
Billings Gazette: State gets $2.3 million in additional PILT money

WASHINGTON — The Department of Interior has allocated nearly $2.3 million in additional Payment in Lieu of Taxes funds to rural Montana counties. Nationwide, nearly $34.5 million in additional PILT funds were issued last week by the department. “These payments are welcome news for numerous Montana communities who have suffered from severe economic challenges due to declining timber harvests and natural resource production,” Sen. Steve Daines said in a news release. “The PILT program provides critical support for Montana’s rural and forested counties.” The new payments boost the 2015 total to more than $29 million paid to Montana counties due

Daines Applauds Senate Passage of Legislation Stopping WOTUS Rule

Reaffirms Commitment to Stopping Obama Administration Overreach WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the bipartisan Senate passage of legislation nullifying the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greatly expanded Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and reaffirmed his commitment to stopping the Obama administration’s overreach through any means possible.  “Today a bipartisan Senate spoke loud and clear: President Obama’s Waters of the United States power grab is unacceptable and infringes on the rights of our farmers, ranchers and landowners,” Daines stated. “But the fight to protect Americans from the Obama administration’s extreme overreach isn’t over. I’m thankful that 31 states, including Montana,

Daines: Montana Counties Set to Receive $2.3 Million in Additional PILT Payments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today announced that the Department of Interior has allocated nearly $2.3 million in additional Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funds to Montana rural counties. The Department of Interior has issued nationwide an additional $34,484,000 in payments under the 2015 PILT program. The funds have been made available as a result of a technical fix Daines fought for in the Continuing Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015 passed on September 30, 2015.  “These payments are welcome news for numerous Montana communities who have suffered from severe economic challenges due to declining timber harvests and natural

Daines Slams Senate Democrats’ Failure to Protect Americans from Obama Administration WOTUS Power Grab

Senator Steve Daines today slammed Senate Democrats after all but four members of the Democrat caucus blocked legislation that would have directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a revised Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule: “Today the Senate came just a few votes shy of passing legislation to protect our farmers, ranchers and small business owners from major new costs and regulatory burdens. I appreciate the bipartisan support demonstrated today by four key Senate Democrats and am disappointed that others chose instead to put President Obama’s agenda ahead of doing what’s right. Montanans know that this power

Billings Gazette: Montana peas and lentils flowing into India again

Montana peas and lentils are flowing freely into India again after being bottled up by trade politics. Columbia Grain reports that storage limits imposed by India officials Oct. 18, have been lifted, enabling warehouses to again stockpile peas, lentils and chickpeas, collectively referred to as pulse crops. Montana is the nation’s largest producer of pulse crops, with nearly 700,000 acres planted and more than $140 million a year sold. India last month abruptly limited pulse crop storage to 350 metric tons, or 10 farm truck loads. It then proceeded to confiscate warehouse surplus. Pulse crop insiders said that drought wiped

Montana Congressional Delegation Secures Reversal of India Restrictions on Pulse Exports

Following pressure from Montana Senator Steve Daines, Senator Jon Tester and Congressman Ryan Zinke, India has reversed its regulatory restrictions on pulse crop stock limits – clearing the way for exports of Montana pulse crops to India to resume. India’s policy reversal follows a letter sent last week by the Montana delegation urging the resolution of issues surrounding India’s recent regulatory changes that would have negatively affected Montana pulse producers’ ability to export peas, lentils and chickpeas to Indian markets. “The Indian government’s reversal of these regulatory restrictions is welcome news for Montana pulse farmers whose livelihoods depend on reliable

Daines Statement on TransCanada Suspension of Keystone XL Application

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his disappointment following TransCanada’s decision to suspend their application to build the commonsense Keystone XL pipeline: “The Obama administration has waged a full on assault on American energy independence that has resulted in TransCanada’s decision to suspend its application to build the commonsense Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline would have created new opportunities for good-paying jobs, helped advance American energy independence and lowered American energy prices. While this suspension is bad news, it is not the end of the line – I will keep fighting for this shovel-ready project that has the overwhelming

Havre Daily News: Havre couple honored by Daines

A Havre couple who served in the Montana Army National Guard have been honored by Sen. Steve Daines for “their dedicated service to Montana and the nation.” Sgt. Michaela Boushey and SSG Shayne Boushey of Havre will be honored at a Big Hearts under the Big Sky Banquet as the Montanans of the Week. Michaela Boushey served in the Montana Army National Guard for eight years, including four years in the 112th Security and Support Detachment Aviation Unit.  Shayne Boushey has completed deployments with both the Infantry Battalion and the Military Police Company.  Daines, R-Mont., said that during his deployment

Great Falls Tribune: Chips down in Chester mayoral race

The battle for the mayor of Chester has come down to crunch time. The small burg on Highway 2 has become the epicenter of an epic political battle between Cheetos pitchman Chester Cheetah and incumbent Noel Walston as they vie for the reins of the city with Election Day just around the corner. Neither candidate has been shy about throwing mud the other’s way. “What is Chester Cheetah trying to hide, and why is he always wearing sunglasses?” asks one of Walston’s campaign ads. “What was he doing in that hotel? Isn’t he just a corporate puppet?” And then the