
Montana Standard: Area Businessmen Panelists at Daines’ Tech Summit at MSU

Businessmen from Butte and Dillon will serve as panelists at the first biannual Montana High Tech Jobs Summit Monday, Sept. 14, at Montana State University-Bozeman. They are: Larry Farrar of Butte, who founded Resodyn Corporation in 1994, Resodyn Acoustic Mixers in 2007, Resodyn Engineered Polymeric in 2011, and Resodyn Europe (a French company) in 2015. He will be part of a discussion called “Investing in Future Technology and Entrepreneurship.” Travis Cottom of Dillon, vice president of business development and solutions at Helix Business Solutions. The panel discussion is titled “Big Sky Innovation: How Technology Removes Geography as a Constraint.” Greg

Daines Statement on 9/11 Anniversary

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in remembrance of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States: “Today, I join my fellow Montanans in pausing to remember and honor those who lost their lives in the September 11 terrorist attacks. We continue to honor the heroism and bravery of the first responders, firefighters, law enforcement officials and civilians who worked to save the lives of others. “We also pause to honor the memory of the four Americans lost in the terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.  May we always remember Ambassador Christopher

Daines: Americans Deserve an Up or Down Vote on the Iran Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today slammed Senate Democrats for blocking an up or down vote on the President’s deal with Iran:  “The American people deserve to have an up or down vote on one of the most consequential issues facing our nation. Senate Democrats are blocking the voice of the American people by failing to allow a vote on the President’s deal with Iran.  “Let us not forget that just a few short months ago, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed the Senate on a bipartisan vote of 98-1. Today’s vote proves that Democrats are once again bowing to the

Daines: Iran Deal Will Not Prevent Iran From Obtaining a Nuclear Weapon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today took to the Senate floor to blast President Obama’s deal with Iran and underscored the serious security concerns the deal has for Israel, the United States and the world. Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. Click here to download Daines’ remarks.  Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this morning: “If Iran’s ultimate goal is to obtain a nuclear weapon, the deal reached by the Obama administration sets Iran on a course to do so.  “From the time this deal is agreed to, Iran has ten years to fill their coffers with tens of billions of dollars from newly unsanctioned oil sales and

Daily Inter Lake: Investment Boosts Tech Firm Goal With Flathead Investor

With major help from a Northwest Montana investment fund, IgniteFeedback of Bozeman has raised more than $300,000 toward its startup goal. “We’re a pretty new company. We incorporated in February and we’ve been fundraising the last couple of months,” Chief Executive Officer Ben Werner said. “The money is in the bank and we’re moving into execution mode.”   Already a Print Subscriber?                None of these apply to you?Back IgniteFeedback is a cloud software company that provides short surveys and scorecards of online customer experience. Its customers are online companies that could benefit from understanding their consumers or if there’s anything

Newsmax: GOP Sen. Daines: Iran Deal Fight Similar to Obamacare

The battle over the Iran nuclear deal in Congress is much like the fight over  Obamacare in 2010, Sen. Steve Daines told Newsmax TV on  Tuesday. “This has become only partisan in the support for the  agreement,” the first-term Montana Republican told “Newsmax Prime” host J.D.  Hayworth. “There’s no bipartisan support for this agreement.“This is a  little like Obamacare, where it became only the Democrats on one side — but  there were Democrats and Republicans opposed to Obamacare.” Daines noted that many top Democrats, including  influential New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, opposed the deal that would release as  much as

Daines: VA Incompetence Hurting America’s Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his deep concerns regarding the latest report from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of the Inspector General: “This report paints a disturbing pattern of incompetence at the Department of the Veterans Affairs. It is unconscionable that our nation’s veterans have not been able to effectively access the health care that was promised to them. The level of this failure should outrage every American, and it’s incomprehensible that the VA’s haphazard record keeping system and crippling bureaucracy hides the true scope of this issue. Our veterans deserve the utmost care and respect and yet the

Bound 4 Life: Senator Steve Daines Reveals the Pro-Life Agenda Ahead: “This is Ground That We Can Fight On and Win”

It’s a life change few would consider. After decades in the corporate world, including for an innovative technology company, Steve Daines of Bozeman, Montana ran for Congress in 2012. Only two years later, he upped the ante last November and contended for the seat of a popular retiring U.S. Senator… winning by a landslide. What drives this family man, a fifth generation Montanan, to serve in Washington, DC – over 2,000 miles from his home? In an exclusive interview, Daines shares what inspired him to enter public office and how his faith guides him to prioritize policy issues. Bound4LIFE: Senator

Char-Koosta News: Salish Kootenai College Awarded New Grants

PABLO — Salish Kootenai College will receive $2.3 million from the U.S. Department of Education as part of more than $50.4 million in new grants to support American Indian Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities in a dozen states. Tribal colleges in Montana received $10.2 million. Under the Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities Program, the formula-based grants will help eligible higher education institutions increase their self-sufficiency by providing funds to strengthen their academic quality, management and overall fiscal stability. “Tribal institutions serve a valuable role for American Indian students,” said William Mendoza, executive director, White House Initiative on American Indian and