glad the Senate was able to find agreement and ensure the government remains funded, I am disappointed that this bill failed to address several critical issues, including permanently reauthorizing LWCF and directing funding away from Planned Parenthood. I will continue pressing my colleagues to permanently reauthorize LWCF and redirect funding away from scandal-plagued Planned Parenthood to more accessible community health centers.”
Daines Continues to Investigate Pipeline Safety
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Senator Steve Daines today continued his work to increase the safety of the United States’ vast pipeline network and underscored the importance of timely inspection responses from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). During a Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security hearing entitled “Pipeline Safety: Oversight of Our Nation’s Pipeline Network,” Daines today reaffirmed the challenges facing the management of Montana’s pipeline network – concerns emphasized during a field hearing held by Daines earlier this month in Billings, Montana. “At the field hearing, PHMSA’s Administrator testified and was able to
Daines Announces Renewal of Cape Air Service for Montana Airports
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today announced that Cape Air has been re-approved as the Essential Air Service (EAS) provider for airports in Glasgow, Glendive, Havre, Sidney and Wolf Point. “Cape Air provides Montana’s community airports in Glasgow, Glendive, Havre, Sidney and Wolf Point with critical transportation services. It has proven to be a reliable and badly needed service for a number of Montana’s rural communities,” Daines stated. “As a commuter air carrier, Cape Air makes it easier to do business and travel in eastern Montana. I’m pleased by the Department of Transportation’s excellent decision to renew Cape Air as the Essential Air Service provider
Daines Announces Over $350,000 for Montana State University – Northern
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today announced $350,388.00 in funding for the Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions (NASNTI) program at Montana State University (MSU) – Northern in Havre. The NASNTI program provides grants and related assistance to Native American-serving, nontribal institutions to enable such institutions to improve and expand their capacity to serve Native Americans and low-income individuals. “Montana State University – Northern plays an important role in providing a quality education every year for hundreds of Montanans, including many Native American students,” Daines stated. “Access to quality education and training services is critical for our students’ futures. I’m excited that Montana State
Daines Calls on Senate Veterans Affairs Committee To Help Blue Water Vietnam Veterans
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today called on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee to pass his legislation to ensure that Blue Water Navy veterans who are victims of Agent Orange-related diseases receive the care and compensation they have long deserved. During today’s Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on “Examining the Impact of Exposure to Toxic Chemicals on Veterans and the VA’s Response,” Daines testified on the importance of reversing a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) decision that cut benefits for Vietnam-era Navy veterans, known as “Blue Water” vets, who were exposed to the powerful toxin Agent Orange. “As the son of a
Billings Gazette: Congress Responds to Grain Shipping Meltdown with New Law
In response to a grain shipment meltdown that bottled up Montana wheat last summer, Congress passed a law Monday forcing the U.S. Department of Agriculture to intervene when port grain inspections fail. House lawmakers approved the Grain Standards Reauthorization Act on Monday. Tucked away in the bill was an amendment by U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., requiring the USDA to intervene immediately when port grain inspections stop, as they did at the United Grain terminal in Washington during union protests in 2014. The Senate last week passed the bill, which now heads to President Barack Obama. Grain inspectors employed by
Daines Statement on Passing of Former Montana Supreme Court Chief Justice Jean Turnage
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the passing of former Montana Supreme Court Chief Justice Jean Turnage: “Chief Justice Turnage was a true public servant who always put Montana and this nation first. As a World War II veteran, a state legislator and Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court, he exemplified Montana’s strong legacy of service. Cindy and I are keeping the Turnage family in our thoughts and prayers during this time.” ###